Jose Luis Ramirez-Mendiola
Jose Luis Ramirez-Mendiola
Research Fellow, UK Energy Demand Research Centre | University of Reading
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The diversity of residential electricity demand–A comparative analysis of metered and simulated data
JL Ramírez-Mendiola, P Grünewald, N Eyre
Energy and Buildings 151, 121-131, 2017
Electricity consumption pattern analysis beyond traditional clustering methods: A novel self-adapting semi-supervised clustering method and application case study
X Zhang, JL Ramírez-Mendiola, M Li, L Guo
Applied Energy 308, 118335, 2022
Residential activity pattern modelling through stochastic chains of variable memory length
JL Ramírez-Mendiola, P Grünewald, N Eyre
Applied energy 237, 417-430, 2019
Linking intra-day variations in residential electricity demand loads to consumers’ activities: What's missing?
JL Ramírez-Mendiola, P Grünewald, N Eyre
Energy and Buildings 161, 63-71, 2018
I'm coming home (to charge): The relation between commuting practices and peak energy demand in the United Kingdom
JL Ramirez-Mendiola, G Mattioli, J Anable, J Torriti
Energy Research & Social Science 88, 102502, 2022
Impact of time-use behaviour on residential energy consumption in the United Kingdom
MJ Lőrincz, JL Ramírez-Mendiola, J Torriti
Energies 14 (19), 6286, 2021
GRB980923. A burst with a short duration high-energy component
MM González, JR Sacahui, JL Ramirez, B Patricelli, Y Kaneko
The Astrophysical Journal 755 (2), 140, 2012
Optimization of demand response-oriented electrolytic and fuel cell cogeneration system for community residents: Uncovering flexibility and gaps
X Zhang, JL Ramírez-Mendiola, Y Lai, J Su, M Li, L Guo
Energy Conversion and Management 287, 117099, 2023
Work-related practices: an analysis of their effect on the emergence of stable practices in daily activity schedules
MJ Lőrincz, JL Ramírez-Mendiola, J Torriti
Sociological Research Online, 13607804221084344, 2022
Similarities: GRB 940217, GBR 090926A and GRB 980923
JR Sacahui, MM González, N Fraija, JL Ramirez, WH Lee
European Astronomical Society Publications Series 61, 301-305, 2013
COVID-19 lockdowns in the United Kingdom: Exploring the links between changes in time use, work patterns and energy-relevant activities
MJ Lorincz, JL Ramírez-Mendiola, J Torriti
ECEEE Summer Study, 2022
The price is not right! Energy demand, time of use tariffs, values and social practices
J Torriti, JL Ramírez-Mendiola
ECEEE Summer Study, Hyéres, France, 6-11, 2022
Residential Demand Modelling—Time for Flexibility
P Grunewald, JL Ramírez Mendiola, K Lane
Conference proceedings of BEHAVE, 1-15, 2016
Demand Flexibility Certificates: Increasing the Visibility of Demand Flexibility through Certification
J Ramirez-Mendiola, J Torriti
https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10640358, 2023
Connecting physical and socio-economic spaces for urban agent-based modelling
D Hertwig, M McGrory, M Paskin, SL Piano, Y Liu, JL Ramirez-Mendiola, ...
EMS2023, 2023
Dynamic Anthropogenic actiVities and feedback to Emissions (DAVE):–An agent based model for heat and exposure to other anthropogenic emissions
M McGrory, D Hertwig, SL Piano, JL Ramirez-Mendiola, ST Smith, ...
EMS2023, 2023
Modelling anthropogenic heat emissions from residential buildings: Comparison between Berlin and London
D Hertwig, Y Liu, M McGrory, M Paskin, M Frid, J Han, Y Chen, SL Piano, ...
EMS2023, 2023
Price-driven approaches to Demand Management: Effective or not?
J Ramirez-Mendiola, J Chong
The price is not right! Energy demand, Time of Use tariffs, values and social practices
JL Ramirez-Mendiola, J Torriti
COVID-19 lockdowns in the United Kingdom: exploring the links between changes in time use, work practices and energy demand
MJ Lorincz, JL Ramirez-Mendiola, J Torriti
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