Zailani Khuzaimah
Zailani Khuzaimah
Doctor of Philosophy in Spatial Information Engineering
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Impact assessment of land cover changes on the runoff changes on the extreme flood events in the Kelantan River basin
N Saadatkhah, MH Tehrani, S Mansor, Z Khuzaimah, A Kassim, ...
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 9 (17), 687, 2016
High-Resolution Lidar-Derived DEM for Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Using AHP and Fuzzy Logic in Serdang, Malaysia
J Okoli, H Nahazanan, F Nahas, B Kalantar, HZM Shafri, Z Khuzaimah
Geosciences 13 (2), 34, 2023
Application and potential of drone technology in oil palm plantation: Potential and limitations
Z Khuzaimah, NM Nawi, SN Adam, B Kalantar, OJ Emeka, N Ueda
Journal of Sensors 2022 (1), 5385505, 2022
Land use change effects on extreme flood in the Kelantan Basin using hydrological model
A Asmat, S Mansor, N Saadatkhah, NA Adnan, Z Khuzaimah
ISFRAM 2015: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Flood Research …, 2016
Land cover mapping using remote sensing data
J Al-Doski, SB Mansor, H Ng, P San, Z Khuzaimah
Am. J. Geogr. Inf. Syst 2020, 33-45, 2020
Mangrove changes analysis by remote sensing and evaluation of ecosystem service value in Sungai Merbok’s mangrove forest reserve, Peninsular Malaysia
Z Khuzaimah, MH Ismail, S Mansor
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2013: 13th International …, 2013
Evaluation of the effect of hydroseeded vegetation for slope reinforcement
OJ Emeka, H Nahazanan, B Kalantar, Z Khuzaimah, OS Sani
Land 10 (10), 995, 2021
Automated building detection from airborne LiDAR and very high-resolution aerial imagery with deep neural network
SS Ojogbane, S Mansor, B Kalantar, ZB Khuzaimah, HZM Shafri, N Ueda
Remote Sensing 13 (23), 4803, 2021
Improved land cover mapping using landsat 8 thermal imagery
J Al-Doski, SB Mansor, Z Khuzaimah
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 540 (1), 012022, 2020
Regional modelling of rainfall-induced runoff using hydrological model by incorporating plant cover effects: case study in Kelantan, Malaysia
S Mansor, N Saadatkhah, Z Khuzaimah, A Asmat, NA Adnan, SN Adam
Natural hazards 93, 739-764, 2018
Modelling mean albedo of individual roofs in complex urban areas using satellite images and airborne laser scanning point clouds
B Kalantar, S Mansor, Z Khuzaimah, M Ibrahim Sameen, B Pradhan
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2017
Landslide susceptibility analysis using an artificial neural network
S Mansor, B Pradhan, M Daud, N Jamaludin, Z Khuzaimah, M Ehlers, ...
Proceedings of SPIE 6749, 1-7, 2007
Landslide susceptibility analysis using an artificial neural network model
S Mansor, B Pradhan, M Daud, N Jamaludin, Z Khuzaimah
Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, GIS Applications, and Geology …, 2007
SCS+ C Topographic Correction to Enhance SVM Classification Accuracy
ALD Jwan, SB Mansor, Z Khuzaimah
Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Physics, 32-37, 2020
Lighter-than-air (Lta) unmanned aerial system (Uas) carrier concept for survaillance and disaster management
ASM Harithuddin, MF Sedan, SAM Ali, S Mansor, HR Jifroudi, SN Adam, ...
Seminar Nasional Geomatika 3, 1255-1264, 2019
Impact of land cover change on the environmental hydrology characteristics in Kelantan river basin, Malaysia
N Saadatkhah, S Mansor, Z Khuzaimah, A Asmat, N Adnan, SN Adam
Remote Sensing and Modeling of Ecosystems for Sustainability XIII 9975, 40-51, 2016
Evaluation of the Effect of Hydroseeded Vegetation for Slope Reinforcement. Land 2021, 10, 995
OJ Emeka, H Nahazanan, B Kalantar, Z Khuzaimah, OS Sani
s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published …, 2021
Land Use Sensitivity Map for Impact of Land Management on Extreme Flood Events at the Northeast Coast of Peninsular (Malaysia)
N Saadatkhah, J Rahnamarad, S Mansor, Z Khuzaimah, A Asmat, ...
Recent Advances in Geo-Environmental Engineering, Geomechanics and …, 2019
Land use change analysis with relation to the ecosystem service value in singai merbok fprest reserve
Z Khuzaimah, S Mansor, H Ismail
Comparison of land cover methods incorporating landsat-8 imaging and ancillary data
J Al-Doski, SB Mansor, Z Khuzaimah
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