Benjamin Hanckel
Benjamin Hanckel
Associate Professor, Sociology, Western Sydney University
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‘That’s not necessarily for them’: LGBTIQ+ young people, social media platform affordances and identity curation
B Hanckel, S Vivienne, P Byron, B Robards, B Churchill
Media, Culture & Society 41 (8), 1261-1278, 2019
Case study research for better evaluations of complex interventions: rationale and challenges
S Paparini, J Green, C Papoutsi, J Murdoch, M Petticrew, T Greenhalgh, ...
BMC medicine 18, 1-6, 2020
Finding community and contesting heteronormativity: queer young people's engagement in an Australian online community
B Hanckel, A Morris
Journal of Youth Studies 17 (7), 872-886, 2014
" Hey, I'm having these experiences": Tumblr use and young people's queer (dis) connections
P Byron, B Robards, B Hanckel, S Vivienne, B Churchill
International Journal of Communication 13, 2239-2259, 2019
The use of Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) to address causality in complex systems: a systematic review of research on public health interventions
B Hanckel, M Petticrew, J Thomas, J Green
BMC public health 21 (1), 877, 2021
Ethical norms and issues in crowdsourcing practices: A Habermasian analysis
D Schlagwein, D Cecez‐Kecmanovic, B Hanckel
Information Systems Journal 29 (4), 811-837, 2019
Twenty years of ‘cyberqueer’: The enduring significance of the Internet for young LGBTIQ+ people
B Robards, B Churchill, S Vivienne, B Hanckel, P Byron
Youth, Sexuality and Sexual Citizenship, 2018
The Daily Mile as a public health intervention: a rapid ethnographic assessment of uptake and implementation in South London, UK
B Hanckel, D Ruta, G Scott, JL Peacock, J Green
BMC Public Health 19, 1-14, 2019
In/visibility on campus? Gender and sexuality diversity in tertiary institutions
T Ferfolja, N Asquith, B Hanckel, B Brady
Higher Education 80 (5), 933-947, 2020
Social media insights from sexuality and gender diverse young people during COVID-19
B Hanckel, S Chandra
Diversity and safety on campus@ Western: Heterosexism and cissexism in higher education
NL Asquith, T Ferfolia, B Brady, B Hanckel
International review of victimology 25 (3), 320-340, 2019
Ontologies of transition (s) in healthcare practice: Examining the lived experiences and representations of transgender adults transitioning in healthcare
A Shepherd, B Hanckel
Social Perspectives on Trans Health, 41-57, 2024
Tumblr as a space of learning, connecting, and identity formation for LGBTIQ+ young people
IN Hoch, L Stein, A Cho, A McCracken
a tumblr book: platform and cultures, 2020
The social life of data: Strategies for categorizing fluid and multiple genders
S Vivienne, B Hanckel, P Byron, B Robards, B Churchill
Journal of Gender Studies 32 (5), 498-513, 2023
Mitigating risk and facilitating access to capabilities: The role of affect in the design of an ICT-tool for queer youth in Asia
B Hanckel
Emotion, Space and Society 18, 35-43, 2016
Making sense of intersecting crises: Promises, challenges, and possibilities of intersectional perspectives in youth research
K Moore, B Hanckel, C Nunn, S Atherton
Journal of Applied Youth Studies 4 (5), 423-428, 2021
Case study research and causal inference
J Green, B Hanckel, M Petticrew, S Paparini, S Shaw
BMC medical research methodology 22 (1), 307, 2022
Protocol for a systematic review of the use of qualitative comparative analysis for evaluative questions in public health research
B Hanckel, M Petticrew, J Thomas, J Green
Systematic reviews 8, 1-5, 2019
‘I wouldn't want my family to cop anything’: examining the family of origin and its place in LGBTQIA+ young people’s social media practices
S Chandra, B Hanckel
Journal of Youth Studies 27 (4), 609-624, 2024
Fear of heterosexism among sexuality and gender diverse staff and students
B Brady, NL Asquith, T Ferfolja, B Hanckel
Journal of Interpersonal Violence 37 (3-4), NP1908-NP1938, 2022
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