zeynep ozkan
zeynep ozkan
Uşak Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
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Prospective observational study on acute appendicitis worldwide (POSAW)
M Sartelli, GL Baiocchi, S Di Saverio, F Ferrara, FM Labricciosa, ...
World Journal of Emergency Surgery 13 (1), 1-10, 2018
Global validation of the WSES Sepsis Severity Score for patients with complicated intra-abdominal infections: a prospective multicentre study (WISS Study)
M Sartelli, FM Abu-Zidan, F Catena, EA Griffiths, S Di Saverio, R Coimbra, ...
World journal of emergency surgery 10 (1), 1-8, 2015
Risk and outcome of bowel resection in patients with incarcerated groin hernias: retrospective study
N Kurt, M Oncel, Z Ozkan, S Bingul
World journal of surgery 27 (6), 741-743, 2003
Epidemiology of intra-abdominal infection and sepsis in critically ill patients:“AbSeS”, a multinational observational cohort study and ESICM Trials Group Project
S Blot, M Antonelli, K Arvaniti, K Blot, B Creagh-Brown, D de Lange, ...
Intensive care medicine 45 (12), 1703-1717, 2019
Physiological parameters for Prognosis in Abdominal Sepsis (PIPAS) Study: a WSES observational study
M Sartelli, FM Abu-Zidan, FM Labricciosa, Y Kluger, F Coccolini, ...
World journal of emergency surgery 14 (1), 1-11, 2019
Spontaneous and traumatic intra-peritoneal perforations of hepatic hydatid cysts: a case series
N Kurt, M Oncel, S Gulmez, Z Ozkan, H Uzun
Journal of gastrointestinal surgery 7 (5), 635-641, 2003
Effects of mastalgia in young women on quality of life, depression, and anxiety levels
BH Kanat, M Atmaca, M Girgin, YS Ilhan, A Bozdağ, Z Özkan, FM Yazar, ...
Indian Journal of Surgery 78 (2), 96-99, 2016
Small bowel obstruction due to anomalous congenital peritoneal bands-case series in adults.
S Sozen, S Emir, HK Altinsoy, O Topuz, UE Vurdem, S Cetinkunar, ...
Bratislavske lekarske listy 113 (3), 186-189, 2012
Comparison Of Early Surgery (Unroofing Curettage) And Elective Surgery (Karydakis Flap Technique) In Pilonidal Sinus Abscess Cases
BH Kanat, MB Bozan, F Mehmet, M Yur, F Erol, Z Özkan, S Emir, ...
Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 20 (5), 366-370, 2014
Poor timing and failure of source control are risk factors for mortality in critically ill patients with secondary peritonitis
G De Pascale, M Antonelli, M Deschepper, K Arvaniti, K Blot, BC Brown, ...
Intensive Care Medicine 48 (11), 1593-1606, 2022
An interesting journey of an ingested needle: a case report and review of the literature on extra-abdominal migration of ingested foreign bodies
Z Ozkan, M Kement, AB Kargı, Z Censur, FC Gezen, S Vural, M Oncel
Journal of cardiothoracic surgery 6 (1), 1-4, 2011
Ingested bone fragment in the bowel: Two cases and a review of the literature
S Emir, Z Özkan, HB Altınsoy, FM Yazar, S Sözen, İ Bali
World Journal of Clinical Cases: WJCC 1 (7), 212, 2013
The effect of Ramadan fasting on duodenal ulcer perforation: a retrospective analysis.
HF Kucuk, Z Censur, N Kurt, Z Ozkan, M Kement, L Kaptanoglu, M Oncel
Indian Journal of Surgery 67 (4), 2005
Association between thyroid hormone levels and insulin resistance and body mass index
N Aksoy, MT Yeler, NN Ayan, A Ozkeskin, Z Ozkan, NO Serin
Pakistan journal of medical sciences 31 (6), 1417, 2015
Sarcoidosis presenting as cold thyroid nodules: report of two cases
Z Ozkan, M Oncel, N Kurt, AB Kargi, N Ozdemir, L Kaptanoglu, M Eser, ...
Surgery today 35 (9), 770-773, 2005
Investigation of the relationship between serum hormones and pilonidal sinus disease: a cross‐sectional study
Z Özkan, N Aksoy, S Emir, BH Kanat, AN Gönen, FM Yazar, AR Çimen
Colorectal Disease 16 (4), 311-314, 2014
Littoral-cell angioma of the spleen
S Emir, S Sozen, MF Yazar, HB Altınsoy, ÖA Solmaz, Z Özkan
Archives of Iranian Medicine 16 (3), 0-0, 2013
Dose-DepenDent anti-inflammatory effect of ketamine in liver ischemia-reperfusion injury.
Z Gundogdu, I Demirel, MK Bayar, Z Ozkan, S Bayindir, F Kocyigit, ...
Middle East journal of anaesthesiology 23 (6), 655-663, 2016
An obstruction not to forget: Pseudo-obstruction (Ogilvie syndrome): Single center experience
FM Yazar, BH Kanat, S Emir, MB Bozan, Y Bilgiç, A Şahin, F Erol, Z Özkan, ...
Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine: Peer-reviewed, Official …, 2016
An unusual mesenteric tumor ‘paraganglioma’: a case report
Z Ozkan, CSAN OZDEMIR, G Yasar, O Altas, M Koc, Y Gul, E Durdag
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