Timothy O Adekoya
Cytokines and chemokines as mediators of prostate cancer metastasis
TO Adekoya, RM Richardson
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (12), 4449, 2020
Antibacterial and antioxidant investigations of Hallea ledermannii leaf extract
AS Adesegun, NE Anyika, TO Adekoya, SG Essien
Indian journal of Science and Technology 5 (1), 1885-1887, 2012
Activator of G protein signaling 3 modulates prostate tumor development and progression
TO Adekoya, N Smith, T Aladeniyi, JB Blumer, XL Chen, RM Richardson
Carcinogenesis, 2019
Knockdown of microRNA-214-3p promotes Tumor Growth and epithelial-mesenchymal transition in prostate Cancer
P Cagle, N Smith, TO Adekoya, Y Li, S Kim, L Rios-Colon, G Deep, ...
Cancers 13 (23), 5875, 2021
Host versus cell-dependent effects of β-arrestin 1 expression in prostate tumorigenesis
TO Adekoya, N Smith, AJ Thomas, TS Lane, N Burnette, EJ Rivers, Y Li, ...
Carcinogenesis 42 (5), 772-783, 2021
AGS3 depletion promotes tumorigenesis in a murine model of lung cancer
TO Adekoya, N Smith, RM Richardson
Cancer Research 83 (7_Supplement), 7-7, 2023
Lymphatic drainage system and lymphatic metastasis of cancer cells in the mouse esophagus
Y Li, Q Cheng, Z Xiong, C Paiboonrungruang, T Adekoya, Y Li, X Chen
Digestive diseases and sciences 68 (3), 803-812, 2023
Opposite effects of CXCR1 and CXCR2 overexpression in prostate tumorigenesis
M Richardson, T Adekoya, N Smith, P Kothari
The Journal of Immunology 208 (1_Supplement), 178.12-178.12, 2022
Acknowledgment to Reviewers of Cancers in 2021
M Abal, S Afelik, G Abate, P Afonso, A Abbara, R Afonso, T Abboud, ...
Abstract PO-134: Differential effects of CXCR1 and CXCR2 receptors on prostate tumorigenesis
TO Adekoya, N Smith, P Kothari, RM Richardson
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 31 (1_Supplement), PO-134-PO-134, 2022
Host- versus cell-dependent effects of β-Arrestin 1 expression in prostate tumorigenesis
TO Adekoya, N Smith, M Richardson
The Journal of Immunology 204 (1 Supplement), 242.5, 2020
Abstract B005: Ginger consumption inhibits β-arrestin-2 expression and functions in melanoma and prostate cancer cells
TA Mowart, T Adekoya, N Smith, TS Lane, RM Richardson
Cancer Research 78 (16_Supplement), B005-B005, 2018
Ginger consumption inhibits beta-arrestin-2 expression and functions in melanoma and prostate cancer cells.
TA Mowart, T Adekoya, N Smith, TS Lane, RM Richardson
CANCER RESEARCH 78 (16), 81-81, 2018
Effect of activator of G-protein signaling 3 (AGS3) on prostate tumorigenesis
TO Adekoya, N Smith, T Mowatt, T Aladeniyi, RM Richardson
Cancer Research 78 (13_Supplement), 5745-5745, 2018
Role of Activator of G Protein Signaling 3 (AGS3) in Tumorigenesis
TO Adekoya
ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2018
Activator of G-Protein Signaling 3 Modulates Prostate Cancer Development and Progression
M Richardson, T Adekoya, N Smith, TA Mowart
The Journal of Immunology 198 (1_Supplement), 141.7-141.7, 2017
Activator of G-protein Signaling 3 (AGS3) modulates CXCR2/GRK6 activation and functions: Role of the GPR domain.
M Richardson, TO Adekoya, TA Mowatt, N Smith
The Journal of Immunology 196 (1_Supplement), 59.22-59.22, 2016
Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Cancers in 2019
T Aasen, C Abad, M Abdel-Nasser, H Abdelrazik, H Abe, T Abe, F Aberger, ...
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