Richard Goodey
Richard Goodey
Associate Head of School of Engineering and Environment, Kingston University London
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Verification of a 3-dimensional model for filling pressures in square thin-walled silos
RJ Goodey, CJ Brown, JM Rotter
Engineering structures 25 (14), 1773-1783, 2003
Twin-tunnelling-induced ground movements in clay
S Divall, RJ Goodey
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Geotechnical Engineering …, 2015
Predicted patterns of filling pressures in thin-walled square silos
RJ Goodey, CJ Brown, JM Rotter
Engineering Structures 28 (1), 109-119, 2006
The influence of the base boundary condition in modelling filling of a metal silo
RJ Goodey, CJ Brown
Computers & structures 82 (7-8), 567-579, 2004
Modelling of monopile-footing foundation system for offshore structures
HS Arshi, KJL Stone, M Vaziri, TA Newson, M El-Marassi, RN Taylor, ...
Modelling of monopile-footing foundation system for offshore structures in cohesionless soils
HS Arshi, KJL Stone, M Vaziri, T Newson, M El-Marassi, R Taylor, ...
Proc. 18th ICSMGE, 2013
Rectangular steel silos: Finite element predictions of filling wall pressures
RJ Goodey, CJ Brown, JM Rotter
Engineering Structures 132, 61-69, 2017
Apparatus for centrifuge modelling of twin-tunnel construction
S Divall, RJ Goodey
International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 12 (3), 102-111, 2012
Ground movements generated by sequential twin-tunnelling in over-consolidated clay
S Divall, RJ Goodey, RN Taylor
Delft-online publication by TU Delft Library, 2012
An investigation of the use of a bearing plate to enhance the lateral capacity of monopile foundations
KJL Stone, TA Newson, M El Marassi, H El Naggar, RN Taylor, ...
Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics II, 641-646, 2010
Twin-tunnelling-induced changes to clay stiffnesses
S Divall, RJ Goodey, SE Stallebrass
Géotechnique, 2017
Subsurface ground movements due to circular shaft construction
BT Le, RJ Goodey, S Divall
Soils and Foundations, 2019
Explanation for twin tunnelling-induced surface settlements by changes in soil stiffness on account of stress history
T Zhang, RN Taylor, S Divall, G Zheng, J Sun, SE Stallebrass, RJ Goodey
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 85, 160-169, 2019
System to measure three-dimensional movements in physical models
BT Le, S Nadimi, RJ Goodey, RN Taylor
Géotechnique Letters 6 (4), 1-7, 2016
Some practical features in modelling silos with finite elements
E Gallego, RJ Goodey, F Ayuga, CJ Brown
2004 ASAE Annual Meeting, 1, 2004
Towards design rules for rectangular silo filling pressures
JM Rotter, RJ Goodey, CJ Brown
Engineering Structures 198, 109547, 2019
Apparatus for centrifuge modelling of top down basement construction with heave reducing piles
AM McNamara, RJ Goodey, RN Taylor
International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 9 (1), 01-14, 2009
Rectangular silos; Interaction of structure and stored bulk solid
RJ Goodey
Brunel University School of Engineering and Design PhD Theses, 2002
Design and development of a large shear box for testing working platform material
G Tanghetti, RJ Goodey, S Divall, AM McNamara, B Mckinley
Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Volume 2: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (ICPMG 2018), July 17-20, 2018, London, United …
A McNamara, S Divall, R Goodey, N Taylor, S Stallebrass, J Panchal
CRC Press, 2018
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