Seppo J. Laukka
Seppo J. Laukka
Adjuct professor, University of Oulu, Learning Research Laboratory (LearnLab)
在 oulu.fi 的电子邮件经过验证
Frontal midline theta related to learning in a simulated driving task
SJ Laukka, T Järvilehto, YI Alexandrov, J Lindqvist
Biological psychology 40 (3), 313-320, 1995
The effect of age on attentional modulation in dichotic listening
F Takio, M Koivisto, L Jokiranta, F Rashid, J Kallio, T Tuominen, ...
Developmental Neuropsychology 34 (3), 225-239, 2009
A subset of cingulate cortical neurones is specifically activated during alcohol‐acquisition behaviour
YI Alexandrov, YV Grinchenko, DG Shevchenko, RG Averkin, VN Matz, ...
Acta physiologica scandinavica 171 (1), 87-97, 2001
Effect of ethanol on hippocampal neurons depends on their behavioural specialization
YI Alexandrov, YV Grinchenko, S Laukka, T Järvilehto, VN Maz, ...
Acta physiologica scandinavica 149 (1), 105-115, 1993
Acute effect of ethanol on the pattern of behavioral specialization of neurons in the limbic cortex of the freely moving rabbit
YI Alexandrov, YV Grinchenko, S Laukka
Acta Physiol Scand 140, 257-268, 1990
Acute effect of ethanol on the pattern of behavioral specialization of neurons in the limbic cortex of the freely moving rabbit
YI Alexandrov, YV Grinchenko, S Laukka
Acta Physiol Scand 140, 257-268, 1990
Teachers’ principles of decision-making and classroom management; a case study and a new observation method
E Aho, HL Haverinen, H Juuso, SJ Laukka, A Sutinen
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 9, 395-402, 2010
Predicting the valence of a scene from observers’ eye movements
H R.-Tavakoli, A Atyabi, A Rantanen, SJ Laukka, S Nefti-Meziani, ...
PloS one 10 (9), e0138198, 2015
Multimodal emotion recognition by combining physiological signals and facial expressions: a preliminary study
J Kortelainen, S Tiinanen, X Huang, X Li, S Laukka, M Pietikäinen, ...
2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2012
Acute effects of alcohol on unit activity in the motor cortex of freely moving rabbits: comparison with the limbic cortex
YI Alexandrov, YV Grinchenko, S Laukka, T Jarvilehto, VN Maz
Acta physiologica scandinavica 142 (3), 429-435, 1991
Visual rightward spatial bias varies as a function of age
F Takio, M Koivisto, T Tuominen, SJ Laukka, H Hämäläinen
Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition 18 (1), 44-67, 2013
How young adults with autism spectrum disorder watch and interpret pragmatically complex scenes
L Lönnqvist, S Loukusa, T Hurtig, L Mäkinen, A Siipo, E Väyrynen, P Palo, ...
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 70 (11), 2331-2346, 2017
Auditory rightward spatial bias varies as a function of age
F Takio, M Koivisto, SJ Laukka, H Hämäläinen
Developmental Neuropsychology 36 (3), 367-387, 2011
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) reflecting from oral reports of negative experience
A Rantanen, SJ Laukka, M Lehtihalmes, T Seppänen
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 5, 483-487, 2010
Transfer of simple task learning is different in approach and withdrawal contexts
AA Sozinov, SJ Laukka, T Tuominen, A Siipo, M Nopanen, YI Alexandrov
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 69, 449-457, 2012
The prerequisites of prosocial behavior in human ontogeny
MS Irina, AS Alexey, JL Seppo, IA Yuri
International journal of cognitive research in science, engineering and …, 2017
MORE–a multimodal observation and analysis system for social interaction research
A Keskinarkaus, S Huttunen, A Siipo, J Holappa, M Laszlo, I Juuso, ...
Multimedia Tools and Applications 75, 6321-6345, 2016
The effect of ethanol on the neuronal subserving of behavior in the hippocampus
YI Alexandrov, YV Grinchenko, DG Shevchenko, RG Averkin, VN Matz, ...
Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science 3 (01), 107, 2013
Cross-cultural difference of transfer effect during learning in approach and withdrawal situations
AA Sozinov, SJ Laukka, LA Glavinskaya, IA Moiseev, YI Alexandrov
Мат-лы Междунар. науч. конф.«Физиология развития человека»(Москва, 22—24 …, 2009
Neuronal subserving of behavior before and after chronic ethanol treatment
YI Alexandrov, YV Grinchenko, MV Bodunov, VN Matz, AV Korpusova, ...
Alcohol 22 (2), 97-106, 2000
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