Giacomo Spinelli
Adaptation to conflict frequency without contingency and temporal learning: Evidence from the picture–word interference task.
G Spinelli, JR Perry, SJ Lupker
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 45 (8), 995, 2019
Proactive control in the Stroop task: A conflict-frequency manipulation free of item-specific, contingency-learning, and color-word correlation confounds.
G Spinelli, SJ Lupker
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 47 (10 …, 2021
Item-specific control of attention in the Stroop task: Contingency learning is not the whole story in the item-specific proportion-congruent effect
G Spinelli, SJ Lupker
Memory & Cognition 48, 426-435, 2020
The impact of text orientation on form priming effects in four-character Chinese words.
H Yang, J Chen, G Spinelli, SJ Lupker
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 45 (8), 1511, 2019
Stress affects articulatory planning in reading aloud.
S Sulpizio, G Spinelli, C Burani
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 41 (2), 453, 2015
Robust evidence for proactive conflict adaptation in the proportion-congruent paradigm.
G Spinelli, SJ Lupker
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 49 (5), 675, 2023
Working memory load dissociates contingency learning and item-specific proportion-congruent effects.
G Spinelli, K Krishna, JR Perry, SJ Lupker
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 46 (11 …, 2020
Masked form priming as a function of letter position: An evaluation of current orthographic coding models.
SJ Lupker, G Spinelli, CJ Davis
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 46 (12 …, 2020
The impact of consonant–vowel transpositions on masked priming effects in Italian and English
L Colombo, G Spinelli, SJ Lupker
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 73 (2), 183-198, 2020
Is zjudge a better prime for JUDGE than zudge is?: A new evaluation of current orthographic coding models.
SJ Lupker, G Spinelli, CJ Davis
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 46 (11 …, 2020
Both task-irrelevant and task-relevant information trigger reactive conflict adaptation in the item-specific proportion-congruent paradigm
G Spinelli, JB Morton, SJ Lupker
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 29 (6), 2133-2145, 2022
Bilingualism and executive attention: Evidence from studies of proactive and reactive control.
G Spinelli, SF Goldsmith, SJ Lupker, JB Morton
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 48 (6), 906, 2022
Q2Stress: A database for multiple cues to stress assignment in Italian
G Spinelli, S Sulpizio, C Burani
Behavior research methods 49, 2113-2126, 2017
Stress in context: Morpho-syntactic properties affect lexical stress assignment in reading aloud
G Spinelli, S Sulpizio, S Primativo, C Burani
Frontiers in psychology 7, 942, 2016
Conflict-monitoring theory in overtime: Is temporal learning a viable explanation for the congruency sequence effect?
G Spinelli, SJ Lupker
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 48 (5), 497, 2022
Target–distractor correlation does not imply causation of the Stroop effect
G Spinelli, SJ Lupker
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 17470218231182854, 2023
Phonological priming effects with same-script primes and targets in the masked priming same-different task
H Yang, M Yoshihara, M Nakayama, G Spinelli, SJ Lupker
Memory & Cognition 49, 148-162, 2021
Learning to assign stress in a second language: The role of second-language vocabulary size and transfer from the native language in second-language readers of Italian
G Spinelli, L Forti, D Jared
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 24 (1), 124-136, 2021
STRESYL: An Italian Stress-in-Syllables database for reading research
S Sulpizio, G Spinelli, C Burani
Written Language & Literacy 20 (1), 80-103, 2017
EXPRESS: Consonant and vowel transpositions effects during reading development: a study on Italian children and adults
G Spinelli, L Colombo, S Lupker
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 17470218211066301, 2021
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