Jue D. Wang
Jue D. Wang
在 wisc.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Control of bacterial transcription, translation and replication by (p) ppGpp
A Srivatsan, JD Wang
Current opinion in microbiology 11 (2), 100-105, 2008
Metabolism, cell growth and the bacterial cell cycle
JD Wang, PA Levin
Nature Reviews Microbiology 7 (11), 822-827, 2009
Nutritional control of elongation of DNA replication by (p) ppGpp
JD Wang, GM Sanders, AD Grossman
Cell 128 (5), 865-875, 2007
Direct regulation of GTP homeostasis by (p) ppGpp: a critical component of viability and stress resistance
A Kriel, AN Bittner, SH Kim, K Liu, AK Tehranchi, WY Zou, S Rendon, ...
Molecular cell 48 (2), 231-241, 2012
High-precision, whole-genome sequencing of laboratory strains facilitates genetic studies
A Srivatsan, Y Han, J Peng, AK Tehranchi, R Gibbs, JD Wang, R Chen
PLoS genetics 4 (8), e1000139, 2008
Replication–transcription conflicts in bacteria
H Merrikh, Y Zhang, AD Grossman, JD Wang
Nature Reviews Microbiology 10 (7), 449-458, 2012
Co-orientation of replication and transcription preserves genome integrity
A Srivatsan, A Tehranchi, DM MacAlpine, JD Wang
PLoS genetics 6 (1), e1000810, 2010
Diversity in (p) ppGpp metabolism and effectors
K Liu, AN Bittner, JD Wang
Current opinion in microbiology 24, 72-79, 2015
The transcription factor DksA prevents conflicts between DNA replication and transcription machinery
AK Tehranchi, MD Blankschien, Y Zhang, JA Halliday, A Srivatsan, ...
Cell 141 (4), 595-605, 2010
Directed evolution of substrate-optimized GroEL/S chaperonins
JD Wang, C Herman, KA Tipton, CA Gross, JS Weissman
Cell 111 (7), 1027-1039, 2002
The nature of mutations induced by replication–transcription collisions
TS Sankar, BD Wastuwidyaningtyas, Y Dong, SA Lewis, JD Wang
Nature 535 (7610), 178-181, 2016
Fatty acid availability sets cell envelope capacity and dictates microbial cell size
S Vadia, LT Jessica, R Lucena, Z Yang, DR Kellogg, JD Wang, PA Levin
Current Biology 27 (12), 1757-1767. e5, 2017
Basal levels of (p) ppGpp in Enterococcus faecalis: the magic beyond the stringent response
AO Gaca, JK Kajfasz, JH Miller, K Liu, JD Wang, J Abranches, JA Lemos
MBio 4 (5), 10.1128/mbio. 00646-13, 2013
Genome-wide coorientation of replication and transcription reduces adverse effects on replication in Bacillus subtilis
JD Wang, MB Berkmen, AD Grossman
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (13), 5608-5613, 2007
Characterization of the Global Transcriptional Responses to Different Types of DNA Damage and Disruption of Replication in Bacillus subtilis
AI Goranov, E Kuester-Schoeck, JD Wang, AD Grossman
Journal of bacteriology 188 (15), 5595-5605, 2006
Metabolic remodeling during biofilm development of Bacillus subtilis
T Pisithkul, JW Schroeder, EA Trujillo, P Yeesin, DM Stevenson, ...
MBio 10 (3), 10.1128/mbio. 00623-19, 2019
GTP dysregulation in Bacillus subtilis cells lacking (p) ppGpp results in phenotypic amino acid auxotrophy and failure to adapt to nutrient downshift and regulate biosynthesis …
A Kriel, SR Brinsmade, JL Tse, AK Tehranchi, AN Bittner, AL Sonenshein, ...
Journal of bacteriology 196 (1), 189-201, 2014
Molecular mechanism and evolution of guanylate kinase regulation by (p) ppGpp
K Liu, AR Myers, T Pisithkul, KR Claas, KA Satyshur, D Amador-Noguez, ...
Molecular cell 57 (4), 735-749, 2015
From (p) ppGpp to (pp) pGpp: characterization of regulatory effects of pGpp synthesized by the small alarmone synthetase of Enterococcus faecalis
AO Gaca, P Kudrin, C Colomer-Winter, J Beljantseva, K Liu, B Anderson, ...
Journal of bacteriology 197 (18), 2908-2919, 2015
Replication of the Escherichia coli chromosome in RNase HI‐deficient cells: multiple initiation regions and fork dynamics
NZ Maduike, AK Tehranchi, JD Wang, KN Kreuzer
Molecular microbiology 91 (1), 39-56, 2014
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