Marcela Moré
Marcela Moré
Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - CONICET)
在 imbiv.unc.edu.ar 的电子邮件经过验证
The long and the short of it: a global analysis of hawkmoth pollination niches and interaction networks
SD Johnson, M Moré, FW Amorim, WA Haber, GW Frankie, DA Stanley, ...
Functional Ecology 31 (1), 101-115, 2017
Beyond neutral and forbidden links: morphological matches and the assembly of mutualistic hawkmoth–plant networks
FD Sazatornil, M More, S Benitez‐Vieyra, AA Cocucci, IJ Kitching, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 85 (6), 1586-1594, 2016
Extreme variation in floral characters and its consequences for pollinator attraction among populations of an Andean cactus
BO Schlumpberger, AA Cocucci, M Moré, AN Sérsic, RA Raguso
Annals of Botany 103 (9), 1489-1500, 2009
A simple floral fragrance and unusual osmophore structure in Cyclopogon elatus (Orchidaceae)
AP Wiemer, M More, S Benitez‐Vieyra, AA Cocucci, RA Raguso, ...
Plant biology 11 (4), 506-514, 2009
M More, I Kitching, AA Cocucci
Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, 2014
Flores del centro de Argentina: una guía ilustrada para conocer 141 especies típicas
AN Sersic, AA Cocucci, SM Benitez-Vieyra, A Cosacov Martinez, LR Díaz, ...
El Emporio, 2006
Armament imbalances: match and mismatch in plant-pollinator traits of highly specialized long-spurred orchids
M More, FW Amorim, S Benitez-Vieyra, AM Medina, M Sazima, ...
PLoS One 7 (7), e41878, 2012
Restriction of pollinator assemblage through flower length and width in three long-tongued hawkmoth-pollinated species of Mandevilla (Apocynaceae, Apocynoideae)
M Moré, AN Sérsic, AA Cocucci
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 94 (2), 485-504, 2007
Specialized use of pollen vectors by Caesalpinia gilliesii, a legume species with brush-type flowers
M More, AN Sersic, AA Cocucci
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 88 (4), 579-592, 2006
The importance of oligosulfides in the attraction of fly pollinators to the brood-site deceptive species Jaborosa rotacea (Solanaceae).
M Moré, AA Cocucci, RA Raguso
International Journal of Plant Sciences 174 (6), 863, 2013
Spatial and temporal variation in volatile composition suggests olfactory division of labor within the trap flowers of Aristolochia gigantea
KR Martin, M More, J Hipolito, S Charlemagne, BO Schlumpberger, ...
Flora 232, 153-168, 2017
Possible tobacco progenitors share long-tongued hawkmoths as pollen vectors
J Nattero, M More, AN Sersic, AA Cocucci
Plant Systematics and Evolution 241, 47-54, 2003
Phylogeny and floral trait evolution in Jaborosa (Solanaceae)
M Moré, AA Cocucci, AN Sérsic, GE Barboza
Taxon 64 (3), 523-534, 2015
Phenotypic selection mosaic for flower length influenced by geographically varying hawkmoth pollinator proboscis length and abiotic environment
F Soteras, MA Rubini Pisano, JB Bariles, M Moré, AA Cocucci
New Phytologist 225 (2), 985-998, 2020
Breakdown of species boundaries in Mandevilla: floral morphological intermediacy, novel fragrances and asymmetric pollen flow
A Rubini Pisano, M More, MA Cisternas, RA Raguso, S Benitez‐Vieyra
Plant Biology 21 (2), 206-215, 2019
Chromosomal changes and recent diversification in the Andean genus Jaborosa (Solanaceae)
F Chiarini, N Moreno, M Moré, G Barboza
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 183 (1), 57-74, 2017
Patrones de depósito de polen sobre el cuerpo de los polinizadores en comunidades esfingófilas de Argentina subtropical
M Moré, S Benitez-Vieyra, AN Sérsic, AA Cocucci
Darwiniana, nueva serie 2 (1), 174-196, 2014
Influence of corn, Zea mays, phenological stages in Diatraea saccharalis F. (Lep. Crambidae) oviposition
M More, EV Trumper, MJ Prola
Journal of applied entomology 127 (9‐10), 512-515, 2003
Range overlap between the sword-billed hummingbird and its guild of long-flowered species: an approach to the study of a coevolutionary mosaic
F Soteras, M More, AC Ibanez, MR Iglesias, AA Cocucci
PLoS One 13 (12), e0209742, 2018
From the butterfly’s point of view: learned colour association determines differential pollination of two co-occurring mock verbains by Agraulis vanillae (Nymphalidae)
ME Drewniak, AD Briscoe, AA Cocucci, HM Beccacece, AI Zapata, ...
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 130 (4), 715-725, 2020
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