Brett Hartman
Brett Hartman
UC Santa Barbara, GANDA/Klienfelder
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Elevation, substrate, and the potential for climate-induced tree migration in the White Mountains, New Hampshire, USA
TD Lee, JP Barrett, B Hartman
Forest ecology and management 212 (1-3), 75-91, 2005
The effects of check dams and other erosion control structures on the restoration of Andean bofedal ecosystems
BD Hartman, B Bookhagen, OA Chadwick
Restoration Ecology 24 (6), 761-772, 2016
The socioeconomic factors that facilitate or constrain restoration management: Watershed rehabilitation and wet meadow (bofedal) restoration in the Bolivian Andes
BD Hartman, DA Cleveland
Journal of environmental management 209, 93-104, 2018
Linking changes in knowledge and attitudes with successful land restoration in indigenous communities
BD Hartman, DA Cleveland, OA Chadwick
Restoration Ecology 24 (6), 749-760, 2016
Regeneration and expansion of Quercus tomentella (island oak) groves on Santa Rosa Island
J Woolsey, C Hanna, K McEachern, S Anderson, BD Hartman
Western North American Naturalist 78 (5), 758-767, 2018
Sociocultural constraints to land management decisions: the case of bofedal restoration in Bolivia
BD Hartman
Tropical Resources Insitute, 1996
The influence of slope on vegetation recovery following nonnative grazer removal on Santa Rosa Island, California
R Summers, J Masukawa, BD Hartman
Western North American Naturalist 78 (4), 787–798, 2018
The influence of social factors on land restoration in rural development settings: watershed rehabilitation and wet meadow (bofedal) restoration in the Bolivian Andes
BD Hartman
PhD Dissertation, UC Santa Barbara, 2014
Watershed Rehabilitation, Bofedal Restoration, and Increased Greenness in a Tropical Montane Area
BD Hartmana, OA Chadwicka, C D’antonio, B Bookhagen
25 Years of Vegetation Change on Santa Rosa Island
R Summers, B Hartman
Landscape modeling of the potential natural vegetation of Santa Catalina Island, California............................. Travis Longcore, Nina Noujdina, and Peter J. Dixon 617 …
J Wagner, M Martin, R Philbrick, IS Vanderplank, J Rebman, E Ezcurra, ...
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