Russia's economy of favours: Blat, networking and informal exchange AV Ledeneva Cambridge University Press, 1998 | 3481 | 1998 |
How Russia really works: The informal practices that shaped post-Soviet politics and business AV Ledeneva Cornell University Press, 2006 | 1297 | 2006 |
Can Russia modernise?: sistema, power networks and informal governance AV Ledeneva Cambridge University Press, 2013 | 872 | 2013 |
Blat and guanxi: Informal practices in Russia and China A Ledeneva Comparative studies in society and history 50 (1), 118-144, 2008 | 390 | 2008 |
From Russia with Blat: Can Informal Networks Help Modernize Russia? A Ledeneva Social Research: An International Quarterly 76 (1), 257-288, 2009 | 262 | 2009 |
The global encyclopaedia of informality, volume 1: Towards understanding of social and cultural complexity A Ledeneva UCL Press, 2018 | 220 | 2018 |
Unwritten rules A Ledeneva London: Centre for European Reform, 2001 | 170 | 2001 |
Telephone justice in Russia A Ledeneva Post-Soviet Affairs 24 (4), 324-350, 2008 | 151 | 2008 |
Bribery and blat in Russia: Negotiating reciprocity from the Middle Ages to the 1990s S Lovell, AV Ledeneva, AB Rogachevskii | 126 | 2000 |
Where does informality stop and corruption begin? Informal governance and the public/private crossover in Mexico, Russia and Tanzania A Ledeneva Slavonic and East European Review 95 (1), 49-75, 2017 | 103 | 2017 |
Informal networks: Dark sides, bright sides, and unexplored dimensions S Horak, F Afiouni, Y Bian, A Ledeneva, M Muratbekova-Touron, CF Fey Management and Organization Review 16 (3), 511-542, 2020 | 94 | 2020 |
Corruption studies for the twenty-first century: Paradigm shifts and innovative approaches A Ledeneva, R Bratu, P Köker Slavonic and East European Review 95 (1), 1-20, 2017 | 89 | 2017 |
Corruption in postcommunist societies in Europe: A re-examination A Ledeneva Perspectives on European Politics and Society 10 (1), 69-86, 2009 | 85 | 2009 |
Economic crime in Russia AV Ledeneva, M Kurkchiyan Kluwer Law International, 2000 | 82 | 2000 |
Open secrets and knowing smiles A Ledeneva East European Politics and Societies 25 (4), 720-736, 2011 | 81 | 2011 |
Practices of exchange and networking in Russia AV Ledeneva Soziale Welt, 151-170, 1997 | 66 | 1997 |
Russia's practical norms and informal governance: the origins of endemic corruption AV Ledeneva Social Research: An International Quarterly 80 (4), 1135-1162, 2013 | 53 | 2013 |
'Continuity and Change of Blat Practices in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia' A Ledeneva Macmillan, 2000 | 53 | 2000 |
The Genealogy of krugovaya poruka: forced trust as a feature of Russian political culture A Ledeneva Proceedings of the British Academy 123, 85-108, 2004 | 45 | 2004 |
'Barter in Post-Soviet Societies: What does it look like and Why does it matter?' A Ledeneva, P Seabright | 44 | 2000 |