Fatiha Nmira
Fatiha Nmira
EDF Lab Chatou
在 edf.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
Experimental and numerical study of the effects of the oxygen index on the radiation characteristics of laminar coflow diffusion flames
A Fuentes, R Henríquez, F Nmira, F Liu, JL Consalvi
Combustion and flame 160 (4), 786-795, 2013
A numerical study of water mist mitigation of tunnel fires
F Nmira, JL Consalvi, A Kaiss, AC Fernandez-Pello, B Porterie
Fire safety journal 44 (2), 198-211, 2009
Simulating wildfire patterns using a small-world network model
JK Adou, Y Billaud, DA Brou, JP Clerc, JL Consalvi, A Fuentes, A Kaiss, ...
Ecological Modelling 221 (11), 1463-1471, 2010
Influence of thermal radiation on soot production in laminar axisymmetric diffusion flames
R Demarco, F Nmira, JL Consalvi
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 120, 52-69, 2013
Large Eddy Simulation of medium-scale methanol pool fires-effects of pool boundary conditions
L Ma, F Nmira, JL Consalvi
Combustion and Flame 222, 336-354, 2020
Assessment of engineering gas radiative property models in high pressure turbulent jet diffusion flames
JL Consalvi, F André, FR Coelho, FHR Franca, F Nmira, M Galtier, ...
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 253, 107169, 2020
Simulations of sooting turbulent jet flames using a hybrid flamelet/stochastic Eulerian field method
JL Consalvi, F Nmira, D Burot
Combustion Theory and Modelling 20 (2), 221-257, 2016
Transported scalar PDF modeling of oxygen-enriched turbulent jet diffusion flames: Soot production and radiative heat transfer
JL Consalvi, F Nmira
Fuel 178, 37-48, 2016
Numerical study of wind effects on the characteristics of flames from non-propagating vegetation fires
F Nmira, JL Consalvi, P Boulet, B Porterie
Fire Safety Journal 45 (2), 129-141, 2010
Absorption turbulence-radiation interactions in sooting turbulent jet flames
JL Consalvi, F Nmira
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 201, 1-9, 2017
On the modeling of the filtered radiative transfer equation in large eddy simulations of lab-scale sooting turbulent diffusion flames
JL Consalvi, F Nmira, W Kong
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 221, 51-60, 2018
Numerical study of piloted ignition of forest fuel layer
JL Consalvi, F Nmira, A Fuentes, P Mindykowski, B Porterie
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33 (2), 2641-2648, 2011
Predicting fire suppression efficiency using polydisperse water sprays
F Nmira, A Kaiss, JL Consalvi, B Porterie
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 53 (2), 132-156, 2007
Effects of soot absorption coefficient–Planck function correlation on radiative heat transfer in oxygen-enriched propane turbulent diffusion flame
JL Consalvi, F Nmira
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 172, 50-57, 2016
Assessment of semi-empirical soot production models in C1–C3 axisymmetric laminar diffusion flames
F Nmira, JL Consalvi, R Demarco, L Gay
Fire Safety Journal 73, 76-90, 2015
Assessment of subfilter-scale turbulence-radiation interaction in non-luminous pool fires
F Nmira, L Ma, JL Consalvi
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (3), 4927-4934, 2021
Modeling of large-scale under-expanded hydrogen jet fires
JL Consalvi, F Nmira
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (3), 3943-3950, 2019
MAGIC and Code_Saturne developments and simulations for mechanically ventilated compartment fires
L Gay, B Sapa, F Nmira
Fire safety journal 62, 161-173, 2013
The importance of accurately modelling soot and radiation coupling in laminar and laboratory-scale turbulent diffusion flames
F Liu, JL Consalvi, F Nmira
Combustion and Flame 258, 112573, 2023
Local contributions of resolved and subgrid turbulence-radiation interaction in LES/presumed FDF modelling of large-scale methanol pool fires
F Nmira, JL Consalvi
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 190, 122746, 2022
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