Neide P. Areia
Neide P. Areia
Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra
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Psychological morbidity in family caregivers of people living with terminal cancer: Prevalence and predictors
NP Areia, G Fonseca, S Major, AP Relvas
Palliative & supportive care 17 (3), 286-293, 2019
The role of media between expert and lay knowledge: A study of Iberian media coverage on climate change
NP Areia, D Intrigliolo, A Tavares, JM Mendes, MD Sequeira
Science of the Total Environment 682, 291-300, 2019
The European media portrayal of climate change: Implications for the social mobilization towards climate action
AO Tavares, NP Areia, S Mellett, J James, DS Intrigliolo, LB Couldrick, ...
Sustainability 12 (20), 8300, 2020
Support interventions for families of people with terminal cancer in palliative care
NP Areia, JN Góngora, S Major, VD Oliveira, AP Relvas
Palliative & supportive care 18 (5), 580-588, 2020
Needs of the terminally ill’s relatives in palliative care: Critical review of literature
NP Areia, S Major, AP Relvas
Psychologica 1 (60), 137-152, 2017
Measuring family needs of people living with cancer. Portuguese validation and descriptive studies of the Family Inventory of Needs
NP Areia, S Major, AP Relvas
European Journal of Oncology Nursing 30, 22-28, 2017
Psychometric study of the Portuguese version of the Family Distress Index (FDI).
G Fonseca, C Crespo, LD McCubbin, N Areia, AP Relvas
Families, Systems, & Health 36 (2), 159, 2018
Public perception and preferences for coastal risk management: Evidence from a convergent parallel mixed-methods study
NP Areia, AO Tavares, PJM Costa
Science of The Total Environment 882, 163440, 2023
Environment actors confronting a post climate-related disaster scenario: a feasibility study of an action-based intervention aiming to promote climate action
NP Areia, AO Tavares, JM Mendes
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (11), 5949, 2021
Necessidades dos familiares de doentes terminais em cuidados paliativos: Revisão crítica da literatura. Psychologica, 60 (1), 137-152
N Areia, S Major, A Relvas
Social engagement in coastal adaptation processes: Development and validation of the CoastADAPT scale
NP Areia, PJM Costa, AO Tavares
Environmental Science & Policy 133, 107-114, 2022
Palliative oncology in hospice and home care: needs, psychological morbidity and anticipatory grief on patient’s relatives and impact on family quality of life
NP Areia, S Major, C Gaspar, AP Relvas
Psychologica 2 (60), 27-44, 2017
Caring for people who take care: What is already done?
C Oliveira, G Fonseca, NP Areia, L Sotero, AP Relvas
Palliative & supportive care 20 (5), 720-730, 2022
A Visual-Analogue Screening Tool for Assessing Mood and Quality of Daily Life Complications in Family Members of People Living With Cancer: Portuguese Version of the Emotion …
NP Areia, A Mitchell, G Fonseca, S Major, AP Relvas
Evaluation & the Health Professions 43 (4), 264-269, 2020
the media coverage of climate change in Portugal
AO Tavares, NP Areia, JM Mendes, H Pinto
Investing in Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience, 237-256, 2022
Prevalência e preditores de morbilidade psicológica nos familiares de doentes oncológicos terminais
N Areia, S Major, G Fonseca, V Oliveira, AP Relvas
Psic., Saúde & Doenças, Lisboa 21 (1), 169-175, 2020
Inventário das Necessidades Familiares (FIN–versão portuguesa)
N Areia, S Major, AP Relvas
Avaliação Familiar: Vulnerabilidade, stress e adaptação vol II, 105, 2016
Inventário do Luto para os Cuidadores de Marwit-Meuser (MM-CGI-SF)
N Areia, S Major, AP Relvas
Avaliação Familiar: Vulnerabilidade, stress e adaptação vol II, 125, 2016
Socio-psychological factors explaining public engagement and support for drought disaster risk management
NP Areia, MD Sequeira, AO Tavares
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 104643, 2024
How do coastal experts communicate science? Insights from an international survey
A Matias, B Pinto, NP Areia, AR Carrasco
EGU24, 2024
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