The science of asking questions NC Schaeffer, S Presser Annual review of sociology 29 (1), 65-88, 2003 | 1039 | 2003 |
Answering questions: Methodology for determining cognitive and communicative processes in survey research. NE Schwarz, SE Sudman Jossey-Bass/Wiley, 1996 | 546 | 1996 |
Autobiographical memory and the validity of retrospective reports N Schwarz, S Sudman Springer Science & Business Media, 2012 | 538 | 2012 |
Using Survey Participants to Estimate the Impact of Nonparticipation IF Lin, NC Schaeffer The Public Opinion Quarterly 59 (2), 236-258, 1995 | 480 | 1995 |
Family ties after divorce: The relationship between visiting and paying child support JA Seltzer, NC Schaeffer, HW Charng Journal of Marriage and the Family, 1013-1031, 1989 | 334 | 1989 |
Standardization and tacit knowledge. Interaction and practice in the survey interview DW Maynard, JP Houtkoop-Steenstra, NC Schaeffer, J Van der Zouwen John Wiley & Sons, 2002 | 276 | 2002 |
Asking questions about threatening topics: A selective overview NC Schaeffer The science of self-report: Implications for research and practice, 105-121, 2000 | 216 | 2000 |
Rethinking the scope test as a criterion for validity in contingent valuation TA Heberlein, MA Wilson, RC Bishop, NC Schaeffer Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 50 (1), 1-22, 2005 | 212 | 2005 |
Conversation with a purpose—or conversation? Interaction in the standardized interview NC Schaeffer Measurement errors in surveys, 365-391, 2004 | 205 | 2004 |
Evaluating race-of-interviewer effects in a national survey NC Schaeffer Sociological Methods & Research 8 (4), 400-419, 1980 | 196 | 1980 |
Survey fundamentals: A guide to designing and implementing surveys N Thayer-Hart, J Dykema, K Elver, NC Schaeffer, J Stevenson University of Wisconsin, 2010 | 178 | 2010 |
Interviewers and interviewing NC Schaeffer, J Dykema, DW Maynard Handbook of survey research 2, 437-471, 2010 | 169 | 2010 |
From Paradigm to Prototype and Back Again: Interactive Aspects of 'Cognitive Processing' in Survey Interviews NC Schaeffer Answering Questions: Methodology for Determining Cognitive and …, 1996 | 166* | 1996 |
Questions for surveys: current trends and future directions NC Schaeffer, J Dykema Public opinion quarterly 75 (5), 909-961, 2011 | 147 | 2011 |
Toward a sociology of social scientific knowledge: Survey research and ethnomethodology's asymmetric alternates DW Maynard, NC Schaeffer Social Studies of Science 30 (3), 323-370, 2000 | 142 | 2000 |
Hardly ever or constantly? Group comparisons using vague quantifiers NC Schaeffer Public opinion quarterly 55 (3), 395-423, 1991 | 142 | 1991 |
Standardization and its discontents DW Maynard, NC Schaeffer Standardization and tacit knowledge: Interaction and practice in the survey …, 2002 | 119 | 2002 |
Keeping the gate: Declinations of the request to participate in a telephone survey interview DW Maynard, NC Schaeffer Sociological Methods & Research 26 (1), 34-79, 1997 | 115 | 1997 |
Interviewing practices, conversational practices, and rapport: Responsiveness and engagement in the standardized survey interview D Garbarski, NC Schaeffer, J Dykema Sociological methodology 46 (1), 1-38, 2016 | 114 | 2016 |
Estimating nonresponse and response bias: Resident and nonresident parents' reports about child support NC Schaeffer, JA Seltzer, M Klawitter Sociological Methods & Research 20 (1), 30-59, 1991 | 90 | 1991 |