Fan Zhang
Fan Zhang
Research Scientist, Centre for Fisheries Ecosystems Research, Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland
在 mi.mun.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
9.6 A 2.7-to-4.3 GHz, 0.16 psrms-jitter,− 246.8 dB-FOM, digital fractional-N sampling PLL in 28nm CMOS
X Gao, O Burg, H Wang, W Wu, CT Tu, K Manetakis, F Zhang, L Tee, ...
2016 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 174-175, 2016
Key role of China and its agriculture in global sustainable phosphorus management
SZ Sattari, MK Van Ittersum, KE Giller, F Zhang, AF Bouwman
Environmental Research Letters 9 (5), 054003, 2014
Morphology and distribution of martensite in dual phase (DP980) steel and its relation to the multiscale mechanical behavior
F Zhang, A Ruimi, PC Wo, DP Field
Materials Science and Engineering: A 659, 93-103, 2016
Quantifying the effects of tempering on individual phase properties of DP980 steel with nanoindentation
G Cheng, F Zhang, A Ruimi, DP Field, X Sun
Materials Science and Engineering: A 667, 240-249, 2016
Evaluating healthcare resource inequality in Beijing, China based on an improved spatial accessibility measurement
S Gong, Y Gao, F Zhang, L Mu, C Kang, Y Liu
Transactions in GIS 25 (3), 1504-1521, 2021
9.4 A 2× 2 WLAN and Bluetooth combo SoC in 28nm CMOS with on-chip WLAN digital power amplifier, integrated 2G/BT SP3T switch and BT pulling cancelation
R Winoto, A Olyaei, M Hajirostam, W Lau, X Gao, A Mitra, O Carnu, ...
2016 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 170-171, 2016
Significant roles of bacteriochlorophylla supplemental to chlorophylla in the ocean
N Jiao, F Zhang, N Hong
The ISME Journal 4 (4), 595-597, 2010
One-step synthesis of porous transparent conductive oxides by hierarchical self-assembly of aluminum-doped ZnO nanoparticles
R Bo, F Zhang, S Bu, N Nasiri, I Di Bernardo, T Tran-Phu, A Shrestha, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 12 (8), 9589-9599, 2020
Human specific regulation of the telomerase reverse transcriptase gene
F Zhang, D Cheng, S Wang, J Zhu
Genes 7 (7), 30, 2016
Molecular mechanism of Helicobacter pylori‑induced autophagy in gastric cancer
F Zhang, C Chen, J Hu, R Su, J Zhang, Z Han, H Chen, Y Li
Oncology Letters 18 (6), 6221-6227, 2019
Ocean destratification and fish evacuation caused by a Mid-Atlantic tropical storm
DH Secor, F Zhang, MHP O’Brien, M Li
ICES Journal of Marine Science 76 (2), 573-584, 2019
Assessing storm surge impacts on coastal inundation due to climate change: case studies of Baltimore and Dorchester County in Maryland
M Li, F Zhang, S Barnes, X Wang
Natural Hazards 103 (2), 2561-2588, 2020
Relative effects of biotic and abiotic factors during early life history on recruitment dynamics: a case study
F Zhang, KB Reid, TD Nudds
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74 (7), 1125-1134, 2017
Opportunistic bacteria with reduced genomes are effective competitors for organic nitrogen compounds in coastal dinoflagellate blooms
Y Han, N Jiao, Y Zhang, F Zhang, C He, X Liang, R Cai, Q Shi, K Tang
Microbiome 9, 1-19, 2021
Indexing starvation mortality to assess its role in the population regulation of Northern cod
PM Regular, AD Buren, KS Dwyer, NG Cadigan, RS Gregory, ...
Fisheries Research 247, 106180, 2022
A three-dimensional mechanistic model of Prorocentrum minimum blooms in eutrophic Chesapeake Bay
F Zhang, M Li, PM Glibert, SHS Ahn
Science of the Total Environment 769, 144528, 2021
A three-dimensional mixotrophic model of Karlodinium veneficum blooms for a eutrophic estuary
M Li, Y Chen, F Zhang, Y Song, PM Glibert, DK Stoecker
Harmful Algae 113, 102203, 2022
Tidal responses to future sea level trends on the Yellow Sea shelf
X Feng, H Feng, H Li, F Zhang, W Feng, W Zhang, J Yuan
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 124 (11), 7285-7306, 2019
Preparation of silver/carbon fiber/polyaniline microwave absorption composite and its application in epoxy resin
B Cheng, J Wang, F Zhang, S Qi
Polymer Bulletin 75, 381-393, 2018
Regulation of human and mouse telomerase genes by genomic contexts and transcription factors during embryonic stem cell differentiation
D Cheng, S Wang, W Jia, Y Zhao, F Zhang, J Kang, J Zhu
Scientific reports 7 (1), 16444, 2017
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