其他姓名Fnu Fitria, Fitria Fitria
在 wsu.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Optimization of microwave-assisted oxalic acid pretreatment of oil palm empty fruit bunch for production of fermentable sugars
SH Anita, Fitria, NN Solihat, FP Sari, L Risanto, W Fatriasari, E Hermiati
Waste and biomass valorization 11, 2673-2687, 2020
Optimization of maleic acid pretreatment of oil palm empty fruit bunches (OPEFB) using response surface methodology to produce reducing sugars
W Fatriasari, W Ulwan, T Aminingsih, FP Sari, L Suryanegara, AH Iswanto, ...
Industrial Crops and Products 171, 113971, 2021
Disruption of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches by Microwave-assisted Oxalic Acid Pretreatment.
NN Solihat, FP Sari, L Risanto, SH Anita, Fitria, W Fatriasari, E Hermiati
Journal of Mathematical & Fundamental Sciences 49 (3), 2017
Selecting winter wheat straw for cellulosic ethanol production in the Pacific Northwest, USA
Fitria, H Ruan, SC Fransen, AH Carter, H Tao, B Yang
Biomass and Bioenergy 123, 59-69, 2019
Proses pembuatan serat selulosa berukuran nano dari sisal (Agave sisalana) dan bambu betung (Dendrocalamus asper)
Subyakto, E Hermiati, DHY Yanto, Fitria, I Budiman, N Masruchin, ...
Berita Selulosa 44 (2), 57-65, 2017
Lignin degradation content in rice straw pre-treated by white-rot fungi
RA Ermawar, DHY Yanto, Fitria, E Hermiati
J Widya Riset 9 (3), 197-202, 2006
Enzymatic saccharification of liquid hot water and dilute sulfuric acid pretreated oil palm empty fruit bunch and sugarcane bagasse
L Risanto, Fitria, T Fajriutami, E Hermiati
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 141 (1), 012025, 2018
Roles of mineral matter in biomass processing to biofuels
Fitria, J Liu, B Yang
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 17 (3), 696-717, 2023
Comparison of acid and alkaline pre-treatment on methane production from empty palm oil fruit bunches (OPEFB): Effect on characteristics, digester performance, and correlation …
S Suhartini, NA Rohma, N Hidayat, NMS Sunyoto, E Mardawati, ...
Renewable Energy 215, 119009, 2023
Biopulping of bamboo using white-rot fungi Schizophyllum Commune
Fitria, RA Ermawar, W Fatriasari, T Fajriutami, DHY Yanto, F Falah, ...
Proceding The 2nd International Symposium for Sustainable Humanosphere, 2088 …, 2012
Preparation of superhydrophobic biomedical pulp from rice straw coated with a stearic acid-cellulose composite
IRS Daulay, HA Ariyanta, A Karimah, Fitria, EB Santoso, AH Cahyana, ...
Bioresource Technology Reports 25, 101781, 2024
A method for producing bioethanol from the lignocellulose of Shorea uliginosa Foxw. by enzymatic saccharification and fermentation
W Dwianto, Fitria, I Wahyuni, DS Adi, S Hartati, R Kaida, T Hayashi
J Math Fundam Sci 46 (2), 169-74, 2014
Fiber and chemical characteristics of branchwoods of three Meranti species
DS Adi, L Risanto, I Wahyuni, Fitria, SS Kusumah, W Dwianto, T Hayashi
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kayu Tropis 9 (2), 166-171, 2011
Development of sulfonated carbon-based solid-acid catalysts derived from biorefinery residues and biomass ash for xylan hydrolysis
Fitria, A Kumar, M Dewa, J Liu, S Ha, B Yang
Bioresource Technology Reports 24, 101607, 2023
Pretreatment Trametes versicolor dan Pleurotus ostreatus pada bagas untuk produksi bioetanol
SH Anita, T Fajriutami, Fitria, RA Ermawar, DHY Yanto, E Hermiati
J Teknol. Indones 34, 33-39, 2011
Perlakuan awal bagasse menggunakan kultur tunggal dan kultur campuran jamur pelapuk putih Trametes versicolor dan Pleurotus ostreatus
SH Anita, T Fajriutami, Fitria, RA Ermawar, DHY Yanto, E Hermiati
Dipresentasikan di Seminar Nasional “Biomass Utilization for Alternative …, 2009
Peningkatan produksi gula pereduksi dari tandan kosong kelapa sawit dengan praperlakuan asam organik pada reaktor bertekanan
FP Sari, NN Solihat, SH Anita, F Fitria, E Hermiati
Reaktor 16 (4), 199-206, 2016
Karakterisasi Sodium Lignosulfonat dari Lindi Hitam Ampas Tebu dengan Perlakuan Alkali
Fitria, T Fajriutami, F Falah, W Fatriasari, E Hermiati
Prosiding SENIATI (Seminar Nasional Inovasi dan Aplikasi Teknologi di …, 2016
Pengaruh lokasi tempat tumbuh terhadap kandungan kimia kayu sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) sebagai bahan baku pulp
Fitria, W Fatriasari, E Hermiati, NS Hartati
J. Ilmu Teknol. Has. Hutan 3, 45-50, 2010
Pengaruh perlakuan pendahuluan dengan jamur pelapuk putih (Trametes versicolor dan Pleurotus ostreatus) terhadap kadar lignin dan selulosa bagasse
Fitria, DHY Yanto, RA Ermawar, E Hermiati
Laporan Teknik Akhir Tahun, 2007
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