Вадим Сурин
Вадим Сурин
其他姓名Vadim Surin
ФГБУ НМИЦ гематологии МЗ РФ
在 blood.ru 的电子邮件经过验证
Atlas of RNA sequencing profiles for normal human tissues
M Suntsova, N Gaifullin, D Allina, A Reshetun, X Li, L Mendeleeva, ...
Scientific data 6 (1), 36, 2019
Implications of hybridization, NUMTs, and overlooked diversity for DNA barcoding of Eurasian ground squirrels
OA Ermakov, E Simonov, VL Surin, SV Titov, OV Brandler, NV Ivanova, ...
PloS one 10 (1), e0117201, 2015
Изучение гибридизации четырех видов сусликов (Spermophilus: Rodentia, Sciuridae) молекулярно-генетическими методами
ОА Ермаков, ВЛ Сурин, СВ Титов, АФ Тагиев, АВ Лукьяненко, ...
генетика 38 (7), 950-964, 2002
A molecular genetic study of hybridization in four species of ground squirrels (Spermophilus: Rodentia, Sciuridae)
OA Ermakov, VL Surin, SV Titov, AF Tagiev, AV Luk'yanenko, ...
Russian Journal of Genetics 38, 796-809, 2002
A search for Y-chromosomal species-specific markers and their use for hybridization analysis in ground squirrels (Spermophilus: Rodentia, sciuridae)
OA Ermakov, VL Surin, SV Titov, SS Zborovsky, NA Formozov
Russian Journal of Genetics 42, 429-438, 2006
Transduction of Neor Gene into Stromal Precursor Cells of Hematopoietic Microenvironment by Retroviral Gene Transfer
NJ Drize, VL Surin, OI Gan, EI Deryugina, JL Chertkov
Cytokines in Hemopoiesis, Oncology, and AIDS II, 77-83, 1992
The spectrum of β‐thalassemia mutations in Azerbaijan
AF Tagiev, VL Surin, AA Gol'tsov, AV Lukianenko, GY Solovyev, ...
Human mutation 2 (2), 152-154, 1993
Аллогенная трансплантация костного мозга после режимов кондиционирования пониженной интенсивности в терапии больных гемобластозами
ИА Демидова, ВГ Савченко, ЮВ Ольшанская, ЛП Порешина, ...
Терапевтический архив 75 (7), 15-21, 2003
A novel frameshift mutation causing beta-thalassaemia in Azerbaijan.
EI Schwartz, AA Gol'tsov, OK Kaboev, AA Alexeev, S GYa, VL Surin, ...
Nucleic acids research 17 (10), 3997, 1989
Simple and convenient detection of a HindIII polymorphic site in intron 19 of factor VIII using PCR.
VL Surin, EL Zhukova, AA Krutov, S GYa, NI Grineva
Nucleic acids research 18 (11), 3432, 1990
Allele frequencies and molecular diagnosis in haemophilia A and B patients from Russia and from some Asian republics of the former USSR
M Aseev, V Surin, K Baboev, N Gornostaeva, T Kuznetzova, T Kascheeva, ...
Prenatal diagnosis 14 (7), 513-522, 1994
Молекулярно-генетическая и биоакустическая диагностика больших (Spermophilus major Pallas, 1778) и желтых (S. fulvus Licht., 1823) сусликов из совместного поселения
СВ Титов, ОА Ермаков, ВЛ Сурин, НА Формозов, МВ Касаткин, ...
Бюллетень Московского общества испытателей природы. Отдел биологический 110 …, 2005
Лабораторная диагностика острой перемежающейся порфирии
ИВ Карпова, ВЛ Сурин, АФ Тагиев, АВ Пивник
Проблемы гематологии и переливания крови, 43-48, 1998
Machine learning applicability for classification of PAD/VCD chemotherapy response using 53 multiple myeloma RNA sequencing profiles
N Borisov, A Sergeeva, M Suntsova, M Raevskiy, N Gaifullin, ...
Frontiers in Oncology 11, 652063, 2021
Molecular genetic and bioacoustic diagnostics russet (Spermophilus major Pallas, 1778) and yellow (S. fulvus Lichtenstein, 1823) ground squirrels from mixed colony
SV Titov, OA Ermakov, VL Surin, AN Formozov, MV Kasatkin, SA Shilova, ...
Bulletin of Moscow Society of Naturalists, Biological Series 110 (4), 72-77, 2005
Molecular genetic and palaeoecological arguments for conspecificity of little (Spermophilus pygmaeus) and Caucasian Mountain (S. musicus) ground squirrels
OA Ermakov, SV Titov, AB Savinetsky, VL Surin, SS Zborovsky, ...
Zoologichesky Zhurnal 85, 1474-1483, 2006
Phylogenetic relationship and variation of alarm call traits of populations of red‐cheeked ground squirrels (Spermophilus erythrogenys sensu lato) suggest …
VA Matrosova, AD Ivanova, EV Volodina, IA Volodin, DY Alexandrov, ...
Integrative Zoology 14 (4), 341-353, 2019
DNA analysis of a 30,000-year-old Urocitellus glacialis from northeastern Siberia reveals phylogenetic relationships between ancient and present-day arctic …
M Faerman, GK Bar-Gal, E Boaretto, GG Boeskorov, NE Dokuchaev, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 42639, 2017
Molecular systematics of pikas of the subgenus Pika (Ochotona, Lagomorpha)
NA Formozov, TV Grigor’eva, VL Surin
Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 85 (12), 1465-1473, 2006
Молекулярно-генетические и палеоэкологические аргументы в пользу конспецифичности малого (Spermophilus pygmaeus) и горного (S. musicus) сусликов
ОА Ермаков, СВ Титов, АБ Савинецкий, ВЛ Сурин, CС Зборовский, ...
Зоологический журнал 85 (12), 1474-1483, 2006
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