Cecilie Flyen
Cecilie Flyen
Norges teknisk vitenskapelige universitet
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Public sector reform and governance for adaptation: implications of new public management for adaptive capacity in Mexico and Norway
H Eakin, S Eriksen, PO Eikeland, C Øyen
Environmental management 47, 338-351, 2011
An approach to impact assessments of buildings in a changing climate
AJ Almås, KR Lisø, HO Hygen, CF Øyen, JV Thue
Building Research & Information 39 (3), 227-238, 2011
Multilevel networks for climate change adaptation–what works?
ÅL Hauge, GS Hanssen, C Flyen
International journal of climate change strategies and management 11 (2 …, 2019
Municipal collaborative planning boosting climate resilience in the built environment
C Flyen, ÅL Hauge, AJ Almås, ÅL Godbolt
International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment 9 (1 …, 2018
User guides for the climate adaptation of buildings and infrastructure in Norway–Characteristics and impact
ÅL Hauge, AJ Almås, C Flyen, PE Stoknes, J Lohne
Climate Services 6, 23-33, 2017
Grønt er ikke bare en farge: Bærekraftige bygninger eksisterer allerede
SM Fufa, C Flyen, C Venås
SINTEF akademisk forlag, 2020
How can existing buildings with historic values contribute to achieving emission reduction ambitions?
SM Fufa, C Flyen, AC Flyen
Applied Sciences 11 (13), 5978, 2021
Klimaendringenes konsekvenser for kommunal og fylkeskommunal infrastruktur
C Aall, C Øyen, S Hafskjold, A Almås, K Groven, E Heiberg
Delrapport 1, 2011
Weakening adaptive capacity? Effects of organizational and institutional change on the housing sector in Norway
S Eriksen, C Øyen, S Kasa, A Underthun
Climate and development 1 (2), 111-129, 2009
Klimatilpasning av bygninger og infrastruktur–samfunnsmessige barrierer og drivere
ÅL Hauge, C Flyen, AJ Almås, M Ebeltoft
SINTEF akademisk forlag, 2017
Economic, social and environmental impact assessment for off-site construction logistics: the data availability issue
N Brusselaers, K Mommens, M Janné, A Fredriksson, C Venås, C Flyen, ...
IOP conference series: Earth and environmental science 588 (3), 032030, 2020
Bygninger og infrastruktur–sårbarhet og tilpasningsevne til klimaendringer
C Flyen, SE Mellegård, T Bøhlerengen, AJ Almås, K Groven, C Aall
SINTEF akademisk forlag, 2014
Climate change impacts and fungal decay in vulnerable historic structures at Svalbard
AC Flyen, C Flyen, J Mattsson
E3S Web of Conferences 172, 20006, 2020
Attitudes in Norwegian insurance companies towards sharing loss data–Public-private cooperation for improved climate adaptation
ÅL Hauge, C Flyen, C Venås, C Aall, A Kokkonen, M Ebeltoft
SINTEF akademisk forlag, 2018
Forsterket fokus på estetikk? En evaluering av forvaltningsmyndighetenes og foretakenes praksis
C Flyen, S Jerkø, H Ovesen
Norges byggforskningsinstitutt, 2004
Future resilience of cultural heritage buildings–how do residents make sense of public authorities’ sustainability measures?
ÅL Godbolt, C Flyen, ÅL Hauge, AC Flyen, LL Moen
International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment 9 (1 …, 2018
Utslippsfrie byggeplasser-State of the art
SM Fufa, S Mellegård, MK Wiik, C Flyen, G Hasle, L Bach, P Gonzalez, ...
Veileder for innovative anskaffelsesprosesser. SINTEF Fag rapport, 2018
The meaning of rehabilitation of multi-storey housing for the residents
ÅL Hauge, E Magnus, K Denizou, CF Øyen
Housing, Theory and Society 29 (4), 358-381, 2012
Nettverk for å lære klimatilpasning. Hvorfor og hvordan?
ÅL Hauge, GS Hanssen, C Flyen, EB Strømø
Klima 2050 Report, 2018
No or low emissions from construction logistics–Just a dream or future reality?
C Venås, C Flyen, SM Fufa, M Janné, A Fredriksson, N Brusselaers, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 588 (4), 042003, 2020
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