WU Ze-xiang
WU Ze-xiang
wenzhou univerity
在 wzu.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Identifying parameters of easily crushable sand and application to offshore pile driving
YF Jin, ZY Yin, ZX Wu, WH Zhou
Ocean Engineering 154, 416-429, 2018
Estimation of critical state-related formula in advanced constitutive modeling of granular material
YF Jin, ZX Wu, ZY Yin, JS Shen
Acta Geotechnica 12, 1329-1351, 2017
Numerical modeling of pile penetration in silica sands considering the effect of grain breakage
YF Jin, ZY Yin, ZX Wu, A Daouadji
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 144, 15-29, 2018
Modeling monotonic and cyclic behavior of granular materials by exponential constitutive function
ZY Yin, ZX Wu, PY Hicher
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 144 (4), 04018014, 2018
A straightforward procedure of parameters determination for sand: a bridge from critical state based constitutive modelling to finite element analysis
ZX Wu, ZY Yin, YF Jin, XY Geng
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 23 (12), 1444-1466, 2019
Novel SPH SIMSAND–based approach for modeling of granular collapse
ZY Yin, Z Jin, P Kotronis, ZX Wu
International Journal of Geomechanics 18 (11), 04018156, 2018
Cyclic volumetric strain accumulation for sand under drained simple shear condition
WU Ze-Xiang, YIN Zhen-Yu, D Christophe, PY Hicher
Applied Ocean Research 101, 102200, 2020
A modified creep index and its application to viscoplastic modelling of soft clays
Q Zhu, Z Wu, Y Li, C Xu, J Wang, X Xia
Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 15 (4), 272-281, 2014
Preparation and characterization of sodium polyacrylate grafted montmorillonite nanocomposite for the adsorption of cadmium ions form aqueous solution
Z Zeng, C Yu, R Liao, X Cai, Z Chen, Z Yu, Z Wu
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 656, 130389, 2023
EPR-RCGA-based modelling of compression index and RMSE-AIC-BIC-based model selection for Chinese marine clays and their engineering application
ZX Wu, H Ji, C Yu, C Zhou
Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A 19 (3), 211-24, 2018
Study of residual stress of rock based on Lade-Duncan and SMP strength criteria
ZHU Jian-ming, WU Ze-xiang, H ZHANG
Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 31 (8), 1715-1720, 2012
Experimental study on the permeability and self-healing capacity of geosynthetic clay liners in heavy metal solutions
C Yu, Y Yang, Z Wu, J Jiang, R Liao, Y Deng
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 49 (2), 413-419, 2021
Estimating normal effective stress degradation in sand under undrained simple shear condition
ZX Wu, C Dano, PY Hicher, ZY Yin
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 25 (1), 170-189, 2021
Numerical modelling of granular column collapse using coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian technique with critical state soil model
ZX Wu, H Ji, J Han, C Yu
Engineering Computations 36 (7), 2480-2504, 2019
Effect of Kaolin particle size on the removal of Pb (II) from aqueous solutions by Kaolin-supported nanoscale zero-valent iron
SQ Li, C Yu, ZX Wu, XQ Cai, FS Zha
Materials Research Express 7 (4), 045002, 2020
Analytical solution for pollutant diffusion in soils with time-dependent dispersion coefficient
C Yu, H Wang, Z Wu, W Sun, B Fatahi
International Journal of Geomechanics 19 (10), 04019109, 2019
Numerical simulation analysis of flat bottom pile drived into foundation of easily crushable sand
ZX Wu, YF Jin, H Ji, ZY Yin
Yantu Lixue/Rock and Soil Mechanics 38, 330-336, 2017
Coupled FDM-DEM simulations of axial compression tests on FRP-confined concrete specimens
Z Wu, J Lei, C Ye, C Yu, J Zhao
Construction and Building Materials 351, 128885, 2022
Construction of Discrete Element Constitutive Relationship and Simulation of Fracture Performance of Quasi-Brittle Materials
R Zhu, H Gao, Y Zhan, ZX Wu
Materials 15 (5), 1964, 2022
Mitigating the Bridge End Bump Problem: A Case Study of a New Slab System with a Lower Partition Slab‐Pile Foundation
Y Yang, C Yu, Z Wu, D Tu
Advances in Civil Engineering 2020 (1), 7986927, 2020
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