Christina WY Wong
The contingency effects of environmental uncertainty on the relationship between supply chain integration and operational performance
CY Wong, S Boon-Itt, CWY Wong
Journal of Operations management 29 (6), 604-615, 2011
Green logistics management and performance: Some empirical evidence from Chinese manufacturing exporters
K Lai, CWY Wong
Omega 40 (3), 267-282, 2012
Green operations and the moderating role of environmental management capability of suppliers on manufacturing firm performance
CWY Wong, K Lai, KC Shang, CS Lu, TKP Leung
International journal of production economics 140 (1), 283-294, 2012
The consumption side of sustainable fashion supply chain: Understanding fashion consumer eco‐fashion consumption decision
T Chan, CWY Wong
Journal of fashion marketing and management: an international journal 16 (2 …, 2012
Relational stability and alliance performance in supply chain
J Yang, J Wang, CWY Wong, KH Lai
Omega 36 (4), 600-608, 2008
Value of information integration to supply chain management: roles of internal and external contingencies
CWY Wong, K Lai, TCE Cheng
Journal of Management Information Systems 28 (3), 161-200, 2011
Green shipping practices in the shipping industry: Conceptualization, adoption, and implications
KH Lai, VYH Lun, CWY Wong, TCE Cheng
Resources, conservation and recycling 55 (6), 631-638, 2011
Integrating environmental management into supply chains: a systematic literature review and theoretical framework
CY Wong, CWY Wong, S Boon-Itt
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 45 (1 …, 2015
The combined effects of internal and external supply chain integration on product innovation
CWY Wong, CY Wong, S Boon-Itt
International Journal of Production Economics 146 (2), 566-574, 2013
Knowledge sharing among green fashion communities online: Lessons for the sustainable supply chain
MC Cervellon, AS Wernerfelt
Journal of fashion marketing and management: An international journal 16 (2 …, 2012
How does visual merchandising affect consumer affective response? An intimate apparel experience
D Law, C Wong, J Yip
European Journal of marketing 46 (1/2), 112-133, 2012
Institutional isomorphism and the adoption of information technology for supply chain management
K Lai, CWY Wong, TCE Cheng
Computers in Industry 57 (1), 93-98, 2006
Effects of green supply chain integration and green innovation on environmental and cost performance
CY Wong, CWY Wong, S Boon-itt
International Journal of Production Research 58 (15), 4589-4609, 2020
Supply chain and external conditions under which supply chain resilience pays: An organizational information processing theorization
CWY Wong, TC Lirn, CC Yang, KC Shang
International Journal of Production Economics 226, 107610, 2020
Contemporary corporate eco-innovation research: A systematic review
F He, X Miao, CWY Wong, S Lee
Journal of Cleaner Production 174, 502-526, 2018
The performance of contingencies of supply chain information integration: The roles of product and market complexity
CWY Wong, K Lai, EWN Bernroider
International Journal of Production Economics 165, 1-11, 2015
Did reverse logistics practices hit the triple bottom line of Chinese manufacturers?
K Lai, SJ Wu, CWY Wong
International journal of production economics 146 (1), 106-117, 2013
The role of IT-enabled collaborative decision making in inter-organizational information integration to improve customer service performance
CWY Wong, K Lai, TCE Cheng, YHV Lun
International Journal of Production Economics 159, 56-65, 2015
Corporate social responsibility in the apparel industry: An exploration of Indian consumers’ perceptions and expectations
M Gupta, N Hodges
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal 16 (2 …, 2012
New graduate nurses’ clinical competence, clinical stress, and intention to leave: A longitudinal study in Taiwan
CY Cheng, HM Tsai, CH Chang, SR Liou
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (1), 748389, 2014
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