Şemsi Nur Karabela
Şemsi Nur Karabela
Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi
在 sbu.edu.tr 的电子邮件经过验证
Inborn errors of type I IFN immunity in patients with life-threatening COVID-19
Q Zhang, P Bastard, Z Liu, J Le Pen, M Moncada-Velez, J Chen, M Ogishi, ...
Science 370 (6515), eabd4570, 2020
Investigation of the relationships between perceived causes of COVID-19, attitudes towards vaccine and level of trust in information sources from the perspective of Infodemic …
ŞN Karabela, F Coşkun, H Hoşgör
BMC public health 21 (1), 1195, 2021
Respiratory viral infections in otherwise healthy humans with inherited IRF7 deficiency
TM Campbell, Z Liu, Q Zhang, M Moncada-Velez, LE Covill, P Zhang, ...
Journal of Experimental Medicine 219 (7), e20220202, 2022
Çalışma Hayatında Mobbing: Nedenleri, Bileşenleri ve Ülkemizdeki Hukuki Durumu.
A Kehribar, ŞN Karabela, KK Yaşar, A Okur, M Derya, C Özgür, ...
Medical Journal of Bakirkoy 13 (1), 2017
Treatment of phthiriasis palpebrarum and crab louse: petrolatum jelly and 1% permethrin shampoo
Y Karabela, G Yardimci, I Yildirim, E Atalay, SN Karabela
Case Reports in Medicine 2015 (1), 287906, 2015
Detection of permethrin resistance and phylogenetic clustering of turkish head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis; De Geer, 1767 populations
M Karakuş, T Atıcı, ŞN Karabela, O Baylan, ME Limoncu, İC Balcıoğlu
Acta tropica 204, 105362, 2020
Evaluation of cases admitted to a center in Istanbul, Turkey in 2003 for rabies vaccination and three rabies cases followed up in the last 15 years
G Sengoz, KK Yasar, SN Karabela, F Yildirim, FT Vardarman, O Nazlican
Japanese journal of infectious diseases 59 (4), 254-257, 2006
Risk factors and the impact of vaccination on mortality in COVID-19 patients
AI SEZEN, S Senoglu, SN Karabela, Z Yesilbag, D Borcak, CU Esra, ...
CLINICAL STUDY 440, 443, 2022
Annual influenza vaccination effect on the susceptibility to COVID-19 infection
B Erismis, SN Karabela, F Eksi, F Karandere, B Dogan, F Okay, M Filiz, ...
Central European journal of public health 29 (1), 14-17, 2021
Can systemic immune inflammation index at admission predict in-hospital mortality in chronic kidney disease patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection?
A Ozdemir, SY Kocak, SN Karabela, M Yılmaz
nefrologia 42 (5), 549-558, 2022
The impact of refugees on leishmaniasis in Turkey: a new Syrian/Turkish Leishmania tropica population structure described by multilocus microsatellite typing …
M Karakuş, Z Çizmeci, ŞN Karabela, B Erdoğan, N Güleç
Parasitology research 118 (9), 2679-2687, 2019
Investigation of SARS-CoV-2 in tear and conjunctival secretions of hospitalized patients with clinically-confirmed COVID-19 pneumonia
Y Karabela, SN Karabela, M Ozbas, H Kasikci, K Kart Yasar
BMC Infectious Diseases 21, 1-16, 2021
Leishmaniasis in Istanbul; A new epidemiological data about refugee leishmaniasis
Z Çizmeci, M Karakuş, ŞN Karabela, B Erdoğan, N Güleç
Acta tropica 195, 23-27, 2019
Parents’ attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccination and childhood vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic
Y Çağ, G Bektemür, Ş Karabela, D Öztürk-Engin, Y Çağ, S Aktaş, ...
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 34 (2-3), 270-272, 2022
Monitoring and Transfusion Nursing Practices with Electronic Record in Blood Transfusion Process Management
ŞN Karabela, S Altungayular, İ Taşpolat, KN Baydili, KK Yaşar
Haseki Tip Bulteni 57 (3), 310, 2019
Fever of unknown origin: evaluation of 110 classical and HIV-associated cases in the last decade
ŞN Karabela, K Kart Yasar
Hospital Practice 50 (3), 222-227, 2022
Pseudomonas cinsi bakterilerde isepamisin direncinin araştırılması ve diğer aminoglikozid dirençleriyle karşılaştırılması
G Şengöz, Ş Karabela, Y Durdu, K Yaşar, F Yıldırım, M Bakar, M Koldaş, ...
Klimik Dergisi 18 (1), 41-44, 2005
Malnutrition risk frequency and independent risk factors associated with mortality in hospitalized elderly patients with COVID-19 in Turkey
O Polat, M Yuruyen, GB Sonmezoz, AD Kansu, B Erismis, F Karendere, ...
Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 31 (3), 355-361, 2022
Diyabetik Ayak Enfeksiyonlu Yirmi Yedi Olgunun Retrospektif Olarak Değerlendirilmesi
S Şenoğlu, ŞN Karabela, KK Yaşar, B Durdu, H Gedik, B Ersöz, V Şahin, ...
Med Bull Haseki 55, 56-60, 2017
Puede el índice de inflamación inmunitaria sistémica al ingreso predecir la mortalidad hospitalaria al ingreso de pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica e infección por SARS …
A Ozdemir, SY Kocak, SN Karabela, M Yılmaz
Nefrologia (Engl Ed), 2021
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