Kemal Nazaruddin Siregar
Kemal Nazaruddin Siregar
Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia
在 ui.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
On the road to universal health care in Indonesia, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016
N Mboi, IM Surbakti, I Trihandini, I Elyazar, KH Smith, PB Ali, S Kosen, ...
The Lancet 392 (10147), 581-591, 2018
Analisis sebaran tenaga kesehatan puskesmas di indonesia berdasarkan peraturan menteri kesehatan nomor 75 Tahun 2014 tentang Puskesmas
YS Romadhona, KN Siregar
Jurnal Kesehatan Manarang 4 (2), 2018
Incidence and social-psychological aspects of abortion in Indonesia: a community-based survey in 10 major cities and 6 districts, year 2000
B Utomo, A Habsjah, V Hakim
Jakarta: Center for Health Research University of Indonesia, 2001
Hubungan Kondisi Psikologis Stress dengan Hipertensi pada Penduduk Usia Diatas 15 Tahun di Indonesia
A Delavera, T Eryando, R Jazid, KN Siregar
Bikfokes, 148-159, 2021
Hubungan Aktivitas Fisik dengan Diabetes Melitus pada Wanita Usia 20-25 di DKI Jakarta (Analisis Data Posbindu PTM 2019)
NF Ramadhani, KN Siregar, V Adrian, IR Sari, HG Hikmahrachim
Jurnal Biostatistik, Kependudukan, Dan Informatika Kesehatan 2 (2), 72-78, 2022
The hidden dimension: Sexuality and responding to the threat of HIV/AIDS in South Sulawesi, Indonesia
N Ford, K Siregar, R Ngatimin, A Maidin
Health & Place 3 (4), 249-258, 1997
Dampak Keterlambatan Pembayaran Klaim Bpjs Kesehatan Terhadap Mutu Pelayanan Rumah Sakit Islam Jakarta Sukapura
D Anyaprita, KN Siregar, B Hartono, M Fachri, F Ariyanti
Muhammadiyah Public Health Journal 1 (1), 2020
Stroke management cost: review in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore
HR Wijaya, E Supriyanto, MIM Salim, KN Siregar, T Eryando
AIP conference proceedings 2092 (1), 2019
Prevention of HIV transmission from mother to child: challenges to the successful program implementation and practice in Indonesia
KN Siregar, L Hanifah, Rikawarastuti, L Wahyuniar
Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (JIAPAC …, 2021
Analisis Sentimen pada Twitter terhadap Penggunaan Antibiotik Di Indonesia Dengan Naive Bayes Classifier
O Dwiraswati, KN Siregar
Media Inf 15 (1), 1-9, 2019
Study report incidence and social-psychological aspects of abortion in Indonesia: A community-based survey in 10 major cities and 6 districts
B Utomo, V Hakim, AH Habsyah, LT Irwanto, DN Wirawan, S Jatiputra, ...
Depok, Indonesia: University of Indonesia Centre for Health Research, 2000
Operationalizing the new concept of sexual and reproductive health in Indonesia
NJ Ford, KN Siregar
International Journal of Population Geography 4 (1), 11-30, 1998
Covid-19 in indonesia: Is there a shift from pandemic to endemic?
L Hanifah, KN Siregar
Kesmas 17 (5), 4-10, 2022
Improving access to PMTCT services via a novel implementation model: organizational support, health education, and HIV testing at the community level of West Java, Indonesia
D Purnamawati, R Djuwita, K Siregar, S Kamso, B Utomo, H Pratomo, ...
International Journal of Health Promotion and Education 58 (5), 282-292, 2020
Peran Personal Health Record (PHR) dalam Pengelolaan Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2
BN Srimayarti, KN Siregar, M Rahmaniati
Jurnal Manajemen Kesehatan Yayasan RS. Dr. Soetomo 5 (1), 68-83, 2019
Spatial analysis of stunting determinants in 514 Indonesian districts/cities: Implications for intervention and setting of priority
T Eryando, T Sipahutar, MP Budhiharsana, KN Siregar, MN Aidi, DM Utari, ...
Geospatial health 17 (1), 2022
Pengetahuan tentang HIV/AIDS dan Diskriminasi terhadap Orang dengan HIV/AIDS pada Wanita Usia Subur di Indonesia
NKN Suryani, KN Siregar
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan 20 (3), 16-22, 2021
Finding stunting hotspot areas in seven major islands using spatial analysis: For the acceleration of stunting prevention in indonesia
T Sipahutar, T Eryando, MP Budhiharsana, KN Siregar, MN Aidi, Minarto, ...
medRxiv, 2021.03. 31.21254736, 2021
Transition Toward Degenerative Diseases in Indonesia
S Soemantri, K Siregar
National Household Health Survey Series, 1993
Mobile application development for improving medication safety in tuberculosis patients: A quasi-experimental study protocol
E Wijayanti, A Bachtiar, A Achadi, UA Rachmawati, AC Sjaaf, T Eryando, ...
Plos one 17 (9), e0272616, 2022
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