Daniel Kanzler
Daniel Kanzler
在 av-ndt.com 的电子邮件经过验证
Human factors approach to the acquisition and evaluation of NDT data
M Bertovic, B Fahlbruch, C Müller, J Pitkänen, U Ronneteg, M Gaal, ...
18th World Conference on Nondestructive Testing, 2012
Paradigm shift in the holistic evaluation of the reliability of NDE systems
C Mueller, M Bertovic, M Pavlovic, D Kanzler, U Ewert, J Pitkänen, ...
Materials Testing 55 (4), 261-269, 2013
NDT reliability in the organizational context of service inspection companies
R Holstein, M Bertovic, D Kanzler, C Müller
Materials Testing 56 (7-8), 607-610, 2014
Bayesian approach for the evaluation of the reliability of non-destructive testing methods: combination of data from artificial and real defects
D Kanzler, C Müller, J Pitkänen, U Ewert
18th world conference on nondestructive testing, Durban, South Africa, 16-20, 2012
POD evaluation: the key performance indicator for NDE 4.0
VK Rentala, D Kanzler, P Fuchs
Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 41 (1), 20, 2022
Conclusions of the 5th European American Workshop on Reliability of NDE
C Müller, R Holstein, M Bertovic
Materials Testing 56 (7-8), 599-601, 2014
Probability of detection for surface-breaking holes with low-frequency eddy current testing-a non-linear multi-parametric approach.
D Kanzler, C Müller, J Pitkänen
Insight: Non-Destructive Testing & Condition Monitoring 56 (12), 2014
Observer POD for radiographic testing
D Kanzler, U Ewert, C Müller, J Pitkänen
AIP Conference Proceedings 1650 (1), 562-570, 2015
How much information do we need? A reflection of the correct use of real defects in POD-evaluations
D Kanzler, C Müller
AIP Conference Proceedings 1706 (1), 2016
Assessment of the Reliability of NDE: A Novel Insight on Influencing factors on POD and Human Factors in an organizational Context
C Mueller, M Bertovic, D Kanzler, T Heckel, R Holstein, U Ronneteg, ...
Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing …, 2014
Reliability evaluation of testing systems and their connection to NDE 4.0
D Kanzler, VK Rentala
Handbook of Nondestructive Evaluation 4.0, 1-34, 2021
Lasst uns mal POD standardisieren!
D Kanzler, VK Rentala, M Bertovic, T Heckel, V Tkachenko, J Given, ...
Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und-prüfung (BAM), 2022
Holistically evaluating the reliability of NDe systems–paradigm shift
C Müller, M Bertovic, M Pavlovic, D Kanzler, U Ewert, J Pitkänen, ...
Proceedings of the 18th World Conference on Nondestructive Testing, 16-20, 2012
Einsatz der Bayes' schen Statistik in der Zuverlässigkeitsbestimmung von zerstörungsfreien Prüfsystemen
D Kanzler, C Müller, U Ewert, J Pitkänen
Materials Testing 55 (4), 254-260, 2013
Probability of defect detection of Posiva's electron beam weld
D Kanzler, C Müller, J Pitkänen
Concept of total reliability of NDT methods for inspection of the EB weld of the copper canister used for a long-term storage of spent nuclear fuel
D Kanzler, S Milsch, M Pavlovic, C Müller, J Pitkänen
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on NDE in Relation to …, 2010
Human Factors in der POD-ist das möglich?
M Bertovic, J Given, VK Rentala, J Lehleitner, D Kanzler, T Heckel, ...
DGZfP Jahrestagung 2022, 2022
Zfp 4.0 aus der sicht der zfp-community: Umfrageergebnisse, herausforderungen und perspektiven
M Bertovic, S Feistkorn, D Kanzler, B Valeske, J Vrana
ZfP-Zeitung 174, 43-49, 2021
Evaluating RT systems with a new POD approach
D Kanzler, C Müller
Proceedings of the 19th World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, id …, 2016
Evaluation of radiographic testing performance with an advanced POD approach
D Kanzler, C Müller, J Pitkaenen
5th European-American workshop on reliability of NDE, Lecture 4, 1-7, 2013
文章 1–20