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Sistem Informasi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
HT Marimin, H Prabowo
Jakarta: Grasindo, 2006
Analisis kepercayaan dalam C2C e-commerce terhadap keputusan pembelian dan dampaknya terhadap repurchase pada kaskus
H Prabowo, D Darman, E Noegraheni
Binus Business Review 5 (1), 301-314, 2014
The influence of dynamic capability on sustainable competitive advantage: An empirical study of small businesses in Indonesia
H Prabowo, T Sriwidadi, RB Ikhsan
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 8 (6), 949-959, 2021
Student purchase intention in higher education sector: The role of social network marketing and student engagement
H Prabowo, R Bramulya, Y Yuniarty
Management Science Letters 10 (1), 103-110, 2020
Sustainable competitive advantage in private higher education institutions in Indonesia
T Sriwidadi, M Arief, H Prabowo, AM Muqarrabin
International Journal of Economics and Management 10 (1), 33-47, 2016
The effect of marketing mix toward brand equity at higher education institutions: A case study in binus online learning Jakarta
H Prabowo, T Sriwidadi
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities 27 (3), 16091616, 2019
Drivers of green entrepreneurial intention: why does sustainability awareness matter among university students?
H Prabowo, RB Ikhsan, Y Yuniarty
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 873140, 2022
Drivers of the mobile-learning management system’s actual usage: Applying the utaut model
RB Ikhsan, H Prabowo
ICIC express letters. Part B, Applications: an international journal of …, 2021
Online grocery shopping adoption: a systematic literature review
H Prabowo, EN Hindarwati
2020 International Conference on Information Management and Technology …, 2020
Analisis portofolio saham dengan metode capm dan markowitz
H Prabowo
Binus Business Review 4 (1), 360-369, 2013
Peran Motivasi Kerja dalam Memoderasi Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan dan Komitmen Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. PLN (Persero)
H Prabowo, V Lestari
Binus Business Review 4 (1), 331-348, 2013
Analisis pengaruh persepsi kualitas dan Citra merek terhadap kepuasan pelanggan dan dampaknya pada pembelian ulang (studi kasus pelanggan majalah mix di jakarta selatan
RA Anggraeni, H Prabowo
Jurnal Manajemen, 2012
Penerapan economic value added untuk memaksimalkan nilai perusahaan: Studi kasus PT XYZ
H Prabowo
The Winners 5 (1), 19-33, 2004
The used of UTAUT-2 in examining The usage of mobile-LMS binus online learning
RB Ikhsan, H Prabowo, B Simamora
2021 International Conference on Information Management and Technology …, 2021
Improving organizational knowledge management (KM) through cloud based platform in higher education
H Ramayani, G Wang, H Prabowo, T Sriwidadi, R Kodirun, A Gunawan
2017 International Conference on Information Management and Technology …, 2017
Pengaruhkualitaspelayanan dan citramerekterhadapkepuasan konsumen dan dampaknyaterhadapminatbeliulang pada pt. diva karaoke
F Fadillah, H Prabowo
Jurnal dan Proceeding Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis UNSOED 4 (1), 216-227, 2014
Effect of website quality on customer satisfaction and purchase intention at pt. susan photo album
MT Ivana, RJ Ambarita, M Fahlevi, H Prabowo, N Ngatindriatun
2021 International Conference on Information Management and Technology …, 2021
Customer Retention as a Result of Behavioural Intention: Relationship between Customer Orientation of Service Employee and Service Quality.
RB Ikhsan, H Prabowo, CK Wiharja
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 2018
Assessing bike sharing business model
O Guyandi, G Wang, T Sriwidadi, H Prabowo, RK Sari
2017 1st International Conference on Informatics and Computational Sciences …, 2017
The Role of Security and Privacy For Continuance Intention: Learn From Users of M-Banking Services
EA Kuncoro, RB Ikhsan, H Prabowo, RK Sari
2020 6th International Conference on Computing Engineering and Design (ICCED …, 2020
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