Robert P. Dunn
Robert P. Dunn
North Inlet-Winyah Bay NERR & Baruch Marine Field Lab, University of South Carolina
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Larval dispersal in a changing ocean with an emphasis on upwelling regions
SM Bashevkin, CD Dibble, RP Dunn, JA Hollarsmith, G Ng, ...
Ecosphere 11 (1), e03015, 2020
Predator type influences the frequency of functional responses to prey in marine habitats
RP Dunn, KA Hovel
Biology Letters 16 (1), 20190758, 2020
Nesting Habitat Creation Enhances Recruitment in a Predator‐Free Environment: Malaclemys Nesting at the Paul S. Sarbanes Ecosystem Restoration Project
WM Roosenburg, DM Spontak, SP Sullivan, EL Matthews, ML Heckman, ...
Restoration Ecology 22 (6), 815-823, 2014
Effects of substrate type on demographic rates of Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica)
RP Dunn, DB Eggleston, N Lindquist
Journal of Shellfish Research 33 (1), 177-185, 2014
Oyster-sponge interactions and bioerosion of reef-building substrate materials: implications for oyster restoration
RP Dunn, DB Eggleston, N Lindquist
Journal of Shellfish Research 33 (3), 727-738, 2014
Interactive effects of predator and prey harvest on ecological resilience of rocky reefs
RP Dunn, ML Baskett, KA Hovel
Ecological Applications 27 (6), 1718-1730, 2017
Experiments reveal limited top‐down control of key herbivores in southern California kelp forests
RP Dunn, KA Hovel
Ecology 100 (3), e02625, 2019
Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology
E Gould, HS Fraser, TH Parker, S Nakagawa, SC Griffith, PA Vesk, ...
EcoEvoRxiv, 2023
Tool use by a temperate wrasse, California sheephead Semicossyphus pulcher
RP Dunn
Journal of Fish Biology 88 (2), 805-810, 2016
Coral identity and structural complexity drive habitat associations and demographic processes for an increasingly important Caribbean herbivore
RP Dunn, AH Altieri, K Miller, M Yeager, KA Hovel
Marine Ecology Progress Series 577, 33-47, 2017
From polyps to pixels: understanding coral reef resilience to local and global change across scales
MK Donovan, C Alves, J Burns, C Drury, OW Meier, R Ritson-Williams, ...
Landscape Ecology 38 (3), 737-752, 2023
Contrasting behavioral responses to predatory risk cues reflect different foraging strategies in two Caribbean sea urchins
RP Dunn, AH Altieri, K Miller, ME Yeager, KA Hovel
Marine Ecology Progress Series 604, 187-198, 2018
Biogeographical variation in the distribution, abundance, and interactions among key species on rocky reefs of the northeast Pacific
RS Jenkinson, KA Hovel, RP Dunn, MS Edwards
Marine Ecology Progress Series 648, 51-65, 2020
Increasing tidal inundation corresponds to rising porewater nutrient concentrations in a southeastern US salt marsh
JL Krask, TL Buck, RP Dunn, EM Smith
Plos one 17 (11), e0278215, 2022
Tissue-Specific Toxicokinetics of Aqueous Radium-226 in an Estuarine Mussel, Geukensia demissa
SE Donaher, RP Dunn, AK Gonzales, BD Wattier, BA Powell, NE Martinez
Environmental science & technology 57 (8), 3187-3197, 2023
Elevation influences salt marsh crab abundance, diversity, and burrowing
RP Dunn, TL Buck, JL Krask, JB Stevens, EM Smith
Marine Ecology Progress Series 704, 55-66, 2023
Characterising fish habitat use of fringing oyster reefs using acoustic imaging
RP Dunn, ME Kimball, CG O’Brien, NT Adams
Marine and Freshwater Research 74 (1), 39-49, 2023
Transient dynamics during kelp forest recovery from fishing across multiple trophic levels
RP Dunn, JF Samhouri, ML Baskett
Ecological Applications 31 (6), e02367, 2021
Oyster demographics and Cliona boring sponge on potential reef-building Substrates-implications for oyster restoration.
RP Dunn
Conspecific cues, not starvation, mediate barren urchin response to predation risk
CJ Knight, RP Dunn, JD Long
Oecologia 199 (4), 859-869, 2022
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