Ronald Guillermo Peláez Sánchez
Ronald Guillermo Peláez Sánchez
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First molecular evidence of Leptospira spp. in synanthropic rodents captured in Yucatan, Mexico
MA Torres-Castro, E Gutiérrez-Ruiz, S Hernández-Betancourt, ...
Revue Méd Vét 165 (7-8), 213-218, 2014
Infección con Toxoplasma gondii (Eucoccidiorida: Sarcocystidae) en murciélagos de Campeche y Yucatán, México
M Torres-Castro, D Muñoz-Dueñas, S Hernández-Betancourt, ...
Revista de Biología Tropical 67 (3), 633-642, 2019
Genetic diversity of Leptospira in northwestern Colombia: first report of Leptospira santarosai as a recognised leptospirosis agent
RG Peláez Sanchez, JÁ Lopez, MM Pereira, M Arboleda Naranjo, ...
Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 111, 737-744, 2016
High-resolution melting curve analysis of the 16S ribosomal gene to detect and identify pathogenic and saprophytic Leptospira species in colombian isolates
RGP Sánchez, JÁL Quintero, MM Pereira, P Agudelo-Flórez
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 96 (5), 1031, 2017
First histopathological study in kidneys of rodents naturally infected with Leptospira pathogenic species from Yucatan, Mexico
M Torres-Castro, L Guillermo-Cordero, S Hernández-Betancourt, ...
Asian Pacific journal of tropical medicine 9 (2), 145-147, 2016
West Nile and Zika viruses in bats from a suburban area of Merida, Yucatan, Mexico
M Torres‐Castro, H Noh‐Pech, S Hernández‐Betancourt, ...
Zoonoses and Public Health 68 (7), 834-841, 2021
Natural infection with Trypanosoma cruzi in bats captured in Campeche and Yucatán, México
M Torres-Castro, N Cuevas-Koh, S Hernández-Betancourt, H Noh-Pech, ...
Biomédica 41, 131-140, 2021
High Diversity of Leptospira Species Infecting Bats Captured in the Urabá Region (Antioquia-Colombia)
FP Monroy, S Solari, JÁ Lopez, P Agudelo-Flórez, RG Peláez Sánchez
Microorganisms 9 (9), 1897, 2021
A Nonsense N–Terminus NFKB2 Mutation Leading to Haploinsufficiency in a Patient with a Predominantly Antibody Deficiency
HS Kuehn, A Bernasconi, JE Niemela, MB Almejun, WAF Gallego, S Goel, ...
Journal of clinical immunology 40, 1093-1101, 2020
Leptospira patógena en murciélagos de Campeche y Yucatán, México
M Torres-Castro, V Febles-Solís, S Hernández-Betancourt, H Noh-Pech, ...
Revista MVZ Córdoba 25 (2), 17-26, 2020
Guía metodológica para la elaboración de guías de atención integral en el Sistema general de seguridad social en salud colombiano
G Carrasquilla, T Bossert, J Quintero, K Mieth, R Guerrero, R Sánchez
Bogotá: Ministerio de la Protección Social, Colciencias, 2010
Metagenomics by next-generation sequencing (mNGS) in the etiological characterization of neonatal and pediatric sepsis: a systematic review
S Agudelo-Pérez, J Fernández-Sarmiento, D Rivera León, RG Peláez
Frontiers in Pediatrics 11, 1011723, 2023
Toxoplasma gondii infection in Colombia with a review of hosts and their ecogeographic distribution
LJ Pérez‐Grisales, M Cruz‐Moncada, R Peláez‐Sánchez, JF Díaz‐Nieto
Zoonoses and Public Health 68 (1), 38-53, 2021
Brotes emergentes de leptospirosis del Amazonas colombiano
R Villarreal-Julio, E Murillo, R Ramírez-Garcia, R Peláez-Sanchez, ...
Revista cubana de medicina tropical 71 (1), 1-12, 2019
New molecular target for the phylogenetic identification of Leptospira species directly from clinical samples: an alternative gene to 16S rRNA
RGV Julio, P Agudelo-Flórez, JÁ López, RGP Sánchez
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical 53, e20190333, 2020
Differential expression of proteins in Leishmania (Viannia) panamensis associated with mechanisms of resistance to meglumine antimoniate.
RG Peláez, CE Muskus, P Cuervo, M Marín-Villa
Biomedica 32 (3), 418-429, 2012
Deficiencia selectiva de inmunoglobulina A: manifestaciones clínicas, hallazgos de laboratorio y diagnóstico preciso
A Franco-Gallego, RG Peláez Sánchez, CM Trujillo, JL Rojas, N Correa, ...
CES Medicina 34 (1), 64-73, 2020
Deficiencia selectiva de inmunoglobulina A: manifestaciones clínicas, hallazgos de laboratorio y diagnóstico preciso. Rev. CES. Med.[revista en internet]. 2020 [citado 13/09 …
A Franco-Gallego, RG Peláez Sánchez, CM Trujillo, JL Rojas, N Correa, ...
Evidencia molecular de Leptospira interrogans sensu stricto en Cavia porcellus (cuyes) destinados para el consumo humano en el municipio de Pasto, Nariño
B Benavides-Benavides, HD Cisneros-López, RG Peláez-Sánchez
Universidad y Salud 24 (1), 55-64, 2022
Haemophilia A: A Review of Clinical Manifestations, Treatment, Mutations, and the Development of Inhibitors
S Sarmiento Doncel, GA Díaz Mosquera, JM Cortes, C Agudelo Rico, ...
Hematology Reports 15 (1), 130-150, 2023
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