Steven S. Posavac
Steven S. Posavac
E. Bronson Ingram Professor of Marketing, Vanderbilt University
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Consumer inference: A review of processes, bases, and judgment contexts
FR Kardes, SS Posavac, ML Cronley
Journal of consumer psychology 14 (3), 230-256, 2004
Women's exposure to thin-and-beautiful media images: Body image effects of media-ideal internalization and impact-reduction interventions
Y Yamamiya, TF Cash, SE Melnyk, HD Posavac, SS Posavac
Body image 2 (1), 74-80, 2005
Exposure to media images of female attractiveness and concern with body weight among young women1
HD Posavac, SS Posavac, EJ Posavac
Sex roles 38 (3), 187-201, 1998
Toward a more nuanced understanding of the statistical properties of a median split
D Iacobucci, SS Posavac, FR Kardes, MJ Schneider, DL Popovich
Journal of Consumer Psychology 25 (4), 652-665, 2015
The median split: Robust, refined, and revived
D Iacobucci, SS Posavac, FR Kardes, MJ Schneider, DL Popovich
Journal of Consumer Psychology 25 (4), 690-704, 2015
The role of selective information processing in price-quality inference
FR Kardes, ML Cronley, JJ Kellaris, SS Posavac
Journal of Consumer Research 31 (2), 368-374, 2004
Adoption of new and really new products: The effects of self-regulation systems and risk salience
M Herzenstein, SS Posavac, JJ Brakus
Journal of marketing research 44 (2), 251-260, 2007
Reducing the impact of media images on women at risk for body image disturbance: Three targeted interventions
HD Posavac, SS Posavac, RG Weigel
Journal of social and clinical psychology 20 (3), 324-340, 2001
Selective hypothesis testing
DM Sanbonmatsu, SS Posavac, FR Kardes, SP Mantel
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 5, 197-220, 1998
Prepurchase attribute verifiability, source credibility, and persuasion
SP Jain, SS Posavac
Journal of Consumer Psychology 11 (3), 169-180, 2001
How naive theories drive opposing inferences from the same information
H Deval, SP Mantel, FR Kardes, SS Posavac
Journal of Consumer Research 39 (6), 1185-1201, 2013
A selective hypothesis testing perspective on price-quality inference and inference-based choice
ML Cronley, SS Posavac, T Meyer, FR Kardes, JJ Kellaris
Journal of Consumer Psychology 15 (2), 159-169, 2005
Valenced comparisons
SP Jain, SS Posavac
Journal of marketing Research 41 (1), 46-58, 2004
Considering the best choice: Effects of the salience and accessibility of alternatives on attitude–decision consistency.
SS Posavac, DM Sanbonmatsu, RH Fazio
Journal of personality and social psychology 72 (2), 253, 1997
Contextual influences on judgment based on limited information
DM Sanbonmatsu, FR Kardes, SS Posavac, DC Houghton
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 69 (3), 251-264, 1997
Predictors of women's concern with body weight: the roles of perceived self-media ideal discrepancies and self-esteem
SS Posavac, HD Posavac
Eating disorders 10 (2), 153-160, 2002
The brand positivity effect: When evaluation confers preference
SS Posavac, DM Sanbonmatsu, FR Kardes, GJ Fitzsimons
Journal of Consumer Research 31 (3), 643-651, 2004
Overestimating the importance of the given information in multiattribute consumer judgment
DM Sanbonmatsu, FR Kardes, DC Houghton, EA Ho, SS Posavac
Journal of consumer psychology 13 (3), 289-300, 2003
How consumers’ attitudes toward direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs influence ad effectiveness, and consumer and physician behavior
M Herzenstein, S Misra, SS Posavac
Marketing Letters 15, 201-212, 2004
Consumer inference
FR Kardes, SS Posavac, ML Cronley, PM Herr
Handbook of consumer psychology, 177-203, 2018
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