Hideki Tsumura
Hideki Tsumura
在 tokushima-u.ac.jp 的电子邮件经过验证
Prevalence and risk factors of internet addiction among employed adults in Japan
H Tsumura, H Kanda, N Sugaya, S Tsuboi, K Takahashi
Journal of epidemiology 28 (4), 202-206, 2018
At-risk Internet addiction and related factors among junior high school teachers—based on a nationwide cross-sectional study in Japan
A Iwaibara, M Fukuda, H Tsumura, H Kanda
Environmental health and preventive medicine 24, 1-8, 2019
Acutely elevated cortisol in response to stressor is associated with attentional bias toward depression-related stimuli but is not associated with attentional function
H Tsumura, H Shimada
Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback 37, 19-29, 2012
The effects of attention retraining on depressive mood and cortisol responses to depression‐related stimuli1
H Tsumura, H Shimada, K Nomura, N Sugaya, K Suzuki
Japanese Psychological Research 54 (4), 400-411, 2012
Problematic internet use and its relationship with psychological distress, insomnia, and alcoholism among schoolteachers in Japan
H Tsumura, H Kanda, N Sugaya, S Tsuboi, M Fukuda, K Takahashi
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 21 (12), 788-796, 2018
Stress-induced cortisol is associated with generation of non-negative interpretations during cognitive reappraisal
H Tsumura, J Sensaki, H Shimada
BioPsychoSocial Medicine 9, 1-7, 2015
Neurophysiological modulation of rapid emotional face processing is associated with impulsivity traits
T Soshi, T Noda, K Ando, K Nakazawa, H Tsumura, T Okada
Bmc Neuroscience 16, 1-17, 2015
Post-event processing predicts impaired cortisol recovery following social stressor: the moderating role of social anxiety
S Maeda, T Sato, H Shimada, H Tsumura
Frontiers in Psychology 8, 1919, 2017
Post-error action control is neurobehaviorally modulated under conditions of constant speeded response
T Soshi, K Ando, T Noda, K Nakazawa, H Tsumura, T Okada
Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 1072, 2015
Effect of day-to-day variations in adrenal cortex hormone levels on abdominal symptoms
N Sugaya, S Izawa, N Ogawa, K Shirotsuki, H Kobayashi, KC Yamada, ...
BioPsychoSocial Medicine 4, 1-7, 2010
Blunted cortisol and normal sympathetic nervous system responses to an acute psychosocial stressor in internet addiction
H Tsumura, M Fukuda, H Kanda
Heliyon 8 (12), 2022
Effects of distraction on negative behaviors and salivary α-amylase under mildly stressful medical procedures for brief inpatient children
H Tsumura, H Shimada, H Morimoto, C Hinuma, Y Kawano
Journal of health psychology 19 (8), 1079-1088, 2014
性加害行為に対する認知行動療法の心理社会的要因が再犯防止効果に及ぼす影響: メタ分析を用いた検討 (資料)
野村和孝, 山本哲也, 林響子, 津村秀樹, 嶋田洋徳
行動療法研究 37 (3), 143-155, 2011
Unhealthy mental states are positively associated with subjective pain or fatigue in specific body sites among high school teachers in Japan
Y Murakami, H Tsumura, R Sato, M Fukuda, H Kanda
Health 9 (9), 1313-1325, 2017
津村秀樹, 嶋田洋徳
健康心理学研究 27 (2), 124-130, 2014
The association between problematic internet use and neck pain among Japanese schoolteachers
R Tanabe, T Hisamatsu, M Fukuda, H Tsumura, R Tsuchie, M Suzuki, ...
journal of Occupational Health 63 (1), e12298, 2021
Relationship among automatic thoughts, activities and events, and affect in children
H Tsumura, H Shimada, Y Oshikawa, M Kawata
International Journal of Cognitive Therapy 9 (3), 203-216, 2016
Impulsivity is associated with early sensory inhibition in neurophysiological processing of affective sounds
T Soshi, T Noda, K Ando, K Nakazawa, H Tsumura, T Okada
Frontiers in Psychiatry 6, 141, 2015
津村秀樹, 野村和孝, 嶋田洋徳
認知療法研究= Japanese journal of cognitive therapy 3, 69-78, 2010
At‐risk internet addiction and related factors among senior high school teachers in Japan based on a Nationwide survey
M Fukuda, M Chowdhury, TT Chowdhury, H Tsumura, R Tsuchie, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology Reports 43 (4), 553-560, 2023
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