Kim H Song
Kim H Song
Professor of Educator Preparation and Leadership, University of Missouri-St. Louis
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Do mathematical gender differences continue? A longitudinal study of gender difference and excellence in mathematics performance in the U.S. Educational Studies.
C Ding, K Song
A Journal of the American Educational Studies Association 40 (3), 279-295, 2006
Systematic Professional Development Training and Its Impact on Teachers’ Attitudes Toward ELLs: SIOP and Guided Coaching
KH Song
TESOL journal 7 (4), 767-799, 2016
Urban teachers’ beliefs on teaching, learning, and students: A pilot study in the United States of America
KH Song
Education and Urban Society 38 (4), 481-499, 2006
A conceptual model of assessing teaching performance and intellectual development of teacher candidates: A pilot study in the US
KH Song
Teaching in Higher Education 11 (2), 175-190, 2006
Designing a community translanguaging space within a family literacy project.
S Kim, K Song
The Reading Teacher 73 (3), 1-13, 2019
Reflective professional development for urban teachers through videotaping and guided assessment
KH Song, S Catapano
Journal of In‐service Education 34 (1), 75-95, 2008
NNESTs' Professional Identity in the Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Classrooms.
KH Song, AG Del Castillo
International Journal of Educational Psychology 4 (1), 54-83, 2015
Applying an SIOP-Based Instructional Framework for Professional Development in Korea.
KH Song
Tesl-Ej 20 (1), n1, 2016
Working toward linguistically and culturally responsive math teaching through a year-long urban teacher training program for English learners.
K Song, S Coppersmith
Journal of Urban Mathematics Education 13 (2), 60-86, 2020
A beginning teaching portfolio handbook
B Foster, M Walker, K Song
Merill-Prentice Hall, 2007
Creating an interactive virtual community of linguistically and culturally responsive content teaching for English learners in a TESOL program.
S Kim, K Song, S Coppersmith
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education (CITE) 18 (2), https …, 2018
Achievement gaps in preservice teachers in urban settings
K Song, F Christiansen
Resources in Education 456187, https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED456187, 2001
Conceptualizing community translanguaging through a family literacy project
S Kim, LM Dorner, KH Song
International Multilingual Research Journal 15 (4), 293-316, 2021
Integrating primary sources, artifacts, and museum visits into the primary years program inquiry curriculum in an international baccalaureate elementary setting
S Coppersmith, K Song
Journal of Social Studies Education Research 8 (3), 24-49, 2017
“No difference between African American, immigrant, and White children! They are all the same.” Working toward developing teachers’ raciolinguistic attitudes towards ELs.
K Song, S Kim, L Preston
International Journal of Multicultural Education 23 (1), 47-66, 2021
In-service and pre-service teachers’ perceptions of transformation and observed classroom teaching practices to become linguistically and culturally responsive content teachers …
SA Coppersmith, KH Song, S Kim
Journal of Transformative Learning 6 (2), 2019
Manifesting multi-dimensional creativity in a technology- mediated online TESOL practicum course.
K Song, S Kim, Z Yuyang
TESOL Journal 11 (2), 1-17, 2019
Impact of Backward Assessment and Guided Reflection on Social Studies Education: A Four-Step Teaching Cycle.
KH Song
International Journal of Social Education 23 (1), 118-138, 2008
Educating racially, culturally, and linguistically diverse children in a global era: The world at home and at home in the world
KH Song, SN Kerkhoff, A Slapac
Social justice and culturally-affirming education in K-12 settings, 1-22, 2023
Introspections on in-service teachers' intercultural responsiveness skills for English language learners
A Slapac, KH Song, CC Chasteen
Intercultural responsiveness in the second language learning classroom, 1-21, 2017
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