Biología: la vida en la tierra T Audesirk, G Audesirk, BE Byers Pearson educación, 2003 | 463 | 2003 |
Pseudoreplication in playback experiments, revisited a decade later DE Kroodsma, BE Byers, E Goodale, S Johnson, WC Liu Animal Behaviour 61 (5), 1029-1033, 2001 | 406 | 2001 |
The function (s) of bird song DE Kroodsma, BE Byers American Zoologist 31 (2), 318-328, 1991 | 405 | 1991 |
Biology: Life on earth T Audesirk, G Audesirk, BE Byers Pearson Educación, 2001 | 348 | 2001 |
Female mate choice and songbird song repertoires BE Byers, DE Kroodsma Animal Behaviour 77 (1), 13-22, 2009 | 338 | 2009 |
Extrapair paternity in chestnut-sided warblers is correlated with consistent vocal performance BE Byers Behavioral Ecology 18 (1), 130-136, 2007 | 153 | 2007 |
Use of song types by the chestnut-sided warbler: evidence for both intra-and inter-sexual functions DE Kroodsma, RC Bereson, BE Byers, E Minear Canadian Journal of Zoology 67 (2), 447-456, 1989 | 126 | 1989 |
Geographic variation in black-capped chickadee songs and singing behavior DE Kroodsma, BE Byers, SL Halkin, C Hill, D Minis, JR Bolsinger, ... The Auk 116 (2), 387-402, 1999 | 111 | 1999 |
An evaluation of powerline rights-of-way as habitat for early-successional shrubland birds DI King, BE Byers Wildlife Society Bulletin, 868-874, 2002 | 100 | 2002 |
Messages encoded in the songs of chestnut-sided warblers BE BYERS Animal Behaviour 52 (4), 691-705, 1996 | 73 | 1996 |
Independent cultural evolution of two song traditions in the chestnut-sided warbler BE Byers, KL Belinsky, RA Bentley The American Naturalist 176 (4), 476-489, 2010 | 72 | 2010 |
Behavioral Evidence for Song Learning In the Suboscine Bellbirds (Procnias spp.; Cotingidae) D Kroodsma, D Hamilton, JE Sánchez, BE Byers, H Fandiño-Mariño, ... The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125 (1), 1-14, 2013 | 70 | 2013 |
Geographic variation of song form within and among Chestnut-sided Warbler populations BE Byers The Auk 113 (2), 288-299, 1996 | 66 | 1996 |
Song types, repertoires and song variability in a population of Chestnut-sided Warblers BE Byers The Condor 97 (2), 390-401, 1995 | 64 | 1995 |
Biología: ciencia y naturaleza T Audesirk, G Audesirk, BE Byers, EV de Erice Zúñiga, VGH Hernández Pearson Educación, 2004 | 63 | 2004 |
Estimating the complexity of bird song by using capture-recapture approaches from community ecology LZ Garamszegi, TJS Balsby, BD Bell, M Borowiec, BE Byers, T Draganoiu, ... Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 57, 305-317, 2005 | 54 | 2005 |
Development of two song categories by chestnut-sided warblers BE Byers, DE Kroodsma Animal Behaviour 44 (5), 799-810, 1992 | 53 | 1992 |
Extrapair Paternity Increases Variability in Male Reproductive Success in the Chestnut-Sided Warbler (Dendroica Pensylvanica), A Socially Monogamous Songbird BE Byers, HL Mays Jr, IRK Stewart, DF Westneat The Auk 121 (3), 788-795, 2004 | 39 | 2004 |
Song and male quality in prairie warblers BE Byers, ME Akresh, DI King Ethology 122 (8), 660-670, 2016 | 27 | 2016 |
Evening Grosbeak: Coccothraustes Vespertinus: French, Gros-bec Errant; Spanish, Pepitero Norteño SW Gillihan, B Byers Birds of North America, Incorporated, 2001 | 27 | 2001 |