Hidayat Arifin
Hidayat Arifin
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Global, regional, and national burden of diabetes from 1990 to 2021, with projections of prevalence to 2050: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021
KL Ong, LK Stafford, SA McLaughlin, EJ Boyko, SE Vollset, AE Smith, ...
The Lancet 402 (10397), 203-234, 2023
Hubungan tingkat pengetahuan dan diabetes self-management dengan tingkat stres pasien diabetes melitus yang menjalani diet
K Kusnanto, PM Sundari, CP Asmoro, H Arifin
Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia 22 (1), 31-42, 2019
Determinants of stunting prevention among mothers with children aged 6–24 months
E Yunitasari, R Pradanie, H Arifin, D Fajrianti, BO Lee
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 9 (B), 378-384, 2021
DM-calendar app as a diabetes self-management education on adult type 2 diabetes mellitus: a randomized controlled trial
Kusnanto, KAJ Widyanata, Suprajitno, H Arifin
Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders 18, 557-563, 2019
Association of stigma with mental health and quality of life among Indonesian COVID-19 survivors
J Wahyuhadi, F Efendi, MJ Al Farabi, I Harymawan, AD Ariana, H Arifin, ...
PLoS One 17 (2), e0264218, 2022
Analysis of modifiable, non-modifiable, and physiological risk factors of non-communicable diseases in Indonesia: evidence from the 2018 Indonesian basic health research
H Arifin, KR Chou, K Ibrahim, SUR Fitri, RO Pradipta, YA Rias, N Sitorus, ...
Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare, 2203-2221, 2022
Efficacy of internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for depression and anxiety among global population during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review and meta-analysis …
M Komariah, S Amirah, EG Faisal, SA Prayogo, S Maulana, H Platini, ...
Healthcare 10 (7), 1224, 2022
Global, regional, and national burden of disorders affecting the nervous system, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021
JD Steinmetz, KM Seeher, N Schiess, E Nichols, B Cao, C Servili, ...
The Lancet Neurology 23 (4), 344-381, 2024
Determinants of nurse preparedness in disaster management: a cross-sectional study among the community health nurses in coastal areas
E Emaliyawati, K Ibrahim, Y Trisyani, R Mirwanti, FM Ilhami, H Arifin
Open access emergency medicine, 373-379, 2021
Internet addiction among male adolescents in Indonesia: A qualitative study
W Rakhmawati, CE Kosasih, R Widiasih, S Suryani, H Arifin
American journal of men's health 15 (3), 15579883211029459, 2021
A qualitative study exploring diabetes resilience among adults with regulated type 2 diabetes mellitus
K Kusnanto, H Arifin, IY Widyawati
Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews 14 (6), 1681-1687, 2020
Behaviour model for diabetic ulcer prevention
T Sukartini, TM Theresia Dee, R Probowati, H Arifin
Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders 19, 135-143, 2020
Determinant of BCG vaccine coverage among Indonesian children aged 0–2 months
K Kusnanto, H Arifin, Y Kurniawati
Children and Youth Services Review 116, 105238, 2020
The determinants of willingness to care for people living with HIV‐AIDS: A cross‐sectional study in Indonesia
T Sukartini, N Nursalam, H Arifin
Health & social care in the community 29 (3), 809-817, 2021
Determinants of the discriminatory behavior experienced by people living with HIV in Indonesia: A cross-sectional study of the demographic health survey
N Nursalam, T Sukartini, H Arifin, RO Pradipta, D Mafula, M Ubudiyah
The Open AIDS Journal 15 (1), 2021
HIV-related knowledge, information, and their contribution to stigmatization attitudes among females aged 15–24 years: regional disparities in Indonesia
H Arifin, K Ibrahim, L Rahayuwati, YK Herliani, Y Kurniawati, RO Pradipta, ...
BMC Public Health 22 (1), 637, 2022
Spiritual-based motivational self-diabetic management on the self-efficacy, Self-care, and HbA1c of Type 2 diabetes mellitus
ND Kurniawati, A Bakar, ED Wahyuni, H Arifin, RO Pradipta
Sys Rev Pharm 11 (7), 304-308, 2020
Pengaruh Progressive Muscle Relaxation terhadap Stres dan Penurunan Kadar Gula Darah pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2
U Herlambang, K Kusnanto, L Hidayati, H Arifin, RO Pradipta
Critical Medical and Surgical Nursing Journal 8 (1), 45, 2019
Determinants of under-five mortality in Indonesia: A nationwide study
PD Rachmawati, ID Kurnia, MN Asih, TW Kurniawati, I Krisnana, YS Arief, ...
Journal of Pediatric Nursing 65, e43-e48, 2022
Coverage and factors associated with complete polio vaccination among Indonesian children aged 0–18 months
D Mediarti, R Rosnani, T Sukartini, H Arifin, Y Kurniawati
Children and Youth Services Review 118, 105399, 2020
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