The impact of enhancing students’ social and emotional learning: A meta‐analysis of school‐based universal interventions JA Durlak, RP Weissberg, AB Dymnicki, RD Taylor, KB Schellinger Child development 82 (1), 405-432, 2011 | 12720 | 2011 |
The Positive Impact of Social and Emotional Learning for Kindergarten to Eighth-Grade Students: Findings from Three Scientific Reviews. Technical Report. J Payton, RP Weissberg, JA Durlak, AB Dymnicki, RD Taylor, ... Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (NJ1), 2008 | 1646 | 2008 |
A meta-analysis of the impact of service-learning on students CI Celio, J Durlak, A Dymnicki Journal of experiential education 34 (2), 164-181, 2011 | 1146 | 2011 |
Advancing the science and practice of social and emotional learning: Looking back and moving forward D Osher, Y Kidron, M Brackett, A Dymnicki, S Jones, RP Weissberg Review of Research in Education 40 (1), 644-681, 2016 | 486 | 2016 |
Effects of positive youth development programs on school, family, and community systems JA Durlak, RD Taylor, K Kawashima, MK Pachan, EP DuPre, CI Celio, ... American journal of community psychology 39, 269-286, 2007 | 361 | 2007 |
Improving College and Career Readiness by Incorporating Social and Emotional Learning. A Dymnicki, M Sambolt, Y Kidron College and Career Readiness and Success Center, 2013 | 184 | 2013 |
Clustering methods with qualitative data: a mixed-methods approach for prevention research with small samples D Henry, AB Dymnicki, N Mohatt, J Allen, JG Kelly Prevention science 16, 1007-1016, 2015 | 144 | 2015 |
Influence of school-level variables on aggression and associated attitudes of middle school students DB Henry, AD Farrell, ME Schoeny, PH Tolan, AB Dymnicki Journal of school psychology 49 (5), 481-503, 2011 | 127 | 2011 |
Enhancing students’ social and emotional development promotes success in school: Results of a meta-analysis JA Durlak, RP Weissberg, AB Dymnicki, RD Taylor, KB Schellinger Child development 82 (1), 405-432, 2011 | 96 | 2011 |
Building schools’ readiness to implement a comprehensive approach to school safety B Kingston, SA Mattson, A Dymnicki, E Spier, M Fitzgerald, K Shipman, ... Clinical child and family psychology review 21, 433-449, 2018 | 80 | 2018 |
Empirical Evidence of Social and Emotional Learning's Influence on School Success: A Commentary on “Building Academic Success on Social and Emotional Learning: What Does the … RD Taylor, AB Dymnicki Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation 17 (2-3), 225-231, 2007 | 78 | 2007 |
Understanding how programs work to prevent overt aggressive behaviors: A meta-analysis of mediators of elementary school–based programs AB Dymnicki, RP Weissberg, DB Henry Journal of School Violence 10 (4), 315-337, 2011 | 53 | 2011 |
Trajectories of multiple adolescent health risk behaviors in a low-income African American population B Mustanski, GR Byck, A Dymnicki, E Sterrett, D Henry, J Bolland Development and psychopathology 25 (4pt1), 1155-1169, 2013 | 41 | 2013 |
Predictors of co-occurring risk behavior trajectories among economically disadvantaged African-American youth: Contextual and individual factors EM Sterrett, AB Dymnicki, D Henry, GR Byck, J Bolland, B Mustanski Journal of Adolescent Health 55 (3), 380-387, 2014 | 28 | 2014 |
Use of clustering methods to understand more about the case AB Dymnicki, DB Henry Methodological Innovations Online 6 (2), 6-26, 2011 | 25 | 2011 |
Adolescent development for students with learning disabilities and behavioral disorders: The promise of social emotional learning AB Dymnicki, KT Kendziora, DM Osher Classroom behavior, contexts, and interventions, 131-166, 2012 | 23 | 2012 |
Bringing interventions to scale: Implications and challenges for the field of community psychology. AB Dymnicki, AH Wandersman, DM Osher, A Pakstis American Psychological Association, 2017 | 22 | 2017 |
Middle school students overestimate normative support for aggression and underestimate normative support for nonviolent problem‐solving strategies DB Henry, AB Dymnicki, ME Schoeny, AL Meyer, NC Martin, ... Journal of Applied Social Psychology 43 (2), 433-445, 2013 | 19 | 2013 |
Advancing the use of core components of effective programs: Suggestions for researchers publishing evaluation results A Dymnicki, L Trivits, C Hoffman, D Osher Office of Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, US Department of …, 2020 | 17 | 2020 |
Moderating effects of school climate on outcomes for the multisite violence prevention project universal program AB Dymnicki, Multisite Violence Prevention Project Journal of research on Adolescence 24 (2), 383-398, 2014 | 17 | 2014 |