Effect of tulle on the mechanical properties of a maxillofacial silicone elastomer Y Gunay, C Kurtoglu, A Atay, B Karayazgan, CC Gurbuz Dental materials journal 27 (6), 775-779, 2008 | 57 | 2008 |
Assessment of health-related quality of life in Turkish patients with facial prostheses A Atay, K Peker, Y Günay, S Ebrinç, B Karayazgan, Ö Uysal Health and quality of life outcomes 11, 1-9, 2013 | 55 | 2013 |
Fabrication of an auricular prosthesis using computed tomography and rapid prototyping technique B Karayazgan-Saracoglu, Y Gunay, A Atay Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 20 (4), 1169-1172, 2009 | 48 | 2009 |
Treatment outcome of extraoral implants in the craniofacial region B Karayazgan-Saracoglu, H Zulfikar, A Atay, Y Gunay Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 21 (3), 751-758, 2010 | 47 | 2010 |
Improved edge strength in a facial prosthesis by incorporation of tulle: a clinical report B Karayazgan, Y Gunay, G Evlioǧlu The Journal of prosthetic dentistry 90 (6), 526-529, 2003 | 47 | 2003 |
Facial defects restored with extraoral implant-supported prostheses B Karayazgan, Y Gunay, A Atay, F Noyun Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 18 (5), 1086-1090, 2007 | 44 | 2007 |
Effect of colored beverages on the color stability of feldspathic porcelain subjected to various surface treatments. Y Günay, A Atay, Y Ozkan, MS Akyil, B Karayazgan, F Toksoy Quintessence International 40 (7), 2009 | 40 | 2009 |
Treatment of aggressive periodontitis by osseointegrated dental implants. A case report. S Yalçın, F Yalçın, Y Günay, B Bellaz, Ş Önal, E Firatli Journal of Periodontology 72 (3), 411-416, 2001 | 36 | 2001 |
Evaluation of Candida albicans formation on feldspathic porcelain subjected to four surface treatment methods B Karayazgan, A Atay, MA Saracli, Y Gunay Dental materials journal 29 (2), 147-153, 2010 | 27 | 2010 |
A preoperative appliance for a newborn with cleft palate B Karayazgan, Y Gunay, B Gurbuzer, M Erkan, A Atay The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal 46 (1), 53-57, 2009 | 27 | 2009 |
Quality of life assessment of implant-retained overdentures and fixed metal-acrylic resin prostheses in patients with marginal mandibulectomy B Karayazgan-Saracoglu, A Atay, C Korkmaz, Y Gunay The Journal of prosthetic dentistry 118 (4), 551-560, 2017 | 21 | 2017 |
A modified feeding plate for a newborn with cleft palate M Erkan, Ş Karaçay, A Atay, Y Günay The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal 50 (1), 109-112, 2013 | 18 | 2013 |
Facilitation of facial prosthesis placement with tattoo markers: A clinical report Y Gunay, M Erkan, B Gurbuzer, B Karayazgan The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 97 (5), 256-260, 2007 | 15 | 2007 |
Çene-yüz protezlerinde bakım A Atay, Y Günay Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2, 22-25, 2007 | 10 | 2007 |
Kiraz ve mandarinlerde rogor bakiyeleri üzerine araştırmalar A Güvener, Y Günay Bit. Kor. Bül 7 (1), 17-29, 1967 | 9 | 1967 |
Yüz protezlerinin kullanım süresinde etkili olan klinik faktörler: iki olgu sunumu Y Günay, A Atay, B Karayazgan, S Oruç Gülhane Tıp Derg 51, 182-185, 2009 | 7 | 2009 |
TAM PROTEZ HASTALARINDA PROTEZ TEMİZLİK DÜZEYLERİNİ ETKİLEYEN FAKTÖRLERİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ A Atay, MŞ Akyıl, A Tukay, T Akova, Y Günay, S Oruç Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2008 (1), 8-13, 2008 | 6 | 2008 |
Evaluation of effecting factors of denture cleanliness in patients wearing complete denture A Atay, ŞM Akyıl, A Tukay, T Akova, Y Günay, S Oruç Atatürk Üniv. Diş Hek. Fak Derg 18 (1), 8-13, 2008 | 4 | 2008 |
TEMPOROMANDIBULAR EKLEM DISFONKSIYONUNDA SEMPTOMLARIN DAĞILIMI Y Günay, İB Bellaz, C Gürgan, T Gülten İstanbul Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 32 (4), 177-182, 1998 | 4 | 1998 |
Assessment of thicknesses and color properties of opaque porcelain layers applied by different dental technicians B PİŞKİN, C SİPAHİ, S AYYILDIZ, Y GÜNAY Gulhane Med J 56 (4), 199, 2014 | 3 | 2014 |