Yupeng Hu
Yupeng Hu
在 hnu.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
A blockchain-based multi-cloud storage data auditing scheme to locate faults
C Zhang, Y Xu, Y Hu, J Wu, J Ren, Y Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 10 (4), 2252-2263, 2021
Wi-chase: A WiFi based human activity recognition system for sensorless environments
S Arshad, C Feng, Y Liu, Y Hu, R Yu, S Zhou, H Li
2017 IEEE 18th International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and …, 2017
IRMD: malware variant detection using opcode image recognition
J Zhang, Z Qin, H Yin, L Ou, Y Hu
2016 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems …, 2016
AIT: An AI-enabled trust management system for vehicular networks using blockchain technology
C Zhang, W Li, Y Luo, Y Hu
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (5), 3157-3169, 2020
Artificial intelligence security: Threats and countermeasures
Y Hu, W Kuang, Z Qin, K Li, J Zhang, Y Gao, W Li, K Li
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 55 (1), 1-36, 2021
Video moment localization via deep cross-modal hashing
Y Hu, M Liu, X Su, Z Gao, L Nie
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 30, 4667-4677, 2021
Deep neural network security collaborative filtering scheme for service recommendation in intelligent cyber–physical systems
W Liang, S Xie, J Cai, J Xu, Y Hu, Y Xu, M Qiu
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (22), 22123-22132, 2021
TrajData: On vehicle trajectory collection with commodity plug-and-play OBU devices
Z Xiao, F Li, R Wu, H Jiang, Y Hu, J Ren, C Cai, A Iyengar
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (9), 9066-9079, 2020
Hierarchical bidirectional RNN for safety-enhanced B5G heterogeneous networks
Y Xu, X Yan, Y Wu, Y Hu, W Liang, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 8 (4), 2946-2957, 2021
Malware variant detection using opcode image recognition with small training sets
J Zhang, Z Qin, H Yin, L Ou, S Xiao, Y Hu
2016 25th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks …, 2016
Secure fusion approach for the internet of things in smart autonomous multi-robot systems
W Liang, Z Ning, S Xie, Y Hu, S Lu, D Zhang
Information Sciences 579, 468-482, 2021
XG-SF: An XGBoost classifier based on shapelet features for time series classification
C Ji, X Zou, Y Hu, S Liu, L Lyu, X Zheng
Procedia computer science 147, 24-28, 2019
Coarse-to-fine semantic alignment for cross-modal moment localization
Y Hu, L Nie, M Liu, K Wang, Y Wang, XS Hua
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 30, 5933-5943, 2021
Multi-user location correlation protection with differential privacy
L Ou, Z Qin, Y Liu, H Yin, Y Hu, H Chen
2016 IEEE 22nd international conference on parallel and distributed systems …, 2016
Temporal representation learning for time series classification
Y Hu, P Zhan, Y Xu, J Zhao, Y Li, X Li
Neural Computing and Applications 33, 3169-3182, 2021
Multi-resolution representation with recurrent neural networks application for streaming time series in IoT
Y Hu, P Ren, W Luo, P Zhan, X Li
Computer Networks 152, 114-132, 2019
Temporal anomaly detection on IIoT-enabled manufacturing
P Zhan, S Wang, J Wang, L Qu, K Wang, Y Hu, X Li
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 32, 1669-1678, 2021
A novel segmentation and representation approach for streaming time series
Y Hu, P Guan, P Zhan, Y Ding, X Li
IEEE Access 7, 184423-184437, 2018
Efficient distributed skyline computation using dependency-based data partitioning
B Yin, S Zhou, Y Lin, Y Liu, Y Hu
Journal of Systems and Software 93, 69-83, 2014
FLAM-PUF: A response–feedback-based lightweight anti-machine-learning-attack PUF
L Wu, Y Hu, K Zhang, W Li, X Xu, W Chang
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 2022
文章 1–20