Rada Savkina
Rada Savkina
Senior Researcher, Institute of Semiconductor Physics NAS of Ukraine
在 nas.gov.ua 的电子邮件经过验证
Nitrogen incorporation into GaAs lattice as a result of the surface cavitation effect
RK Savkina, AB Smirnov
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43 (42), 425301, 2010
Antireflection properties of diamond-like carbon films on Cd1 − x Zn x Te (x ∼ 0.04) single crystals
FF Sizov, NI Klyui, AN Luk’yanov, RK Savkina, AB Smirnov, AZ Evmenova
Technical Physics Letters 34, 377-380, 2008
Acoustostimulated activation of bound defects in CdHgTe alloys
AI Vlasenko, YM Olikh, RK Savkina
Semiconductors 33, 398-401, 1999
The effect of high-frequency sonication on charge carrier transport in LPE and MBE HgCdTe layers
RK Savkina, AB Smirnov, FF Sizov
Semiconductor science and technology 22 (2), 97, 2006
Sonic‐Stimulated Change of the Charge Carrier Concentration in n‐CdxHg1–xTe Alloys with Different Initial State of the Defect Structure
RK Savkina, OI Vlasenko
physica status solidi (b) 229 (1), 275-278, 2002
Multi‐band radiation detector based on HgCdTe heterostructure
T Kryshtab, RK Savkina, AB Smirnov, M Kladkevich, V Samoylov
physica status solidi (c) 13 (7‐9), 639-642, 2016
Structuring effect of heteroepitaxial CdHgTe/CdZnTe systems under irradiation with silver ions
FF Sizov, RK Savkina, AB Smirnov, RS Udovytska, VP Kladko, ...
Physics of the solid state 56, 2160-2165, 2014
Role of mechanical stresses at ion implantation of CdHgTe solid solutions
AB Smirnov, OS Lytvyn, VA Morozhenko, RK Savkina, MI Smoliy, ...
Ukrainian journal of physics 58 (9), 872-872, 2013
Sonosynthesis of microstructures array for semiconductor photovoltaics
RK Savkina, AB Smirnov, T Kryshtab, A Kryvko
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 37, 179-184, 2015
Recent Progress in Semiconductor Properties Engineering by Ultrasonication
RK Savkina
Recent Patent on Electrical &Electronic Engineering 6 (3), 157-172, 2013
Silicon surface functionalization based on cavitation processing
RK Savkina, AB Smirnov, AI Gudymenko, VA Morozhenko, AS Nikolenko, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 343, 17-23, 2018
Ion beam nanostructuring of HgCdTe ternary compound
AB Smirnov, RK Savkina, RS Udovytska, OI Gudymenko, VP Kladko, ...
Nanoscale Research Letters 12, 1-9, 2017
Silicon substrate strained and structured via cavitation effect for photovoltaic and biomedical application
RK Savkina, AI Gudymenko, VP Kladko, AA Korchovyi, AS Nikolenko, ...
Nanoscale research letters 11, 1-7, 2016
Temperature rise in crystals subjected to ultrasonic influence
RK Savkina, AB Smirnov
Infrared physics & technology 46 (5), 388-393, 2005
Infrared radiation detection by a piezoelectric heterostructure at room temperature
T Kryshtab, R Savkina, F Sizov, A Smirnov, M Kladkevich, V Samoylov
physica status solidi c 9 (8‐9), 1793-1796, 2012
Charge carrier mobility in n-CdxHg1−x Te crystals subjected to dynamic ultrasonic stressing
AI Vlasenko, YM Olikh, RK Savkina
Semiconductors 34, 644-649, 2000
Acoustostimulation of activation of connected defects in rigid solutions
AI Vlasenko, YM Olikh, RK Savkina
Semiconductors 33 (4), 410-414, 1999
Structural and magnetoresistive properties of nanometric films based on iron and chromium oxides on the Si substrate
AB Smirnov, SB Kryvyi, SA Mulenko, ML Sadovnikova, RK Savkina, ...
Nanoscale research letters 11, 1-6, 2016
Investigation of acoustostimulated change of photoelectrical properties of CdHgTe (x= 0.2)
YM Olikh, RK Savkina, OI Vlasenko
Proc. SPIE 3359, 259-263, 1997
Akustostymul’ovanyj zsuv temperatury inversiyi znaka koefitsiyenta Kholla u radiatsijno-legovanykh krystalakh germaniyu
YM Olikh, RK Savkina
Ukr. J. Phys 42 (11-12), 1385-1389, 1997
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