Professor Ann Dadich
Professor Ann Dadich
School of Business, University of Western Sydney
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Effective recruitment strategies in primary care research: a systematic review
I Ngune, M Jiwa, A Dadich, J Lotriet, D Sriram
Quality in Primary Care 20 (2), 115-123, 2012
Competing voices: Marketing and counter-marketing alcohol on Twitter
S Burton, A Dadich, A Soboleva
Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing 25 (2), 186-209, 2013
Evaluating playgroups: An examination of issues and options
AM Dadich, C Spooner
The Australian Community Psychologist, 2008
Trialability, observability and risk reduction accelerating individual innovation adoption decisions
KJ Hayes, K Eljiz, A Dadich, JA Fitzgerald, T Sloan
Journal of health organization and management 29 (2), 271-294, 2015
Positive emotion in knowledge creation
M Hodgins, A Dadich
Journal of Health Organization and Management 31 (2), 162-174, 2017
Using visual analytics to improve hospital scheduling and patient flow
J Anneke Fitzgerald, A Dadich
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research 4 (2), 20-30, 2009
Implementation science in maternity care: a scoping review
A Dadich, A Piper, D Coates
Implementation Science 16, 1-20, 2021
What does it mean to conduct participatory research with Indigenous peoples? A lexical review
A Dadich, L Moore, V Eapen
BMC Public Health 19, 1-13, 2019
Kids in action: Participatory health research with children
L Gibbs, K Marinkovic, AL Black, B Gladstone, C Dedding, A Dadich, ...
Participatory health research: Voices from around the world, 93-113, 2018
Optimising refugee children’s health/wellbeing in preparation for primary and secondary school: a qualitative inquiry
JR Baker, S Raman, J Kohlhoff, A George, C Kaplun, A Dadich, CT Best, ...
BMC Public health 19, 1-11, 2019
Using positive organizational scholarship in healthcare and video reflexive ethnography to examine positive deviance to new public management in healthcare
A Dadich, A Collier, M Hodgins, G Crawford
Qualitative health research 28 (8), 1203-1216, 2018
Leadership and management in midwifery-led continuity of care models: a thematic and lexical analysis of a scoping review
L Hewitt, HG Dahlen, DL Hartz, A Dadich
Midwifery 98, 102986, 2021
Health LEADS Australia and implications for medical leadership
A Sebastian, L Fulop, A Dadich, A Fitzgerald, L Kippist, A Smyth
Leadership in Health Services 27 (4), 355-370, 2014
‘I didn't like just sittin’around all day’: Facilitating Social and Community Participation Among People with Mental Illness and High Levels of Psychiatric Disability
K Muir, KR Fisher, D Abello, A Dadich
Journal of Social Policy 39 (3), 375-391, 2010
Healthcare reform: implications for knowledge translation in primary care
A Dadich, H Hosseinzadeh
BMC Health Services Research 13, 1-11, 2013
What can organisational theory offer knowledge translation in healthcare? A thematic and lexical analysis
A Dadich, N Doloswala
BMC Health Services Research 18, 1-20, 2018
‘Adolescence is difficult, some kids are difficult’: general practitioner perceptions of working with young people
C Jarrett, A Dadich, F Robards, D Bennett
Australian Journal of Primary Health 17 (1), 54-59, 2011
What does it take to deliver brilliant home-based palliative care? Using positive organisational scholarship and video reflexive ethnography to explore the complexities of …
A Collier, M Hodgins, G Crawford, A Every, K Womsley, C Jeffs, ...
Palliative Medicine 33 (1), 91-101, 2019
Practice nurses and sexual health care: enhancing team care within general practice
P Abbott, A Dadich, H Hosseinzadeh, M Kang, W Hu, C Bourne, C Murray, ...
Australian family physician 42 (10), 729-733, 2013
Challenging the exclusion of people with mental illness: the Mental Health Housing and Accommodation Support Initiative (HASI)
K Muir, KR Fisher, A Dadich, D Abello
Australian Journal of Social Issues 43 (2), 271-290, 2008
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