(monograph) Den gemensamma utvecklingen: Staten, storföretaget och samarbetet kring den svenska elkrafttekniken M Fridlund Brutus Östlings Bokförlag Symposion, 1999 | 106* | 1999 |
Buckets, bollards and bombs: towards subject histories of technologies and terrors M Fridlund History and Technology 27 (4), 391-416, 2011 | 34 | 2011 |
(anthology) Digital Histories: Emergent Approaches within the New Digital History M Fridlund, M Oiva, P Paju Helsinki University Press, 2020 | 32* | 2020 |
Historizing topic models: A distant reading of topic modeling texts within historical studies R Brauer, M Fridlund Cultural Research in the Context of "Digital Humanities”: Proceedings of …, 2013 | 29 | 2013 |
Switching relations and trajectories: the development procurement of the Swedish AXE switching technology M Fridlund Public technology procurement and innovation, ed. Charles Edquist, Leif …, 2000 | 26* | 2000 |
The 'development pair' as a link between systems growth and industrial innovation: co-operation between the Swedish State Power Board and the ASEA company M Fridlund TRITA-HST Working Papers 93 (9), 1993 | 24* | 1993 |
Terrorism and political violence in the Nordic countries L Malkki, M Fridlund, D Sallamaa Terrorism and Political Violence 30 (5), 761-771, 2018 | 22 | 2018 |
Digital History 1.5: A Middle Way between Normal and Paradigmatic Digital Historical Research M Fridlund Digital Histories: Emergent Approaches within the New Digital History, eds …, 2020 | 17 | 2020 |
A Multimodal Digital Humanities Study of Terrorism in Swedish Politics: An Interdisciplinary Mixed Methods Project on the Configuration of Terrorism in Parliamentary Debates … J Edlund, D Brodén, M Fridlund, C Lindhé, LJ Olsson, MP Ängsal, ... Intelligent Systems and Applications: Proceedings of the 2021 Intelligent …, 2022 | 15 | 2022 |
The Second Battle of the Currents: A Comparative Study of Engineering Nationalism in German and Swedish Electric Power, 1921-1961 M Fridlund, H Maier TRITA-HST Working Papers 96 (2), 1996 | 15* | 1996 |
(anthology) Universitetets värden: bidrag till den forskningspolitiska debatten M Fridlund, U Sandström SNS - Studieförbundet Näringsliv och Samhälle, 2000 | 14* | 2000 |
Shaping the tools of competitive power: government technology procurement in the making of the HVDC technology M Fridlund Tema, Univ., 1998 | 13 | 1998 |
Producing products and power: developing international competitivness in Swedish electrotechnology and electric power M Fridlund Public technology procurement and innovation, ed. Charles Edquist, Leif …, 2000 | 12 | 2000 |
De nationalistiska systemen: konstruktion av teknik och svenskhet kring sekelskiftet 1900 M Fridlund Den konstruerade världen: Tekniska system i historiskt perspektiv, ed. Pär …, 1998 | 11 | 1998 |
Trawling the Gulf of Bothnia of News: A Big Data Analysis of the Emergence of Terrorism in Swedish and Finnish Newspapers, 1780–1926 M Fridlund, LJ Olsson, D Brodén, L Borin Proceedings of CLARIN Annual Conference 2020, Costanza Navarretta & Maria …, 2020 | 9* | 2020 |
Linguistic framing of political terror: Distant and close readings of the discourse on terrorism in the Swedish parliament 1993–2018 MP Ängsal, D Brodén, M Fridlund, LJ Olsson, P Öhberg CLARIN Annual Conference Proceedings, 69-72, 2022 | 8 | 2022 |
Trawling and trolling for terrorists in the digital Gulf of Bothnia: Cross-lingual text mining for the emergence of terrorism in Swedish and Finnish newspapers, 1780–1926 M Fridlund, D Brodén, T Jauhiainen, L Malkki, LJ Olsson, L Borin CLARIN: The infrastructure for language resources, 781–802, 2022 | 8 | 2022 |
Switching Relations: The Government Development Procurement of a Swedish Computerized Electronic Telephone Switching Technology M Fridlund ISE: Innovation systems and European integration [CD-ROM], 1998 | 8 | 1998 |
"En specifik svensk virtuoskonst": empiriska och teoretiska perspektiv på utvecklingsparet Asea-Vattenfalls historia M Fridlund Polhem: Tidskrift för teknikhistoria 12, 106-131, 1994 | 8 | 1994 |
Trawling for Terrorists: A Big Data Analysis of Conceptual Meanings and Contexts in Swedish Newspapers, 1780–1926 M Fridlund, LJ Olsson, D Brodén, L Borin Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Computational History …, 2019 | 7 | 2019 |