CMRules: Mining sequential rules common to several sequences P Fournier-Viger, U Faghihi, R Nkambou, EM Nguifo Knowledge-Based Systems 25 (1), 63-76, 2012 | 168 | 2012 |
An experimental survey on big data frameworks W Inoubli, S Aridhi, H Mezni, M Maddouri, EM Nguifo Future Generation Computer Systems 86, 546-564, 2018 | 164 | 2018 |
Frequent closed itemset based algorithms: A thorough structural and analytical survey SB Yahia, T Hamrouni, EM Nguifo ACM sIGKDD Explorations Newsletter 8 (1), 93-104, 2006 | 122 | 2006 |
A knowledge discovery framework for learning task models from user interactions in intelligent tutoring systems P Fournier-Viger, R Nkambou, EM Nguifo Mexican international conference on artificial intelligence, 765-778, 2008 | 95 | 2008 |
Building intelligent tutoring systems for ill-defined domains P Fournier-Viger, R Nkambou, EM Nguifo Advances in intelligent tutoring systems, 81-101, 2010 | 94 | 2010 |
Protein sequences classification by means of feature extraction with substitution matrices R Saidi, M Maddouri, E Mephu Nguifo BMC bioinformatics 11, 1-13, 2010 | 85 | 2010 |
Big graph mining: Frameworks and techniques S Aridhi, EM Nguifo Big Data Research 6, 1-10, 2016 | 75 | 2016 |
A parallel algorithm to generate formal concepts for large data H Fu, EM Nguifo Concept Lattices: Second International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis …, 2004 | 73 | 2004 |
Density-based data partitioning strategy to approximate large-scale subgraph mining S Aridhi, L d'Orazio, M Maddouri, EM Nguifo Information Systems 48, 213-223, 2015 | 60 | 2015 |
: A new informative generic base of association rules G Gasmi, SB Yahia, EM Nguifo, Y Slimani Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 81-90, 2005 | 54 | 2005 |
Time series classification with recurrent neural networks D Smirnov, EM Nguifo Advanced analytics and learning on temporal data 8, 2018 | 46 | 2018 |
Galois Lattice: a framework for concept learning. Design, evaluation and refinement E Mephu-Nguifo Proceedings Sixth International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 1994 | 46 | 1994 |
Ranking and selecting association rules based on dominance relationship S Bouker, R Saidi, SB Yahia, EM Nguifo 2012 IEEE 24th international conference on tools with artificial …, 2012 | 45 | 2012 |
Treillis de concepts et classification super-visée P Njiwoua, EM Nguifo Technique et Science Informatiques 24 (4), 449-488, 2005 | 45 | 2005 |
Approches d'extraction de règles d'association basées sur la correspondance de Galois S BEN YAHIA, E MEPHU NGUIFO Ingénierie des systèmes d'information (2001) 9 (3-4), 23-55, 2004 | 43 | 2004 |
Using lattice-based framework as a tool for feature extraction EM Nguifo, P Njiwoua European Conference on Machine Learning, 304-309, 1998 | 43 | 1998 |
A parallel algorithm to build concept lattice P Njiwoua, EM Nguifo Proceedings of the 4th Groningen International Information Technology …, 1997 | 43 | 1997 |
A comparative study on streaming frameworks for big data W Inoubli, S Aridhi, H Mezni, M Maddouri, EM Nguifo VLDB 2018-44th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases: Workshop …, 2018 | 42 | 2018 |
Mining undominated association rules through interestingness measures S Bouker, R Saidi, S Ben Yahia, E Mephu Nguifo International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 23 (04), 1460011, 2014 | 42 | 2014 |
Sweeping the disjunctive search space towards mining new exact concise representations of frequent itemsets T Hamrouni, SB Yahia, EM Nguifo Data & Knowledge Engineering 68 (10), 1091-1111, 2009 | 42 | 2009 |