Components of reading comprehension and scholastic achievement C Meneghetti, B Carretti, R De Beni Learning and individual differences 16 (4), 291-301, 2006 | 247 | 2006 |
Visuospatial working memory and mental representation of spatial descriptions R De Beni, F Pazzaglia, V Gyselinck, C Meneghetti European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 17 (1), 77-95, 2005 | 142 | 2005 |
Strategic knowledge and consistency in students with good and poor study skills C Meneghetti, R De Beni, C Cornoldi European journal of cognitive psychology 19 (4-5), 628-649, 2007 | 109 | 2007 |
An integrated model of school students’ academic achievement and life satisfaction. Linking soft skills, extracurricular activities, self-regulated learning, motivation, and … T Feraco, D Resnati, D Fregonese, A Spoto, C Meneghetti European Journal of Psychology of Education 38 (1), 109-130, 2023 | 105 | 2023 |
Working memory components and imagery instructions in the elaboration of a spatial mental model V Gyselinck, R De Beni, F Pazzaglia, C Meneghetti, A Mondoloni Psychological Research 71, 373-382, 2007 | 92 | 2007 |
Spatial abilities across the adult life span. E Borella, C Meneghetti, L Ronconi, R De Beni Developmental psychology 50 (2), 384, 2014 | 87 | 2014 |
Women and mental rotation: Incremental theory and spatial strategy use enhance performance A Moè, C Meneghetti, M Cadinu Personality and Individual Differences 46 (2), 187-191, 2009 | 71 | 2009 |
“Andrà tutto bene”: associations between character strengths, psychological distress and self-efficacy during Covid-19 lockdown N Casali, T Feraco, M Ghisi, C Meneghetti Journal of Happiness Studies 22 (5), 2255-2274, 2021 | 69 | 2021 |
The effects of verbal and spatial interference in the encoding and retrieval of spatial and nonspatial texts F Pazzaglia, R De Beni, C Meneghetti Psychological Research 71 (4), 484-494, 2007 | 65 | 2007 |
Individual differences in spatial text processing: High spatial ability can compensate for spatial working memory interference C Meneghetti, V Gyselinck, F Pazzaglia, R De Beni Learning and Individual differences 19 (4), 577-589, 2009 | 64 | 2009 |
AMOS 8-15. Abilità e motivazione allo studio: prove di valutazione per ragazzi dagli 8 ai 15 anni. Manuale e protocolli C Cornoldi, R De Beni, C Zamperlin, C Meneghetti Edizioni Erickson, 2005 | 64 | 2005 |
Auditory and cognitive performance in elderly musicians and nonmusicians M Grassi, C Meneghetti, E Toffalini, E Borella PLoS One 12 (11), e0187881, 2017 | 63 | 2017 |
The role of working memory in spatial text processing: What benefit of imagery strategy and visuospatial abilities? V Gyselinck, C Meneghetti, R De Beni, F Pazzaglia Learning and Individual differences 19 (1), 12-20, 2009 | 63 | 2009 |
The role of spatial abilities and self-assessments in cardinal point orientation across the lifespan C Meneghetti, E Borella, M Pastore, R De Beni Learning and Individual Differences 35, 113-121, 2014 | 62 | 2014 |
Mental rotation training: transfer and maintenance effects on spatial abilities C Meneghetti, E Borella, F Pazzaglia Psychological research 80, 113-127, 2016 | 61 | 2016 |
Tracing a route and finding a shortcut: The working memory, motivational, and personality factors involved F Pazzaglia, C Meneghetti, L Ronconi Frontiers in human neuroscience 12, 225, 2018 | 60 | 2018 |
Spatial mental representations derived from survey and route descriptions: When individuals prefer extrinsic frame of reference C Meneghetti, F Pazzaglia, R De Beni Learning and Individual Differences 21 (2), 150-157, 2011 | 58 | 2011 |
Representation of survey and route spatial descriptions in children with nonverbal (visuospatial) learning disabilities IC Mammarella, C Meneghetti, F Pazzaglia, F Gitti, C Gomez, C Cornoldi Brain and Cognition 71 (2), 173-179, 2009 | 58 | 2009 |
The role of practice and strategy in mental rotation training: Transfer and maintenance effects C Meneghetti, R Cardillo, IC Mammarella, S Caviola, E Borella Psychological research 81, 415-431, 2017 | 52 | 2017 |
Learning a map of environment: The role of visuo‐spatial abilities in young and older adults C Meneghetti, F Fiore, E Borella, R De Beni Applied Cognitive Psychology 25 (6), 952-959, 2011 | 49 | 2011 |