Marco volterrani
Marco volterrani
Professore di Tappeti Erbosi Università di Pisa
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Unmanned aerial vehicle to estimate nitrogen status of turfgrasses
L Caturegli, M Corniglia, M Gaetani, N Grossi, S Magni, M Migliazzi, ...
PloS one 11 (6), e0158268, 2016
Fluorescence-based versus reflectance proximal sensing of nitrogen content in Paspalum vaginatum and Zoysia matrella turfgrasses
G Agati, L Foschi, N Grossi, L Guglielminetti, ZG Cerovic, M Volterrani
European journal of agronomy 45, 39-51, 2013
Warm-season turfgrass species and cultivar characterizations for a Mediterranean climate
P Croce, A De Luca, M Mocioni, M Volterrani, JB Beard
Int. Turfgrass Soc. Res. J 9, 855-859, 2001
Tall fescue turf quality and soccer playing characteristics as affected by mowing height
N Grossi, M Volterrani, S Magni, S Miele
I International Conference on Turfgrass Management and Science for Sports …, 2003
Adaptability of warmseason turfgrass species and cultivars in a mediterranean climate
P Croce, M Volterrani, JB Beard, A De Luca, M Mocioni
I International Conference on Turfgrass Management and Science for Sports …, 2003
Warm season turfgrass adaptation in Italy
M Volterrani, N Grossi, G Pardini, S Miele, M Gaetani, S Magni
Int. Turfgrass Soc. Res. J 8 (2), 1344-1354, 1997
Growth responses and physiological traits of seashore paspalum subjected to short-term salinity stress and recovery
A Pompeiano, E Di Patrizio, M Volterrani, A Scartazza, L Guglielminetti
Agricultural Water Management 163, 57-65, 2016
GeoEye-1 satellite versus ground-based multispectral data for estimating nitrogen status of turfgrasses
L Caturegli, M Casucci, F Lulli, N Grossi, M Gaetani, S Magni, E Bonari, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 36 (8), 2238-2251, 2015
In field non-invasive sensing of the nitrogen status in hybrid bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon× C. transvaalensis Burtt Davy) by a fluorescence-based method
G Agati, L Foschi, N Grossi, M Volterrani
European Journal of Agronomy 63, 89-96, 2015
Species and growing media for sports turfs in Mediterranean area
M Volterrani, S Magni
I International Conference on Turfgrass Management and Science for Sports …, 2003
Bermudagrass and Seashore Paspalum winter overseeded with seven cool-season turfgrasses
M Volterrani, S Miele, S Magni, M Gaetani, G Pardini
International Turfgrass Society Research Journal.(9), 957-961, 2001
Response of warm–season grasses to N fertilization and salinity
A Pompeiano, V Giannini, M Gaetani, F Vita, L Guglielminetti, E Bonari, ...
Scientia Horticulturae 177, 92-98, 2014
Physiological and morphological factors influencing wear resistance and recovery in C3 and C4 turfgrass species
F Lulli, M Volterrani, N Grossi, R Armeni, S Stefanini, L Guglielminetti
Functional Plant Biology 39 (3), 214-221, 2012
Effect of olive mill compost on native soil characteristics and tall fescue turfgrass development
PA Nektarios, N Ntoulas, S McElroy, M Volterrani, G Arbis
Agronomy journal 103 (5), 1524-1531, 2011
The comparative competitive ability of thirteen Agrostis stolonifera cultivars to Poa annua
JB Beard, P Croce, M Mocioni, A De Luca, M Volterrani
Int. Turfgrass Soc. Res. J 9, 828-831, 2001
Spectral Reflectance of Tall Fescue (Festuca Arundinacea Schreb.) Under Different Irrigation and Nitrogen Conditions
L Caturegli, N Grossi, M Saltari, M Gaetani, S Magni, AE Nikolopoulou, ...
Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 4, 59-67, 2015
Monitoring turfgrass species and cultivars by spectral reflectance
L Caturegli, F Lulli, L Foschi, L Guglielminetti, E Bonari, M Volterrani
Eur. J. Hortic. Sci 79 (3), 97-107, 2014
Turfgrass spectral reflectance: simulating satellite monitoring of spectral signatures of main C3 and C4 species
L Caturegli, F Lulli, L Foschi, L Guglielminetti, E Bonari, M Volterrani
Precision Agriculture 16 (3), 297-310, 2015
Establishment of warm season turfgrass species by transplant of single potted plants
M Volterrani, N Grossi, F Lulli, M Gaetani
II International Conference on Turfgrass Science and Management for Sports …, 2007
N source affects freeze tolerance in bermudagrass and zoysiagrass
A Pompeiano, I Volpi, M Volterrani, L Guglielminetti
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B–Soil & Plant Science 63 (4), 341-351, 2013
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