Mehdi Zeidouni
Analytical solution to evaluate salt precipitation during CO2 injection in saline aquifers
M Zeidouni, M Pooladi-Darvish, D Keith
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 3 (5), 600-611, 2009
Assessing leakage detectability at geologic CO2 sequestration sites using the probabilistic collocation method
AY Sun, M Zeidouni, JP Nicot, Z Lu, D Zhang
Advances in water resources 56, 49-60, 2013
Analytical model of leakage through fault to overlying formations
M Zeidouni
Water Resources Research 48 (12), 2012
Monitoring above-zone temperature variations associated with CO2 and brine leakage from a storage aquifer
M Zeidouni, JP Nicot, SD Hovorka
Environmental earth sciences 72, 1733-1747, 2014
Leakage characterization through above-zone pressure monitoring: 1—Inversion approach
M Zeidouni, M Pooladi-Darvish
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 98, 95-106, 2012
Analytical solutions for temperature transient analysis and near wellbore damaged zone characterization
Y Mao, M Zeidouni
SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition …, 2017
Assessing sensitivity to well leakage from three years of continuous reservoir pressure monitoring during CO2 injection at Cranfield, MS, USA
TA Meckel, M Zeidouni, SD Hovorka, SA Hosseini
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 18, 439-448, 2013
Temperature analysis for early detection and rate estimation of CO2 wellbore leakage
Y Mao, M Zeidouni, I Duncan
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 67, 20-30, 2017
Analytical model of well leakage pressure perturbations in a closed aquifer system
M Zeidouni
Advances in water resources 69, 13-22, 2014
Leakage characterization through above-zone pressure monitoring: 2—Design considerations with application to CO2 storage in saline aquifers
M Zeidouni, M Pooladi-Darvish
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 98, 69-82, 2012
Accounting for fluid-property variations in temperature-transient analysis
Y Mao, M Zeidouni
SPE Journal 23 (03), 868-884, 2018
Geologic Carbon Storage for Shale Gas Recovery
O Molina, V Vilarrasa, M Zeidouni
Energy Procedia 114 (July 2017), 5748–5760, 2017
Temperature transient analysis for characterization of multilayer reservoirs with crossflow
Y Mao, M Zeidouni
SPE Western Regional Meeting, D031S002R002, 2017
Sensitivity Analysis of Salt Precipitation and CO2-Brine Displacement in Saline Aquifers
M Zeidouni, M Pooladi-Darvish, D Keith
SPE International Conference on CO2 Capture, Storage, and Utilization, SPE …, 2009
Effect of leakage pathway flow properties on thermal signal associated with the leakage from CO2 storage zone
Y Mao, M Zeidouni, R Askari
Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology 7 (3), 512-529, 2017
Temperature monitoring using distributed temperature sensing (DTS) technology
V Nuñez-Lopez, J Muñoz-Torres, M Zeidouni
Energy Procedia 63, 3984-3991, 2014
Leakage detection and characterization through pressure monitoring
M Zeidouni, M Pooladi-Darvish, DW Keith
Energy Procedia 4, 3534-3541, 2011
Analytical approach to determine the degree of interference between multi-fractured horizontal wells
O Molina, M Zeidouni
SPE Europec featured at EAGE Conference and Exhibition?, D031S007R003, 2017
Analytical models for determining pressure change in an overlying aquifer due to leakage
M Zeidouni, M Pooladi-Darvish, DW Keith
Energy Procedia 4, 3833-3840, 2011
Risk Based Approach to Identify the Leakage Potential of Wells in Depleted Oil and Gas Fields for CO2 Geological Sequestration
M Zulqarnain, M Zeidouni, RG Hughes
Carbon Management Technology Conference, CMTC-486032-MS, 2017
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