Wendy Nicholls
A systematic review of the association between emotions and eating behaviour in normal and overweight adult populations
TJ Devonport, W Nicholls, C Fullerton
Journal of health psychology 24 (1), 3-24, 2019
Blog function revisited: A content analysis of MySpace blogs
C Fullwood, N Sheehan, W Nicholls
CyberPsychology & Behavior 12 (6), 685-689, 2009
The association between emotions and eating behaviour in an obese population with binge eating disorder
W Nicholls, TJ Devonport, M Blake
Obesity reviews 17 (1), 30-42, 2016
Initial validation of the mindful eating scale
L Hulbert-Williams, W Nicholls, J Joy, N Hulbert-Williams
Mindfulness 5, 719-729, 2014
The role of relationship attachment in psychological adjustment to cancer in patients and caregivers: a systematic review of the literature
W Nicholls, N Hulbert‐Williams, R Bramwell
Psycho‐Oncology 23 (10), 1083-1095, 2014
A cross-cultural exploratory study of health behaviors and wellbeing during COVID-19
MC Ruiz, TJ Devonport, CH Chen-Wilson, W Nicholls, JY Cagas, ...
Frontiers in psychology 11, 608216, 2021
The effects of coping interventions on ability to perform under pressure
S Kent, TJ Devonport, AM Lane, W Nicholls, AP Friesen
Journal of sports science & medicine 17 (1), 40, 2018
We’ve got something for everyone: How individual differences predict different blogging motivations
C Fullwood, W Nicholls, R Makichi
New media & society 17 (9), 1583-1600, 2015
British English translation of the food craving inventory (FCI-UK)
W Nicholls, L Hulbert-Williams
Appetite 67, 37-43, 2013
Unmet needs in young adults with a parent with a chronic condition: a mixed‐method investigation and measure development study
W Nicholls, P Patterson, FEJ McDonald, NJ Hulbert‐Williams
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 31 (1), 191-200, 2017
The attitudes of student nurses towards obese patients: A questionnaire study exploring the association between perceived causal factors and advice giving
W Nicholls, L Pilsbury, M Blake, TJ Devonport
Nurse education today 37, 33-37, 2016
A systematic review of inequalities in the mental health experiences of Black African, Black Caribbean and Black-mixed UK populations: Implications for action
TJ Devonport, G Ward, H Morrissey, C Burt, J Harris, S Burt, R Patel, ...
Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities 10 (4), 1669-1681, 2023
Implementing a pressure training program to improve decision-making and execution of skill among premier league academy soccer players
S Kent, TJ Devonport, AM Lane, W Nicholls
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology 34 (4), 691-712, 2022
A systematic review exploring the impact of social media on breastfeeding practices
LJ Orchard, W Nicholls
Current Psychology 41 (9), 6107-6123, 2022
Initial validation of the mindful eating scale. Mindfulness 5 (6): 719–729
L Hulbert-Williams, W Nicholls, J Joy, N Hulbert-Williams
Ultra-brief non-expert-delivered defusion and acceptance exercises for food cravings: A partial replication study
L Hulbert-Williams, NJ Hulbert-Williams, W Nicholls, S Williamson, ...
Journal of health psychology 24 (12), 1698-1709, 2019
It’s not just ‘what’you do, it’s also the ‘way’that you do it: patient and public involvement in the development of health research
TJ Devonport, W Nicholls, LH Johnston, R Gutteridge, A Watt
International Journal for Quality in Health Care 30 (2), 152-156, 2018
The assessment of psychological symptoms of patients referred to community mental health teams: distress, chronicity and life interference
P Gilbert, S Allan, W Nicholls, K Olsen
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy: An International Journal of Theory …, 2005
Contextual behavioural coaching: An evidence-based model for supporting behaviour change
L Hulbert-Williams, KD Hochard, N Hulbert-Williams, R Archer, W Nicholls, ...
BPS, 2016
Examining the effects of sport and exercise interventions on body image among adolescent girls: a systematic review
S McIntosh-Dalmedo, W Nicholls, T Devonport, AP Friesen
University of South Alabama, 2018
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