Modes of foreign entry: A transaction cost analysis and propositions E Anderson, H Gatignon Journal of international business studies 17, 1-26, 1986 | 4420 | 1986 |
Strategic orientation of the firm and new product performance H Gatignon, JM Xuereb Journal of marketing research 34 (1), 77-90, 1997 | 3996 | 1997 |
A propositional inventory for new diffusion research H Gatignon, TS Robertson Journal of consumer research 11 (4), 849-867, 1985 | 2249 | 1985 |
The multinational corporation's degree of control over foreign subsidiaries: An empirical test of a transaction cost explanation H Gatignon, E Anderson The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 4 (2), 305-336, 1988 | 2202 | 1988 |
A structural approach to assessing innovation: Construct development of innovation locus, type, and characteristics H Gatignon, ML Tushman, W Smith, P Anderson Management science 48 (9), 1103-1122, 2002 | 1553 | 2002 |
Technology diffusion: an empirical test of competitive effects H Gatignon, TS Robertson Journal of marketing 53 (1), 35-49, 1989 | 1208 | 1989 |
Competitive effects on technology diffusion TS Robertson, H Gatignon Journal of marketing 50 (3), 1-12, 1986 | 1061 | 1986 |
Technology development mode: a transaction cost conceptualization TS Robertson, H Gatignon Strategic management journal 19 (6), 515-531, 1998 | 700 | 1998 |
Innovative decision process H Gatignon Handbook of consumer behavior, 1991 | 670 | 1991 |
Modeling multinational diffusion patterns: An efficient methodology H Gatignon, J Eliashberg, TS Robertson Marketing science 8 (3), 231-247, 1989 | 540 | 1989 |
Statistical analysis of management data H Gatignon Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003 | 356 | 2003 |
Determinants of competitor response time to a new product introduction D Bowman, H Gatignon Journal of marketing Research 32 (1), 42-53, 1995 | 323 | 1995 |
Order of entry as a moderator of the effect of the marketing mix on market share D Bowman, H Gatignon Marketing Science 15 (3), 222-242, 1996 | 303 | 1996 |
An exchange theory model of interpersonal communication. H Gatignon, TS Robertson Advances in consumer research 13 (1), 1986 | 269 | 1986 |
Brand introduction strategies and competitive environments H Gatignon, B Weitz, P Bansal Journal of Marketing Research 27 (4), 390-401, 1990 | 258 | 1990 |
Competitive reactions to market entry: Explaining interfirm differences H Gatignon, E Anderson, K Helsen Journal of Marketing Research 26 (1), 44-55, 1989 | 232 | 1989 |
Competitive marketing behavior in industrial markets V Ramaswamy, H Gatignon, DJ Reibstein Journal of Marketing 58 (2), 45-55, 1994 | 211 | 1994 |
Optimal product line pricing: The influence of elasticities and cross-elasticities DJ Reibstein, H Gatignon Journal of marketing research 21 (3), 259-267, 1984 | 192 | 1984 |
Competition as a Moderator of the Effect of Advertising on Sales H Gatignon Journal of Marketing Research 21 (4), 387-398, 1984 | 185 | 1984 |
Confirmatory factor analysis H Gatignon, H Gatignon Statistical analysis of management data, 77-154, 2014 | 181 | 2014 |