Alexander Marshak
Alexander Marshak
在 nasa.gov 的电子邮件经过验证
The interpretation of spectral vegetation indexes
RB Myneni, FG Hall, PJ Sellers, AL Marshak
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and remote Sensing 33 (2), 481-486, 1995
Approximate entropy and sample entropy: A comprehensive tutorial
A Delgado-Bonal, A Marshak
Entropy 21 (6), 541, 2019
Hyperspectral remote sensing of foliar nitrogen content
Y Knyazikhin, MA Schull, P Stenberg, M Mõttus, M Rautiainen, Y Yang, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (3), E185-E192, 2013
The ICESat-2 laser altimetry mission
W Abdalati, HJ Zwally, R Bindschadler, B Csatho, SL Farrell, HA Fricker, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 98 (5), 735-751, 2010
Multifractal characterizations of nonstationarity and intermittency in geophysical fields: Observed, retrieved, or simulated
A Davis, A Marshak, W Wiscombe, R Cahalan
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 99 (D4), 8055-8072, 1994
3D radiative transfer in cloudy atmospheres
A Marshak, A Davis
Springer Science & Business Media, 2005
Radiative smoothing in fractal clouds
A Marshak, A Davis, W Wiscombe, R Cahalan
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 100 (D12), 26247-26261, 1995
Remote sensing of droplet number concentration in warm clouds: A review of the current state of knowledge and perspectives
DP Grosvenor, O Sourdeval, P Zuidema, A Ackerman, MD Alexandrov, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 56 (2), 409-453, 2018
The Landsat scale break in stratocumulus as a three-dimensional radiative transfer effect: Implications for cloud remote sensing
A Davis, A Marshak, R Cahalan, W Wiscombe
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 54 (2), 241-260, 1997
Scale invariance of liquid water distributions in marine stratocumulus. Part I: Spectral properties and stationarity issues
A Davis, A Marshak, W Wiscombe, R Cahalan
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 53 (11), 1538-1558, 1996
Impact of three‐dimensional radiative effects on satellite retrievals of cloud droplet sizes
A Marshak, S Platnick, T Várnai, G Wen, RF Cahalan
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 111 (D9), 2006
Bounded cascade models as nonstationary multifractals
A Marshak, A Davis, R Cahalan, W Wiscombe
Physical Review E 49 (1), 55, 1994
The I3RC: Bringing together the most advanced radiative transfer tools for cloudy atmospheres
RF Cahalan, L Oreopoulos, A Marshak, KF Evans, AB Davis, R Pincus, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 86 (9), 1275-1294, 2005
Thin liquid water clouds: Their importance and our challenge
DD Turner, AM Vogelmann, RT Austin, JC Barnard, K Cady-Pereira, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 88 (2), 177-190, 2007
3‐D aerosol‐cloud radiative interaction observed in collocated MODIS and ASTER images of cumulus cloud fields
G Wen, A Marshak, RF Cahalan, LA Remer, RG Kleidman
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 112 (D13), 2007
Calculation of canopy bidirectional reflectance using the Monte Carlo method
JK Ross, AL Marshak
Remote Sensing of Environment 24 (2), 213-225, 1988
MODIS observations of enhanced clear sky reflectance near clouds
T Várnai, A Marshak
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (6), 2009
A simple model for the cloud adjacency effect and the apparent bluing of aerosols near clouds
A Marshak, G Wen, JA Coakley Jr, LA Remer, NG Loeb, RF Cahalan
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 113 (D14), 2008
Scale invariance in liquid water distributions in marine stratocumulus. Part II: Multifractal properties and intermittency issues
A Marshak, A Davis, W Wiscombe, R Cahalan
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 54 (11), 1423-1444, 1997
Photon propagation in heterogeneous optical media with spatial correlations: enhanced mean-free-paths and wider-than-exponential free-path distributions
AB Davis, A Marshak
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 84 (1), 3-34, 2004
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