Andreas Kalckert
Andreas Kalckert
Department of cognitive neuroscience and philosophy, University of Skoevde
在 his.se 的电子邮件经过验证
Moving a rubber hand that feels like your own: a dissociation of ownership and agency
A Kalckert, HH Ehrsson
Frontiers in human neuroscience 6, 40, 2012
The moving rubber hand illusion revisited: Comparing movements and visuotactile stimulation to induce illusory ownership
A Kalckert, HH Ehrsson
Consciousness and cognition 26, 117-132, 2014
The spatial distance rule in the moving and classical rubber hand illusions
A Kalckert, HH Ehrsson
Consciousness and cognition 30, 118-132, 2014
The onset time of the ownership sensation in the moving rubber hand illusion
A Kalckert, HH Ehrsson
Frontiers in psychology 8, 344, 2017
Neural correlates of the rubber hand illusion in amputees: a report of two cases
L Schmalzl, A Kalckert, C Ragnö, HH Ehrsson
Neurocase 20 (4), 407-420, 2014
Rubber hands in space: the role of distance and relative position in the rubber hand illusion
A Kalckert, ATM Perera, Y Ganesan, E Tan
Experimental Brain Research 237 (7), 1821-1832, 2019
Priming letters by colors: evidence for the bidirectionality of grapheme–color synesthesia
PH Weiss, A Kalckert, GR Fink
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 21 (10), 2019-2026, 2009
Illusions with hands, but not with balloons–Comparing ownership and referral of touch for a corporal and noncorporal object after visuotactile stimulation
A Kalckert, I Bico, JX Fong
Perception 48 (5), 447-455, 2019
When passive feels active - Delusion-proneness alters self-recognition in the moving rubber hand illusion
A Louzolo, A Kalckert, P Petrovic
PloS one 10 (6), e0128549, 2015
How to lose a hand: Sensory updating drives disembodiment
R Pfister, AL Klaffehn, A Kalckert, W Kunde, D Dignath
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 28, 827-833, 2021
Owning a Body + Moving a Body = Me?
L Pia, F Garbarini, A Kalckert, HY Wong
Frontiers in human neuroscience 13, 88, 2019
Commentary: Switching to the rubber hand
A Kalckert
Frontiers in psychology 9, 588, 2018
The super-stroker—An open-source tool to induce the rubber hand illusion.
AK Sivasubramaniam, JH Ng, H Chan, JKY Yang, A Kalckert
Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice 9 (4), 356, 2022
Region‐of‐interest analysis approaches in neuroimaging studies of body ownership: An activation likelihood estimation meta‐analysis
M Nilsson, A Kalckert
European Journal of Neuroscience 54 (11), 7974-7988, 2021
I am moving my hand - Ownership, agency, and the body
A Kalckert
Sensation of Movement, 2017
Instant disembodiment of virtual body parts
J Eck, D Dignath, A Kalckert, R Pfister
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2022
Comment on:Embodying Others in Immersive Virtual Reality: Electro-Cortical Signatures of Monitoring the Errors in the Actions of an Avatar Seen from a First-Person Perspective
A Kalckert
Frontiers in Psychology 7 (1260), 2016
Praxis perspectives on doctoral supervision from across disciplines
R Rouse, A Kalckert, K Mahon
Journal of Praxis in Higher Education 5 (2), 1-11, 2023
From a praxis perspective: Being and becoming a doctoral supervisor
R Rouse, A Kalckert, K Mahon
University of Boras, 2023
From a praxis perspective: Being and becoming a doctoral supervisor (JPHE Special Issue)
R Rouse, A Kalckert, K Mahon
Högskolan i Borås, 2023
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