Luis D. Couto
Battery adaptive observer for a single-particle model with intercalation-induced stress
D Zhang, S Dey, LD Couto, SJ Moura
IEEE transactions on control systems technology 28 (4), 1363-1377, 2019
State of health estimation for lithium ion batteries based on an equivalent-hydraulic model: An iron phosphate application
LD Couto, J Schorsch, N Job, A Léonard, M Kinnaert
Journal of Energy Storage 21, 259-271, 2019
SOC and SOH estimation for Li-ion batteries based on an equivalent hydraulic model. Part I: SOC and surface concentration estimation
LD Couto, J Schorsch, MM Nicotra, M Kinnaert
2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 4022-4028, 2016
A feedback charge strategy for Li-ion battery cells based on Reference Governor
R Romagnoli, LD Couto, A Goldar, M Kinnaert, E Garone
Journal of process control 83, 164-176, 2019
State of charge estimation of parallel connected battery cells via descriptor system theory
D Zhang, LD Couto, S Benjamin, W Zeng, DF Coutinho, SJ Moura
2020 American Control Conference (ACC), 2207-2212, 2020
Electrode-Level State Estimation in Lithium-Ion Batteries via Kalman Decomposition
D Zhang, LD Couto, SJ Moura
IEEE Control Systems Letters 5 (5), 1657-1662, 2020
Interval Observer for SOC Estimation in Parallel-Connected Lithium-ion Batteries*
D Zhang, LD Couto, P Gill, S Benjamin, W Zeng, SJ Moura
2020 American Control Conference (ACC), 1149-1154, 2020
Optimal control for fermentative production of fructo-oligosaccharides in fed-batch bioreactor
J Schorsch, CC Castro, LD Couto, C Nobre, M Kinnaert
Journal of process control 78, 124-138, 2019
Internal and sensor fault detection and isolation for Li-ion batteries
LD Couto, M Kinnaert
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (24), 1431-1438, 2018
Computationally-efficient constrained control of the state-of-charge of a li-ion battery cell
R Romagnoli, LD Couto, MM Nicotra, M Kinnaert, E Garone
2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1433-1439, 2017
Faster and healthier charging of lithium-ion batteries via constrained feedback control
LD Couto, R Romagnoli, S Park, D Zhang, SJ Moura, M Kinnaert, ...
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 30 (5), 1990-2001, 2021
Thermal-enhanced adaptive interval estimation in battery packs with heterogeneous cells
D Zhang, LD Couto, PS Gill, S Benjamin, W Zeng, SJ Moura
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 30 (3), 1102-1115, 2021
Partition-based unscented kalman filter for reconfigurable battery pack state estimation using an electrochemical model
LD Couto, M Kinnaert
2018 Annual American Control Conference (ACC), 3122-3128, 2018
Beyond battery state of charge estimation: Observer for electrode-level state and cyclable lithium with electrolyte dynamics
D Zhang, S Park, LD Couto, V Viswanathan, SJ Moura
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2022
MPC strategies based on the equivalent hydraulic model for the fast charge of commercial Li-ion batteries
A Goldar, R Romagnoli, LD Couto, A Romero, M Kinnaert, E Garone
Computers & Chemical Engineering 141, 107010, 2020
Lithium-ion battery design optimization based on a dimensionless reduced-order electrochemical model
LD Couto, M Charkhgard, B Karaman, N Job, M Kinnaert
Energy 263, 125966, 2023
Low-Complexity Fast Charging Strategies Based on Explicit Reference Governors for Li-Ion Battery Cells
A Goldar, R Romagnoli, LD Couto, M Nicotra, M Kinnaert, E Garone
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 29 (4), 1597-1608, 2020
Control of the state-of-charge of a li-ion battery cell via reference governor
R Romagnoli, LD Couto, M Kinnaert, E Garone
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 13747-13753, 2017
Resolving Kirchhoff’s laws for parallel li-ion battery pack state-estimators
R Drummond, LD Couto, D Zhang
IEEE transactions on control systems technology 30 (5), 2220-2227, 2021
SOC and SOH estimation for Li-ion battery based on an equivalent hydraulic model. Part II: SOH power fade estimation
J Schorsch, LD Couto, M Kinnaert
2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 4029-4034, 2016
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