Elisavet Chrysochoou
Working memory contributions to reading comprehension components in middle childhood children
E Chrysochoou, Z Bablekou, N Tsigilis
The American journal of psychology 124 (3), 275-289, 2011
Working memory and vocabulary development in Greek preschool and primary school children
E Chrysochoou, Z Bablekou, E Masoura, N Tsigilis
European Journal of Developmental Psychology 10 (4), 417-432, 2013
Phonological loop and central executive contributions to oral comprehension skills of 5.5 to 9.5 years old children
E Chrysochoou, Z Bablekou
Applied Cognitive Psychology 25 (4), 576-583, 2011
Revisiting the bilingual advantage in attention in low SES Greek-Albanians: does the level of bilingual experience matter?
AB Vivas, AI Ladas, V Salvari, E Chrysochoou
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 32 (6), 743-756, 2017
Executive function, working memory, and verbal fluency in relation to non-verbal intelligence in Greek-speaking school-age children with developmental language disorder
AM Ralli, E Chrysochoou, P Roussos, K Diakogiorgi, P Dimitropoulou, ...
Brain Sciences 11 (5), 604, 2021
Biculturalism, linguistic distance, and bilingual profile effects on the bilingual influence on cognition: A comprehensive multipopulation approach.
A Laketa, A Studenica, E Chrysochoou, E Blakey, AB Vivas
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 150 (11), 2273, 2021
The moderating effect of bilingualism on lifespan cognitive development
AB Vivas, E Chrysochoou, AI Ladas, V Salvari
Cognitive Development 55, 100890, 2020
Written text production in Greek-speaking children with developmental language disorder and typically developing peers, in relation to their oral language, cognitive, visual …
AM Ralli, E Chrysochoou, A Giannitsa, S Angelaki
Reading and Writing 35 (3), 713-741, 2022
Intelligence and working memory: Contributions to reading fluency, writing and reading comprehension in middle school-age children
E Chrysochoou, E Masoura, TP Alloway
Scientific Annals-School of Psychology AUTh 10, 226-251, 2013
Differences in vocabulary knowledge as a function of children’s oral comprehension performance in Greek: a cross-sectional developmental study
E Chrysochoou, Z Bablekou, S Kazi, N Tsigilis
The American Journal of Psychology 131 (2), 211-223, 2018
Η συμβολή της εργαζόμενης μνήμης στην ακουστική κατανόηση παιδιών προσχολικής και σχολικής ηλικίας
Ε Χρυσοχόου
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης (ΑΠΘ). Σχολή Παιδαγωγική. Τμήμα …, 2006
Executive functions in French-Greek early bilinguals: In search of the suggested bilingual advantage.
E Chrysochoou, S Kanaki, AB Vivas
Psychology: the Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society 25 (2), 76-99, 2020
When others fail to put themselves in my shoes: Factors accompanying language comprehension difficulties in primary school children
E Chrysochoou, Z Bablekou, N Tsigilis
Proceedings of the 2nd EMUNI Research Souk Conference, 1391-1403, 2010
The influence of bilingualism on adolescent cognition: The roles of biculturalism, the bilingual profile, and linguistic similarity
A Studenica, A Laketa, E Chrysochoou, E Blakey, AB Vivas
Cognitive Development 63, 101203, 2022
Upset in response to a sibling’s partner’s infidelity: A study with siblings of gays and lesbians, from an evolutionary perspective
D Hellstrand, E Chrysochoou
Evolutionary Psychology 13 (3), 1474704915598491, 2015
Writing skills of children with and without dyslexia: similarities and differences.
K Diakogiorgi, D Filippatou, AM Ralli, E Chrysochoou, P Roussos, ...
Psychology: the Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society, 2021
Emotional devaluation in ignoring and forgetting as a function of adolescent development
AB Vivas, E Chrysochoou, A Marful, T Bajo
Cognition 211, 104615, 2021
Νοημοσύνη και εργαζόμενη μνήμη: Η συμβολή τους στην αναγνωστική ευχέρεια, την ορθογραφία και την κατανόηση γραπτού λόγου σε παιδιά μέσης σχολικής ηλικίας
Ε Χρυσοχόου, Ε Μασούρα, TP Alloway
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, Φιλοσοφική Σχολή, Τμήμα Ψυχολογίας, 2013
Linguistic, affective, parental, and educational contributions to the bicultural identity development of Balkan minority adolescents
AB Laketa, A., Chrysochoou, E., Studenica, A., & Vivas
Journal of Research on Adolescence, 2023
Executive functions, listening comprehension, and metacognitive processes in childhood: developmental profiles.
Z Bablekou, E Chrysochoou, S & Kazi
Psychology: The Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society 28 (2), 48-68, 2023
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