Shengjun Zhu
Shengjun Zhu
在 pku.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
The principle of relatedness
CA Hidalgo, PA Balland, R Boschma, M Delgado, M Feldman, K Frenken, ...
Unifying Themes in Complex Systems IX: Proceedings of the Ninth …, 2018
Developing by borrowing? Inter-jurisdictional competition, land finance and local debt accumulation in China
F Pan, F Zhang, S Zhu, D Wójcik
Urban Studies 54 (4), 897-916, 2017
How to jump further and catch up? Path-breaking in an uneven industry space
S Zhu, C He, Y Zhou
Journal of Economic Geography 17 (3), 521-545, 2017
Bring in, go up, go west, go out: Upgrading, regionalisation and delocalisation in China’s apparel production networks
S Zhu, J Pickles
Journal of Contemporary Asia 44 (1), 36-63, 2014
Going green or going away: Environmental regulation, economic geography and firms’ strategies in China’s pollution-intensive industries
S Zhu, C He, Y Liu
Geoforum 55, 53-65, 2014
How do environmental regulations affect industrial dynamics? Evidence from China's pollution-intensive industries
Y Zhou, S Zhu, C He
Habitat International 60, 10-18, 2017
Do China’s economic development zones improve land use efficiency? The effects of selection, factor accumulation and agglomeration
Z Huang, C He, S Zhu
Landscape and urban Planning 162, 145-156, 2017
Export structures, income inequality and urban-rural divide in China
S Zhu, C Yu, C He
Applied Geography 115, 102150, 2020
Provincial and sector-level material footprints in China
M Jiang, P Behrens, T Wang, Z Tang, Y Yu, D Chen, L Liu, Z Ren, W Zhou, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (52), 26484-26490, 2019
产业特性, 区域特征与中国制造业省区集聚
贺灿飞, 朱彦刚, 朱晟君
地理学报 65 (10), 1218-1228, 2010
On evolutionary economic geography: A literature review using bibliometric analysis
S Zhu, W Jin, C He
European Planning Studies 27 (4), 639-660, 2019
Economic transition and industrial restructuring in China: Structural convergence or divergence?
HE Canfei, ZHU Shengjun
Post-communist economies 19 (3), 317-342, 2007
Chinese apparel value chains in Europe: low-end fast fashion, regionalization, and transnational entrepreneurship in Prato, Italy
T Lan, S Zhu
Eurasian Geography and Economics 55 (2), 156-174, 2014
Geographical dynamics and industrial relocation: Spatial strategies of apparel firms in Ningbo, China
S Zhu, C He
Eurasian Geography and Economics 54 (3), 342-362, 2013
Going global: Understanding China’s outward foreign direct investment from motivational and institutional perspectives
C He, X Xie, S Zhu
Post-Communist Economies 27 (4), 448-471, 2015
Global and local governance, industrial and geographical dynamics: A tale of two clusters
S Zhu, C He
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 34 (8), 1453-1473, 2016
Good neighbors, bad neighbors: Local knowledge spillovers, regional institutions and firm performance in China
S Zhu, C He, Q Luo
Small Business Economics 52, 617-632, 2019
State regulation, economic reform and worker rights: The contingent effects of China’s labour contract law
T Lan, J Pickles, S Zhu
Journal of Contemporary Asia 45 (2), 266-293, 2015
Different material footprint trends between China and the world in 2007-2012 explained by construction-and manufacturing-associated investment
M Jiang, P Behrens, Y Yang, Z Tang, D Chen, Y Yu, L Liu, P Gong, S Zhu, ...
One Earth 5 (1), 109-119, 2022
Turkishization of a Chinese apparel firm: fast fashion, regionalisation and the shift from global supplier to new end markets
S Zhu, J Pickles
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 8 (3), 537-553, 2015
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