Theo AJ. Schäfer
Journal impact factor shapes scientists’ reward signal in the prospect of publication
FM Paulus, L Rademacher, TAJ Schäfer, L Müller-Pinzler, S Krach
PloS one 10 (11), e0142537, 2015
Neural representation of newly instructed rule identities during early implementation trials
H Ruge, TAJ Schäfer, K Zwosta, H Mohr, U Wolfensteller
Elife 8, e48293, 2019
Is conflict adaptation due to active regulation or passive carry-over? Evidence from eye movements.
J Hubbard, D Kuhns, TAJ Schäfer, U Mayr
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 43 (3), 385, 2017
Unbiased analysis of Item-Specific Multi-Voxel activation patterns across learning
H Ruge, E Legler, TAJ Schäfer, K Zwosta, U Wolfensteller, H Mohr
Frontiers in Neuroscience 12, 723, 2018
Instructional load induces functional connectivity changes linked to task automaticity and mnemonic preference
AW Baumann, TAJ Schäfer, H Ruge
Neuroimage 277, 120262, 2023
Category boundaries modulate memory in a place-cell-like manner
S Theves, TAJ Schäfer, V Reisner, W de Cothi, C Barry
Current Biology 34 (23), 5546-5553. e3, 2024
Initial neural representation of individual rules after first-time instruction
H Ruge, TAJ Schäfer, K Zwosta, H Mohr, U Wolfensteller
bioRxiv, 598276, 2019
Task imprinting: Another mechanism of representational change?
M Thalmann, TAJ Schäfer, S Theves, CF Doeller, E Schulz
Cognitive Psychology 152, 101670, 2024
The hippocampus supports interpolation into new states during category abstraction
TAJ Schaefer, M Thalmann, E Schulz, CF Doeller, S Theves
bioRxiv, 2024.05. 14.594185, 2024
Geometric determinates of spatial representations in the human hippocampal formation
V Reisner, M Kim, TAJ Schäfer, W de Cothi, B Caswell, CF Doeller
Neuroscience 2023–53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), 2023
The role of cognitive maps in prototype-based inference
TAJ Schäfer, M Thalmann, E Schulz, CF Doeller, S Theves
52nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2023), 1162, 2023
What changes with representational change?
M Thalmann, T Schäfer, S Theve, C Doeller, E Schulz
Effects of environmental deformation on cognitive maps
V Reisner, M Kim, TAJ Schäfer, W de Cothi, B Caswell, CF Doeller
65th Annual German Experimental Psychology Meeting (TeaP), 2023
Do Mental Representations Adapt to Task Specific Goals?
M Thalmann, TAJ Schaefer, S Theves, C Doeller, E Schulz
63rd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society (PS 2022), 192, 2022
Effects of prototype abstraction on pattern completion and inference in concept space
T Schäfer, E Schulz, S Theves, C Doeller
28th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM 2022), 2022
Are Representations Shaped by Task-Specific Goals?
M Thalmann, T Schaefer, S Theves, C Doeller, E Schulz
Investigating geometric determinates of semantic memory
S Theves, TAJ Schäfer, W de Cothi, V Reisner, C Barry, CF Doeller
29th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), 2022
fMRI preprocessing workshop
TAJ Schäfer, A Nitsch, N Scherf
Max Planck School of Cognition, 2022
Mapping out the Representational Space for Decisions Using EEG Delta Oscillations
A Kikumoto, T Schäfer, T Sameshima, D Anderson, W McGuirk, U Mayr
Journal of Vision 16 (12), 131-131, 2016
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